Business the plan as strategic object of the company
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tive functioning of an enterprise there is a necessity to know exactly about all resources: material, labor, intellectual, financial. It is important to provide sources for their extraction, how to reveal resource efficiency in the enterprises operation. Extensive experience of kazakhstanian and foreign companies shows that the underestimation of planning activities of the business or its incompetent implementation lead to huge economic losses.planning provides many benefits. Particularly:
induces carefully examined prospects for business development;
makes precisely define business goals and the ways to achieve them;
identifies key business indicators required for further evaluation and controlling of results;
makes the company more prepared for sudden changes in market conditions;
allows to create clear coordination of all efforts to achieve organizational goalsactivity helps to solve the main task of any business - to achieve the maximum profit at minimum costs - identifying the most profitable sources of funding and rational direction of spending, providing a stable position of the enterprise in the market.Plan - is a document which describes the main sections of the development of an enterprise in a competitive market, taking into account debt and equity funding sources, material and human capabilities and supposed risks that may arise during the implementation of different business projects.plan helps to solve practically all main problems that stumble upon when creating a business:
identify specific directions of business, its target markets and position in these markets;
recognize the correspondence of existing staff at the enterprise and the conditions that motivate its labor requirements;
formulate long-term and short-term business objectives, strategies and tactics for achieving them and identify special persons responsible for applying the target;
lock stock and indices of goods and services to be offered to consumers, to estimate the corresponding production and trade costs
define a system of marketing activities for market research, advertising, sales promotion, pricing, distribution channels, etc.;
optimize an organizing management structure;
estimate the financial position of the company, the existing financial and material resources, the possibility of achieving set goals;
identify the difficulties that can interfere with the implementation of the business plan and outline measures to deal with them.a result, business plan - is economically-based analytical document that shows the reality of the planned business. In this case, the extent of planning can be different: the development of organizations, activities, new products, a new wage system, etc. It provides the strategic and tactical challenges facing the enterprise, regardless of their functional direction, including: organizational, managerial, financial and economic assessment of the state enterprises, the identification of potential business opportunities, analyzing strengths and weaknesses of the parties, the formation of investment objectives for the planned plan is complex management tool. It provides the strategic and tactical challenges facing the enterprise, regardless of its functional orientation, including: organizational, managerial, and financial and economic assessment of the state enterprises, the identification of potential business opportunities, analyzing strengths and weaknesses of the parties, the formation of investment objectives for the planning plan demonstrates the general and specific elements of enterprise operating under market conditions, the choice of strategy and tactics of the competition assessment of financial, material and labor resources needed to achieve the objectives of the enterprise.plan provides an objective idea about the possibilities of production development, ways of promoting goods to market, prices, potential profits, the major financial and economic results of the company, reveals the danger zone, suggests ways to their solutions. Such kind of plan is used, independently of the scope, size, type of ownership, organizational and legal form of company. Either internal problems related to the enterprise management can find its solution in business plan or external, due in particular, relations with other firms and the business plan an opportunity appears to look at the work of the enterprise as if from the outside. All the activities of the company are represented by two components: current and future. This is because the forms, methods, approaches to these two activities of the company are significantly different, as outlined in the following Table 1.
Table 1 - Activities of the company
Current activities of the companyFuture activities of the companyPlanning and budgetingBusiness plan developmentQuality improvingBusiness processes reengineeringPlans fulfillingProjects fulfillmentDepartmental employeesSpecial groups and teamsDoes not include organizational changesConnected with organizational changes
1.3 Objectives and functions of business planning
Business plan became a fundamentally new document to the Kazakhstan economy. The main goal of its development is planning in order to support the economic activity on a nearest and more late periods in accordance with market needs and the availability of necessary resources. Other purposes are:
definition the viability and future sustainability of the enterprise, reducing business risk with the use of business plan;
specification of business prospects in the form of quantitative and qualitative indicators;
security of foreign investments.plan takes into account not only the internal goals of the enterprise, but also the external goals of parties interested in participating. They are mainly investors. Business plan is a document that allows to assess the feasibility investments funds (capital) in the drafting. Substantiated business plan is the qualitative and quantitative guidance for both the entrepreneur and for its partners and lenders. Many banks even do not talk about loan terms without having a business plan. More widely spread became the requirements of foreign investors to provide estimates of the financial plan with the help of a licensed UNIDO [1] packages - COMFAR [2] and PROPSPIN [3], rely on Appendix 2. Except investors, interested parties may be potential customers and suppliers of the firm. In nowadays practice, the business plan has the following functions:
serves as the basis for developing strategies and tactics of business;
allows the formation and implementation of planned programs to assess the potential for new activities, to monitor the processes that take place in the business;
attracts external funds for business development or re-engineering;
attracts partners who are capable to invest own capital or the technology available to them.plan as an integral part of the planning system in the enterprise, is it a separate part and is not limited to any one type of planning. Nevertheless, it is still characterized by sufficiently stable characteristics in accordance with the challenges ahead:
business plan can not include the whole range of common goals of the company, but only one of them, one that is associated with the investment process (internal or external). Business plan - it is always investment (development). No investment - there can be no business plan (as opposed to other types of planning, such as strategic);
in contrast to the strategic and tactical plan, business plan has clearly defined time frame, after which certain plan goals and objectives must be met;
in business plan functional components (marketing plan, production plan, etc.) in contrast to all other types of plans are full and equal parts of the structure.the business plan is nothing more than a development plan with a distinctive objectives, none of the other types of plans can replace the business planning process. At the same time, the business plan is subject to the common terminal of business plans and complies with the general principles of planning.prepared and composed business plan offers the prospect of its development, that is responsible for the most important question: whether to invest energy and resources into this business, whether it will bring a profit, which will pay all costs.on the purpose of preparing a business plan (as a plan investment feasibility study, financial partners, to attract partners, contracts, personnel) sections can be developed with varying degrees of detail. When a plan requires less volume study, part of the sections may be absent. When the plan will be developed in full volume there must be conducted a wide marketing research, and the plan itself must include all documents used in its development.
.4 Methodology of developing a business plan
business and academic literature there is no distinct methodological approach to the content and structure of the business plan. This is due to a variety of possible goals addressed to be resolved by a developed business plan.general the structure of the business plan is determined by the specific type of activity, firm size, in order to develop a business plan, which must be complied with, such as small businesses seeking to lease equipment. Federal Service for Insolvency and financial recovery of enterprises developed typical structure of a business plan, which must have the following information: a general overview of the enterprise, brief information on the financial recovery plan, financial analysis of enterprises, measures to restore the solvency and support effective economic activities, market competition, marketing a