. - No 1 (13 sept. 1797 = 27 fruct. an 7)-. - 11 1 (1958)- = 101 (1958)-. - 17 6 (1989)- = 130 (1989)- 3.3.7 When describing a serial that has ceased publication, the number and/or date of the last issue or part is given following the number and/or date of the first issue or part. If the number and/or date of the first issue or part is not known, only the number and/or date of the last issue or part is given.
Examples 3420. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1971)-vol. 5, no. 12 (Dec. 1975). - Bd. 1-Bd.. - 1936-. - 1971, no. 1 (Jan. 1971)-1975, no. 12 (Dec. 1975). - [19]85, 1-[19]93,. - Bd. 5 (1957/63)-Bd. 6 (1964/70). - Bd. 1, Nr. 1 (Frhling 1970)-Bd. 6, Nr. 3 (Winter 1975) = Nr. 1-Nr.. - -rg. 38, n:r 4 (26. mars 1892). - No 188 (22 oct. 1796 = 1er brum. an 5)-no 500 (4 sept. 1797 = 18 fruct. an 5). - No 1 (15 clinamen 77 E.P. [6 avr. 1950])-no 28 (1er absolu 85 E.P. [8 sept. 1957]) 3430. - Vol. 1, pt. 1 (Dec. 1989) Editorial comment: Only issue published.
. - 11 (84)-362 (302). - 1 (1988 7)-30 (1990 12) 3.3.8 When a serial adopts a new sequence of numbering but a new description is not required (see A.2.7), the numbering of the first sequence is given followed by the numbering of the new sequence.
3.3-ISBD Normally, the serial carries a designation, such as Уnew seriesФ, Уsecond seriesФ, etc., to indicate that a new sequence of numbering, not a new serial, is intended. The designation of the new sequence, if any, is given, followed by a comma and its numbering.
Examples 3440. - Bd. 1 (1962)-Bd. 6 (1967) ; n.F., Bd. 1 (1968)-. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1941)-vol. 4, no. 5 (May 1950) ; n.s., vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1950)-vol.
2, no. 12 (May 1952). - Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1950)-vol. 4, no. 5 (Aug. 1954) ; Dec. 1954-. - Vol. 1 (1921)-vol. 19 (1939) ; n.s., vol. 1 (1946)-vol. 30 (1975) ; vol. 50 (1976)-. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 23, 1936)-vol. 73, no. 25 (Dec. 29, 1972) ; vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct.
1978)-. - 31 Mar. 1961-26 Sept. 1969 ; year 1, no. 1 (1 Oct. 1969)-. - T. 12, 40/41 (jan./juil. 1962)-t. 27, 103 (dec. 1977) ; nuova serie, 1/2 (sett. 1978)-. - 1-v. 101 ; new ser., v. 1- 3450 3.3.9 In describing a facsimile reproduction or other photographic reproduction, the numbers and/or dates of the original serial are given.
3.3.10 No designation on first issue or part If the first issue or part of a serial is available but lacks any numbering, and subsequent issues or parts define a designation pattern, numbering is supplied for the first issue or part based on that pattern. If information about designations of subsequent issues or parts is not available, [No. 1]- (or its equivalent in the language of the title proper) or a chronological designation for the first issue or part is given as appropriate.
Examples. - [Pt. 1]- 3460 Editorial comment: Subsequent issues numbered Part 2, Part 3, etc.
. - [No. 1]-. - [1968]- Editorial comment: An annual report for which a chronological designation is more appropriate.
. - [1]-. - [1 ]- 3.3-ISBD 2010 4 PUBLICATION, PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION, ETC., AREA Introductory note The publication, production, distribution, etc., area includes the place of publication, production and/or distribution; the name of publisher, producer, and/or distributor; the date of publication, production, and/or 3470 distribution; the place of printing or manufacture; the name of printer or manufacturer; and the date of printing or manufacture. The elements are defined in the glossary.
The phrase Уpublication, production, distribution, etc.Ф is intended to cover all types of publication, production, distribution, issuing and release activities connected with resources. Area 4 is also used to record data connected with the physical manufacture of the resource, but these are distinguished from the publication, production, distribution, etc., activities, although both may be executed by the same person or body. When a person or body combines the activities of publication, production, distribution, etc., with those of physical manufacture or when it is uncertain whether the person or body is responsible for publication, production, distribution, etc., or for physical manufacture alone, the statement is treated as one relating to publication, production, distribution, etc.
