Examples : chez Augustin Courb : en casa de Guillielmo Roville : na officina de Antonio de Sousa da Sylva : par Ian de Tournes pour Antoine Vincent : l'enseigne de l'lphant : de l'imprimerie de Balleu, se trouve chez Marcilly [et chez] les 3930 marchands de nouveauts Note: The two distributor statements are bracketed together following "chez" : printed for J. Warner : printed for the editor, and sold by him : by the widowe of Jhon Mommart : printed for the executors of the late widow Kelly Qualifications such as Уprinter to the KingФ and addresses may be omitted. However, addresses are given when they aid in identifying, dating or localizing the resource.
4.1-ISBD 2010 4.2.Example 3940. - A Rouen : chez Jean Oursel, rue Ecuyere, vis--vis la rue du PetitPuits, lТImprimerie du Levant Insignificant information in the middle or at the end of the statement of publication, production, distribution, etc., may be omitted. Such omissions are indicated by the mark of omission.
4.2.7 When the name of the publisher, producer or distributor appears in full in area 1, either the full form may be repeated in area 4, or an abbreviated form may be given there. If a resource is privately printed, the person or body issuing the resource, whether a commercial publisher, a private press, or a person or body for whom the resource was printed, is given as the publisher.
Examples 3950. - London : H. Mackeson Statement of responsibility: by Henry Clive Mackeson. - [Paris] : CEDOCAR Statement of responsibility: Centre de documentation de l'armement. - Versailles : C.N.R.A.
Title proper: Liste des priodiques reus au Centre national des recherches agronomiques. - Krten : Stockhausen Statement of responsibility: Karlheinz Stockhausen. - Cleveland : Cleveland Health Museum 3960 Statement of responsibility: Cleveland Health Museum. - Qubec : O.L.F.
Statement of responsibility: Office de la langue franaise, Centre de terminologie. - Malden, MA : National Chemical Data Board Statement of responsibility: National Chemical Data Board. - [Philadelphia] : Institute for Scientific Information Statement of responsibility: Institute for Scientific Information. - [Seattle] : G.B. Schrier Statement of responsibility: by Gary B. Schrier Note: УPrivately printed limited editionФ 3970. - Bel Air, Md. : Jack L. Shagena Statement of responsibility: Jack L. Shagena Note: УPrivately printed by the authorФ For older monographic resources:
When the name of the publisher, producer and/or distributor appears only in another area and is recorded there, or is known from information outside the prescribed sources of information for this element (including outside the resource), it is given in the shortest convenient form enclosed in square brackets. When the information is taken from a source other than the title page, this source is recorded in area 7.
4.3-4 ISBD Examples 3980. - [Paris] : [Philippe Pigouchet pour Symon Vostre], [25 avril 1500] Editorial comment: Pigouchet's device is on the title page. The title reads: Ces presentes heures a lusaige du Mans fure[n]t acheuees lan Mil. cincq ce[n]s le xxv jour dapuril pour Symon Vostre...
. - [London] : [Francis Barlow], Editorial comment: End of title reads: illustrated with... sculptures by Francis Barlow and are to be sold at his house.
The name of the publisher, producer and/or distributor is neither abridged because it repeats information nor expanded because it omits information relating to an author as 3990 publisher.
Example. - Trykt udi London : af Frys, Couchman og Collier paa Forfatterens egen Bekostning Editorial comment: Printed by Frys, Couchman and Collier at the authorТs own cost; author is Ernst Wolff.
4.2.8 Incomplete name of publisher or producer When only the address, sign, or initials of the publisher, producer and/or distributor appears in lieu of the name, the address, sign, or initials are transcribed as the name of publisher, producer, and/or distributor. If the name of the publisher, producer and/or distributor can be identified, this name is supplied enclosed in 4000 square brackets by filling in the name after the initials or by adding the name before or after the address or sign, as appropriate. An explanatory note is given in area 7.
Examples : [Jean-Pierre Costard] Rue Saint-Jean-de-Beauvais, la premiere porte cochere au dessus du College Note: Costard named as publisher in: La France littraire / J.M. Qurard : prostant in Coemeterio D. Pauli [apud Abelem Swalle] Note: Publisher named on title page verso : printed and sold [by John Evans] at No. 41, Long-Lane.
