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unior, a pretty 18-year-old who lived in the villageтАж She was a pleasant child, anxious to please and responsive to friendliness. (25,245).
19. He had reached that time of life when he would occasionally indulge in an idealized picture of a wife waiting at home, тАжa child who would be his stake in the future, someone to work for. (25,273). Он уже был в том возрасте, когда начинают мечтать о жене, которая бы ждала дома, тАжо ребенке, на которого возложит все свои надежды, для которого будет работать.
5. Субстантивный дериват Nмет. of N или Ns N
Метафоры нейтральной оценки.
1. He was a bean-pole of 6 feet, 3 inches. (40,158).
2. тАж watching the great ball of the sun rise out of the sea to stain the horizon and spread over the eastern sky the veins and arteries of the new day. (25,118).
Метафоры отрицательной оценки (пейоративные метафоры).
1. And in my opinion a wild beast is neither more nor less than what that old devil of a husband of hers is. (9,32).
2. When they asked him to have a luncheon with them which was cooked and served by a scarecrow of a woman whom they called Evie. (29,92).
3. What a white bloodless ghost of a woman! (9,169).
4. Ive hadem all including that pig of a husband of yours. (31,11.)
5. It had been a fairly commonplace murder, a henpecked husband at the end of his tether who had taken a hatchet to his virago of a wife. (25,34).
6. Препозитивные и постпозитивные метафоры-приложения
Метафоры нейтральной оценки.
1.And it wasnt only the absence of Susie, the heavily pregnant ghost in the opposite chair. (25,347). И дело не только в отсутствии Сьюзи, глубоко беременного призрака в соседнем кресле.
Метафоры отрицательной оценки (пейоративные метафоры).
1. I have life in my body, this dead tree. (43,304).
2. In recent weeks he had been visited by the nagging guilt of a duty unfulfilled, almost a spirit unpropitiated. (25,142).
3. I couldnt make myself touch him. But I didnt need to. I knew that he was dead. He looked very small, disjointed, a rag doll. (25,270).
4. And that poor devil, the Norfolk Whistler, hes not poetic either presumably. (25,270).
Метафоры положительной оценки (мелиоративные метафоры).
1. Wonderful hoe they know weather, these old salts. (9,224).
2. Perhaps Alex Mair should take her as a patron of his power station, a quasi-saint of rationality. (25,88). Возможно, Алексу Мэару и следовало взять её начальником на свою электростанцию, эту полубогиню рациональности.
3. Charles had visited his father last summer, a golden-bronzed, hefty-legged, sun-bleached giant. (25,138).
Структурно обособленная метафора широко представлена в речи в форме обращения или номинативного предложения. Nмет.
Обращение выполняет ряд функций: призывной (аппелятивной), идентифицирующей и оценочной. Таким образом, метафора в форме обращения выражает не только призыв к адресату и его идентификацию, но и его оценку со стороны субъекта оценки.
Метафоры нейтральной оценки.
1. She noticed at once they were not of very good quality, poor lamb, he had not been able to bring himself to spring to that. (29,33).
2. Poor lambтАж hes such a hell of a gentleman he doesnt know what to do about it. (29,93).
3. Control your tongue, poult. (40,35).
4. Trot along, chicks, and have your tea. (16,245). Идите дети, пейте чай.
5. Now it was late afternoon and the headland lay enriched by the mellow afternoon light, the sea, a wide expanse of wrinkled blue with a painters stroke of purple, laid on the horizon. (25,58).
6. And then, on the verge of sleep, she was crashing with him through the bushes of that dreadful wood. (25,108).
7. He said: тАЬThis is Hilary Robartss personnel file. тАжit merely gives the background information; age, places of education, degrees, careerтАж The dry bones of a life. (25,196).
8. It came out when were talking to one of the junior staff, a local girl who works at the establishment department. Chatty little thing. (25,258).
9. Pascoe, тАжwas working like a demented demon, his eyes white saucers in his blackened face, his arms and naked chest glistening with sweat. (25,353).
Метафоры отрицательной оценки (пейоративные метафоры).
1. I stood there and listened and out side the window there was another laugh. The city. The monster. (39,85).
2. You shut up your trap, you old cow, said Julia, who could be very vulgar when she chose. (29,83).
3. You rotten old eunuch, what do you know about love? (29,50).
4. You old cow. How dare you interfere with my private concerns? (29,176).
5. Pompous old ass. (23,81).
6. You filthy pig. (29,189).
7. You smug hypocritical swine! (4,117).
8. You damn crock. Damn crock. Goddamn crock. (21,51).
9. They killed a dame and tried to frame me for it. They are figuring us all for suckers and dont give a hand who gets hurt. The slobs. The miserable slobs. (39,29).
10. The pink white rat! Im looking for him. (22,178).
11. You devil, you swine, you filthy low-down cad. (29,48).
12. Monkey! Stop making faces. (19,23).
13. You men! You filthy dirty pigs. Youre all the same, all of you. Pigs! Pigs! (28,83).
14. You bloody rats! Youre nothing more. (1,341).
15. Silly old cow, she thought. (25,1).
16. Hes a man, not a force of nature. (25,151).
17. Rickards said: тАЬNeville Potter, aged 36. Scrawny little sod. (25,165).
18. He stood for a moment appalled: тАЬBut we werent! youre asking me to lie. This is a murder investigation. Its terribly dangerous to lie to the police, they always find out.тАЭ He knew what he must sound like, a frightened child, petulant, reluctant to take part in a dangerous game. (25,183).
19. He heard again his mother-in-laws voice: тАЬYes, a bit of a rough diamond, Im afraid, but hes really very ableтАж (25,275).
20. . She had been lying naked among the bottles, the pills, the half-eaten food, an obscene putrefying lump of fleshтАж (25,279).
21. тАЬBloody cheek!тАЭ complained Oliphant. (25,291). Вот наглец! - с досадой сказал Олифант.
22. Cold fish, wasnt he? (25,206).
23. Rickards said: тАЬArrogant bastard, isnt he? тАж No point in trying to explain anything to the police.тАЭ (25,300).
24. You bloody bitch! (25,339).
25. Dirty-minded little devil. (25,350).
Метафоры положительной оценки (мелиоративные метафоры).
1. Kitten, it sure does, and that I go for. (39,30).
2. Thats a new twist for you, rosebud.(39,33).
3. She looked so deliciously yielding, a ripe peach waiting to be picked, that it seemed inevitable that he should kiss her. (29,240).
4. Wonderful animal, the good servant. (9,219).
5. Sweet peg тАж my honey, my bunny, my duck, my dear! (1,40).
6. You know your ammunition, angel. (7,264).
7. Now sit down, duckie, and Ill give you a drop of Scotch to pull you together. (29,49).
8. Oh, my little duck! Stop crying. (30,59).
9. He remembered that secluded place тАж, at the bottom of the shrubbery, the green tunnel of leavesтАж (25,160).
10. He never thrives in kennels, do you, my treasure? (25,327).
2.4. Выводы.
Исследование аксиологического статуса метафоры приводит нас к следующим выводам:
1. В семантике метафор, подвергнутых анализу, представлены характерологический, кондициональный, экстернальный, социокультурный и демографический критерии оценки, причем первые три представлены наиболее широко.
2. В