3480 The modern functions of publisher, bookseller, printer and distributor are often undifferentiated in older monographic resources. Unless otherwise indicated, the terms Уplace of publication, production, and/or distributionФ and Уname of publisher, producer and/or distributorФ are used to refer to the location and name of a publisher, bookseller, printer or distributor.
Contents 4.1 Place of publication, production and/or distribution 4.2 Name of publisher, producer and/or distributor 4.3 Date of publication, production and/or distribution 4.4 Place of printing or manufacture 4.5 Name of printer or manufacturer 3490 4.6 Date of printing or manufacture Prescribed punctuation A. The publication, production, distribution, etc., area is preceded by a point, space, dash, space (. - ).
B. A second or subsequent place is preceded by a space, semicolon, space ( ; ), unless a linking word or phrase is given.
C. Each name is preceded by a space, colon, space ( : ) unless in the case of second or subsequent publishers, producers, distributors, etc., a linking word or phrase is given.
D. Parallel information is preceded by a space, equals sign, space ( = ).
E. The date is preceded by a comma, space (, ).
F. A hyphen (-) after the date of publication of the first issue or part or the first iteration of an integrating 3500 resource links this date to the date of the last issue or part or the last iteration of the resource, or indicates that the resource is continuing.
G. The place of printing or manufacture, name of the printer or manufacturer and date of printing or manufacture (for older monographic resources, when recorded as a statement distinct from the publishing 4-4 ISBD statement) are enclosed in one pair of parentheses ( ( ) ). Within the parentheses the same punctuation is used as in B, C and E.
Elements in this area can be repeated in any pattern that is appropriate to the resource being described.
Punctuation patterns. - Place of publication or production : name of publisher or producer, date. - Place of publication or production : name of publisher or producer ; place of 3510 publication or production : name of publisher or producer, date. - Place of publication or production ; place of publication or production : name of publisher or producer, date (place of printing or manufacture : name of printer or manufacturer, date). - Place of publication or production : name of publisher or producer, date ; place of distribution : name of distributor, date. - Place of publication or production ; place of publication or production : name of publisher or producer, date (place of printing or manufacture ; place of printing or manufacture : name of printer or manufacturer, date). - Place of publication or production = parallel statement of place of publication or 3520 production : name of publisher or producer, date. - Place of publication or production : name of publisher or producer = parallel statement of place of publication or production : parallel statement of name of publisher or producer, date. - Place of distribution : name of distributor, date (place of printing or manufacture : name of printer or manufacturer, date). - Place of publication or production : name of publisher or producer, date (place of printing or manufacture : name of printer or manufacturer). - Place of publication or production : name of publisher or producer : name of publisher or producer, date 3530. - Place of distribution : name of distributor, date. - Place of publication : name of publisher ; place of production : name of producer, date ; place of distribution : name of distributor, date Prescribed sources Information taken from a source other than one of the following prescribed sources is given in square brackets if it is recorded in this area. However, if the different elements of this area are present on different sources of information, it may be necessary to combine these elements from the different sources.
The preferred order of sources is:
For printed textual and notated music resources:
Title page, first page of music, other preliminaries, cover, colophon, the rest of the 3540 resource.
4-ISBD For older monographic resources:
Title page For cartographic resources, multimedia resources, sound recordings, videorecordings, still and moving images, and electronic resources:
The resource itself, container, accompanying material.
4-ISBD 2010 Place of publication, production and/or distribution Mandatory 4.1.1 The place of publication, production and/or distribution is the name of the place associated on 3550 the prescribed source of information with the name of the publisher, producer or distributor (see 4.2). If no publisher, producer or distributor is named, it is the place from which the resource was issued or distributed.
Examples. - London. - Baltimore. - Mосва 4.1.2 If the information appearing on the prescribed source of information is known to be incorrect, a correction may be supplied in square brackets (see A.8) and/or an explanation given in area 7 (see 7.4.1).
Examples 3560. - Dublin Note: Known to be published in Belfast. - Paris [i.e. Leiden] Editorial comment: Known to have been published in Leiden.