Note: John Evans active at this address between 1791 and 4010 : printed by H[umphrey]. L[ownes]. for George Lathum at the Bishops head in Pauls Church-yard Note: PrinterТs name according to ESTC S4.2.9 Name of publisher, producer and/or distributor taken from source outside the prescribed sources of information When the name of the publisher, producer and/or distributor is known from information outside the prescribed sources of information (including sources outside the resource), it is given in square brackets and in a form appropriate to the date, script and language of the resource. The source of the information is recorded in area 7.
4.1-ISBD 2010 4.2.10.Example 4020 : [Paul Linley and John Flaskett] Note: Publisher taken from Short Title Catalogue When the name of the publisher, producer and/or distributor is uncertain or unknown, the name of a probable publisher or producer (or the names of a number of alternative publishers or producers) may be supplied, followed by a question mark and enclosed in square brackets.
Example : [John Smith] For older monographic resources:
An explanatory note of the supplied information is given in area 7.
Example 4030 : printed for the authors vse [by Nicholas Okes] Note: Printer conjectured by Short title catalogue (2nd ed.) 4.2.10 Parallel statements of publisher, producer and/or distributor When the name of a publisher, producer and/or distributor appears on the prescribed source of information in more than one language or script, the form of name in the language and script of the title proper is given. If this criterion does not apply, the form of name made more prominent by typography or, if there is no typographical distinction, the form of name that appears first is given.
For older monographic resources:
The form of name that appears first is given, followed by the other forms of name in the order indicated by the sequence of information on the source.
4040 Example : Wytissten v Kryssstoffa Baumana, w Drazdanech = Gedruckt by Christoph Baumann zu Dreden Parallel statements may be given. If these are not given, no indication is made of the omission.
Examples : Galerie nationale du Canada pour la Corporation des muses nationaux du Canada = National Gallery of Canada for the Corporation of the National Museums of Canada : Bundeskanzlei = Chancellerie fdrale 4050. - Krakw : Polskie wydawnictwo muzyczne = Krakau : Polnischer Musikverlag. - Bruxelles : Parlement europen, Direction gnrale des tudes = Brussels :
European Parliament, Directorate General for Research 4.3-4 ISBD 4.2.11 Printer as substitute for name of publisher, etc.
The name of the printer or manufacturer is not given as a substitute for the name of an unknown publisher, producer or distributor, except for older monographic resources.
However, when a person or corporate body combines the activities of printing or manufacturing and publication, production or distribution, or when the responsibility is uncertain, a named printer or manufacturer is assumed to be also the publisher or producer.
Examples 4060 : Imprimerie nationale : Institut gographique national Editorial comment: The institute is both a publisher and a manufacturer.
For older monographic resources:
When the name and/or address of the printer appears on a prescribed source of information with or without other names of publishers, printers, distributors, etc., it is given as, or as part of, the name of the publisher, printer, distributor, etc.
Examples : printed and are to be sold by Randal Taylor : printed by J. and H. Hughs... and sold by T. Payne 4070 : J. Grundy, printer : printed and sold at 60, Old Street : tryckt hos Lars Salvius : printed, and re-printed by E. Waters : de l'imprimerie de J. Barbou : typis exscripsit Joachimus Redanus In some cases the name and/or address of the printer appears on a prescribed source of information without the name, address or sign of the publisher or bookseller. If the latter is known, it is recorded after the name and/or address of the printer following a space, colon, space and enclosed in square brackets.
4080 Example : acheuee de imprimer par maistre Nicole de la Barre : [chez Jean Petit] Note: Statement of printing taken from colophon; the last leaf bears the device of Jean Petit, the bookseller When the name of the publisher, distributor or bookseller is unknown, but the name of the printer is known from information outside the prescribed sources of information for this area (including sources outside the resource) it is given enclosed in square brackets. The source of the information is recorded in area 7.
4.1-ISBD Examples. - [East Molesey] : [Robert Waldegrave] 4090 Note: Statement of publication from Short title catalogue (2nd ed.).
