Business the plan as strategic object of the company

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ctivities, manufacturing, financial plan., the larger the organization, the more complex its financial activities, the more reasonable should be developed sections of the plan, respectively, the business plan for small businesses on the composition, structure and volume can be much easier. Later, in practical part of this course paper, obvious example of implementing business plan in large organization - bank, will be provided.composition and structure of the business plan also depends on the size of the proposed market, the presence of competitors and the growth prospects of an enterprise, since the larger the market, the greater the number of its segments must be considered, but with a large number of competitors is required to study the largest of them, their goods and services and, therefore, the complication of the business plan. Especially important for enterprise market segments or the most important competitors for closer examination may be carried in a special section of the plan., in Kazakhstan market the UNIDO development as one of the western methods is best known for developing countries to prepare industrial feasibility studies and its electronic version COMFAR. In addition, the popular development of Tacis - EU program, developed for the CIS countries (plus Mongolia) to subsidize the purchase of modern technology, as well as some others.can distinguish the basis of all the above methods of business plans. This basis has the following sections:

the financial plan;

the marketing plan;

the system of production.sections are linked by organizational plan (a specific scheme of the project), with corresponding calculation of risks and the allocation of compensatory measures. Particularly these key sections have laid the fundamental element of the Kazakhstan standards of forming business plans., on the basis of these methods appeared the text templates for writing a business plan. Such a pattern in the development of a business plan acquires the corrected information, calculations, tables and graphs. Thus, achieving maximum simplification of the work on the textual part of the business plan serves as a mean of effective advertising for prospective investors and partners. Therefore, it must be written on business language, understandable to financiers, bankers, and business partners. Quantitative information that characterizes parts of the business plan should be clear and capacious, but at the same time, relatively brief. The volume of business plan depends on the purpose (the project), but the main thing - it must specifically describe ultimate goal, and all the activities, as a result of which will ensure the achievement of goals. Typically, a business plan is developed for a few (3-5) years, but for the first year it should be specific planning documents.key section on the basis of the main goals of the business plan is always a financial plan. Accumulating information from other sections, the financial plan provides an answer to the most important question - what you need to invest and what returns, because entrepreneurship is like work at your own risk for profit.

1.5 Structure of business plan

The business plan as the document is endowed with specific, inherent features, but it will wrong to talk about it as a document with a strictly specified parameters. There is no clear regulation for the structure of the business plan. However, there are a number of points that are essential and without which the business plan cannot play the role entrusted to it: it's sections, covering ideas, business goals, product-specific company, determining the structure of the future of the enterprise, its financial projections and prospects, offering a specific strategy firm behavior in real market conditions. Thus, when creating own business, entrepreneur should prepare a business plan with the desired consideration of the following points:

.Company profile - this provides a description of the company and of its activities from its establishment to the present day;

.Market and competition analysis - here is a general depiction of the market in which the company functions and a detailed description of its competitors. The market depiction will include a description of the size of the market and the trends within it (both technological and financial), the market segmentation, the problems that exist in the market, the main competitors, barriers to entering the market, and potential customers. This section of the business plan should contain the results of detailed primary and secondary research conducted by the company;

.Vision and strategy - in this part, the company should identify its vision and its strategy for realizing it;

.Product/service description - this part focuses on the solution offered by the company, including a detailed description of the product and the technology, the company's intellectual property, competing products, and why the product is superior to them;

.Development plan - describes the whole development process, the present development status of each product and service, and the scope of the development team and budget;

.Operating plan - describes the company's organizational structure, such as the structure of the production system, the costs of labor and materials, logistics and service;plan - this part describes the company needs to specify, among other things, its objectives with respect to each segment of the target markets, the existing and planned marketing channels, the pricing of the products for distributors and the structure of their remuneration, the advertising plan, and the incentives to be given to customers;

.Management and ownership -this part is about the management team, including brief resumes of the senior management. The structure of ownership of the company will also be described here.

.Financial forecasting - the forecasts need to be attended by full and detailed statements, and usually include the projected operating budget, projected financial statements, economic analyses, and sensitivity analyses (the projected effect of any change in the various parameters on the forecasted business results).

.Application - here will be found a specification of the expenses, table of comparison to competitors, full executives bios, letters from customers, and so on.most common documents that are included in the application:

technical products data;

executives forms;

organizational and other schemes;

results of audits;

consultants and experts opinions.

The next main step in building this course paper is considering written above theory on practice. As I have mentioned, the larger the organization the more obvious the necessity of business plan. In these terms I have chosen and fully investigated the bank structure, to show all importance of implementing business plan into its strategy.


.1 Business plan in the bank strategy

plan of the bank is connected with the future activities of the bank. It should cover all areas of work and all departments the bank. For the separate projects of the bank such as: branch office, the acquisition of a building, complex technical systems and so on, establish separate business plans (often in short form), which calculated the economic efficiency of the planned projects of the bank. It is necessary to understand that the bank can make expenditures appointed not only for economic benefits, but also for reducing risks, which, however, may also, in case of implementation result in additional costs of a bank or even a loss. For external projects, in which the bank is planning to take participation, the business plan is the basis for the development of schemes of financing the project, validate the extent and form of participation in the bank, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Organizational scheme of project financing

fact, in its submission, business plan is formulated, recorded and justified the bank's strategy for the next two (three) years. From the mentioned above it is obvious that it is impossible to write a business plan of the bank, not having a strategy. At the same time it is possible to formulate some strategic alternatives without having a business plan. The difference between a business plan for bank and strategic alternatives is that the business plan is a quantitative assessment of strategic alternatives, test potentials and effectiveness of their achievement, the calculation of the expected financial impact and formulate proposals for the selection of a strategic alternative. Bank's strategic options adopted by the owners and top managers is accepted as a strategy for the bank, and then work on its implementation organizes. The business plan of the bank should be present:

when creating a credit institution;

changing the form of a credit institution (non-bank credit institution - on a bank, or a bank - on a non-bank credit institutions);

when expanding the credit institution by acquiring additional licenses for banking operations;

when the reorganization in the form of merger, separation, transformation;

when the reorganization of credit institutions in the form of a this paper business plan of bank is an instrument for the next two(three) calendar years containing the planned program for credit institutions, including the parameters (indicators) and expected results of operations and allows the bank to assess:)the ability of the credit institution to provide financial stability to fulfill prudential activities and obligatory reserve requirements, regulatory requirements to ensure the interests of creditors a