. - London [i.e. Agen] Note: Published at Agen or. - London Note: Published at Agen. - Tripilo [i.e. Dublin] 3570 Note: The place of publication is fictitious; identified by the Huntington Library as Dublin or. - Tripilo Note: The place of publication is fictitious; identified by the Huntington Library as Dublin. - Zippelzerbst gedruckt durch Flachslanden [i.e. Leipzig : Johann Heinrich Ellinger] Note: The place and publisher are fictitious; publisher identified by the publisherТs device (VD17 23:321271P) 4.1.3 When more than one place is associated with the name of a single publisher, producer or distributor, the place made more prominent by typography or, if there is no typographical distinction, the place name that appears first is given. If there is no typographical distinction and the places do not appear 3580 in sequence, the place considered most important to users of the catalogue is given.
For older monographic resources:
When there are two or more places of publication, production and/or distribution, and when the second and subsequent places are linguistically separate from the name of the 4.1-4 ISBD publisher, producer and/or distributor, all are recorded in the order indicated by the sequence in which they appear on the prescribed source.
Examples. - London ; York. - A Lausanne & se trouve Paris 4.1.4 A second or subsequent place may be given.
3590 Examples. - London ; Chicago. - Kln ; Paris. - Kbenhavn ; Oslo. - Barcelona ; Lisbon. - Berlin ; Kln ; Frankfurt am Main 4.1.5 When a second or subsequent place is omitted, the omission may be indicated by Уetc.Ф or its equivalent in another script, enclosed in square brackets (see also 4.2.4).
Examples. - Wien [etc.] 3600. - Москва [и др.]. - London ; New York ; Paris [etc.]. - Toronto [etc.] 4.1.6 When the names of more than one publisher or producer are given (see 4.2.3), the place of publication or production for each publisher or producer is given immediately before the name, unless it is the same as that of the first-named publisher or producer.
Examples. - New York : Columbia University ; Boston : Computer Research Institute. - Paris : Gallimard : Julliard 4.1.7 When both a publisher or producer and a distributor are given (see 4.2.5), the place of 3610 distribution is given if it differs from the place of publication or production.
Examples. - Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution ; New York : distributed by W.W. Norton. - Washington, D.C. : U.S. Bureau of the Census ; Rosslyn, Va. : distributed by DUALabs. - Boulder : East European Monographs ; New York : Columbia University Press [distributor] 4.1-ISBD 2010 The place of publication, production and/or distribution is given in the orthographic form and grammatical case in which it appears on the resource.
Examples 3620. - V Praze. - Frankfurt am Main. - Pestini. - Torino For older monographic resources:
Prepositions before the name of the place of publication, production and/or distribution are included, as are any accompanying words or phrases associated with the name of the place and not linguistically linked to the name, address or sign of the publisher, printer, etc.
Words or phrases that are so linked are transcribed with the name of the publisher, producer and/or distributor (see 4.2.6).
3630 Examples. - A Lyon. - In London. - Imprinted at London. - Impressum... Venetiis. - Nouvelleme[n]t i[m]primee a Paris. - London printed Editorial comment: Publication, production, distribution, etc., statement reads УLondon printed, in the year 1742Ф.
When the name of the place of publication, production and/or distribution is taken from 3640 within the name of the publisher, producer and/or distributor, it is enclosed in square brackets.
The place or places of publication, production and/or distribution appearing with the name of a publisher, producer and/or distributor are transcribed as part of the name of the publisher, producer and/or distributor and are also given, enclosed in square brackets, as the place or places of publication, production and/or distribution.
Examples. - [London] : sold by T. Richardson in London. - [Bresslaw] : bey Caspar Closemann, Buchhndlern in Bresslaw zubefinden 3650. - [London] : Philadelphia printed, London reprinted for C. Dilly When the name of the place appears in the text of both statements it is recorded in both places.
4.1-4 ISBD Example. - In Fiorenza : stampato in Fiorenza appresso Lorenzo Torrentino Note: Statement of printing taken from the colophon When an address or sign of the publisher, printer, etc., is given on the resource, but without the name of the town or district, the name of the town is supplied enclosed in square brackets as the place of publication, production and/or distribution, and the address or sign is included with or as the name of publisher, producer and/or distributor.
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