. - [Genve] : [Cramer] Note: Statement of publication from Bibliothque nationale catalogue 4.2.12 Name of publisher unknown When no name can be given as that of the publisher, producer or distributor, the abbreviation Уs.n.Ф (sine nomine) or its equivalent in another script is supplied, enclosed in square brackets.
Examples : [s.n.] : [б.и.] : [] 4100 : [] : [] 4.2.13 Change of name of publisher, producer and/or distributor For serials and multipart monographic resources:
If changes occur in the name of the publisher, producer and/or distributor on subsequent issues or parts, the name of the later publisher, producer and/or distributor is given in area 7 (see when necessary for identification or otherwise considered important to users of the catalogue.
For integrating resources:
If changes occur in the name of the publisher, producer and/or distributor on subsequent 4110 iterations, the description is changed to reflect the latest iteration. The earlier name or names are given in area 7 (see when necessary for identification or otherwise considered important to users of the catalogue.
4.3-ISBD 2010 Date of publication, production and/or distribution Mandatory 4.3.1 The date or dates of publication, production or distribution of the resource are given.
Examples, 4120, 2003- Editorial comment: Beginning publication date for online version of Croatica chemica acta, which includes issues from vol. 69, no. 1 (1996).
4.3.2 When the same date applies to both publication or production and distribution or to more than one publisher or producer and distributor, it is given after the last name or statement of function.
Examples. - New York : Sterling [etc.] ; London : distributed by Ward Lock, 4.3.3 If the publication or production date differs from the date of distribution, each date is given after the appropriate name or statement of function.
Examples 4130. - London : Educational Records, 1973 ; New York : Edcorp [distributor],. - Seattle, Wash. : Laser Learning Technologies, 1993 ; Hardwick, Vt. : Optical Transfer [distributor], 4.3.4 Dates of the Gregorian calendar are given in arabic numerals. Dates not of the Gregorian calendar are given as they appear on the resource with the equivalent date of the Gregorian calendar added in square brackets when it can be established.
Examples,, 5730 [1969 or 1970] Editorial comment: Jewish calendar.
4140, 1398 [1977 or 1978] Editorial comment: Muslim calendar.
, an IX [1801] Editorial comment: French Revolution calendar.
, 8 [1882] Editorial comment: Chinese regnal year calendar.
, 4289 [1956] Editorial comment: Korean calendar.
When dates in different calendars appear on a resource, all dates are given, separated by a space, equals sign, space.
4.3-4 ISBD 4150 Example, an III = For older monographic resources:
Dates of publication, printing, etc., are transcribed as they appear on the resource, including the day and month, if present. Words and phrases that are grammatically linked to the date, such as УannoФ and Уprinted in the yearФ are transcribed as part of the date element.
Examples, 7 July, printed in the year 4160 Editorial comment: Imprint reads: London, printed in the year 1742.
If the date forms part of the place or publisher statement, it is recorded with the statement and also given as the date of publication, enclosed in square brackets. When the date does not appear in the publication, production, distribution, etc., area, but has been given in area 1 or area 2, the date is also given as the date of publication, enclosed in square brackets.
Examples, [1744] Editorial comment: Publication statement reads: Printed in the year M.DCC.XLIV. and sold at the pamphlet-shops in London and Westminster.
4170, [1795] Editorial comment: Title reads: The circular letter, to the General Baptist churches for the year 1795. By John Marsom, read, approved, and ordered to be printed, by the General Assembly.
Days of the month and the names of months that do not appear in the publication, production, distribution, etc., area but are known as the date of publication are given together with the year in arabic numerals and in the language and script chosen by the cataloguing agency. When the statement of the date of publication is very long, e.g. if it is not given in numerals, it may be formalized. A note is given in area 7, stating the source of the date and including a transcription of the statement, if considered important to users 4180 of the catalogue.
Example, [18 May 1507] Note: Colophon reads: Anno gratiae millesimo quingentesimo septimo die vero decimoctavo Maij or Note: Date from colophon Capital letters appearing apparently at random on a title page or colophon may represent a chronogram and should therefore be left in capital form and not converted to lowercase.
Dates taken from a chronogram are given enclosed in square brackets in arabic numerals.
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