A.10 Imperfections A.11 Examples SPECIFICATION OF ELEMENTS 0 Content form and media type area 0.1 Content form 0.2 Content qualification 0.3 Media type 1 Title and statement of responsibility area 1.1 Title proper 1.2 Parallel title 1.3 Other title information 1.4 Statement of responsibility 2 Edition area 2.1 Edition statement 2.2 Parallel edition statement 2.3 Statement of responsibility relating to the edition 2.4 Additional edition statement 2.5 Statement of responsibility following an additional edition statement 3 Material or type of resource specific area 3.1 Mathematical data (Cartographic resources) 3.2 Music format statement (Notated music) 3.3 Numbering (Serials) i ISBD 2010 4 Publication, production, distribution, etc., area 4.1 Place of publication, production and/or distribution 4.2 Name of publisher, producer and/or distributor 4.3 Date of publication, production and/or distribution 4.4 Place of printing or manufacture 4.5 Name of printer or manufacturer 4.6 Date of printing or manufacture 5 Physical description area 5.1 Specific material designation and extent 5.2 Other physical details 5.3 Dimensions 5.4 Accompanying material statement 6 Series and multipart monographic resource area 6.1 Title proper of a series or multipart monographic resource 6.2 Parallel title of a series or multipart monographic resource 6.3 Other title information of a series or multipart monographic resource 6.4 Statement of responsibility relating to a series or multipart monographic resource 6.5 International standard number of a series or multipart monographic resource 6.6 Numbering within a series or multipart monographic resource 7 Note area 7.0 Notes on the content form and media type area and for special types of material 7.1 Notes on the title and statement of responsibility area 7.2 Notes on the edition area and the bibliographic history of the resource 7.3 Notes on the material or type of resource specific area 7.4 Notes on the publication, production, distribution, etc., area 7.5 Notes on the physical description area 7.6 Notes on the series and multipart monographic resources area 7.7 Notes relating to the contents 7.8 Notes on the resource identifier and terms of availability area 7.9 Notes on the issue, part, iteration, etc., that forms the basis of the description 7.10 Other notes 7.11 Notes relating to the copy in hand 8 Resource identifier and terms of availability area 8.1 Resource Identifier 8.2 Key title (continuing resources) 8.3 Terms of availability Appendixes Appendix A: Multilevel description Appendix B: Bi-directional records Appendix C: Bibliography Appendix D: Abbreviations Appendix E: Glossary Index ii ISBD Members of the ISBD Review Group (as of May 2010) John D. Byrum, Jr. (corresponding member) Library of Congress, USA (retired) Elena Escolano Rodrguez (chair) Biblioteca Nacional de Espaa, Spain Renate Gmpel Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Germany National Library of China (Ben Gu) Mauro Guerrini Universit di Firenze, Italy Tuula Haapamki National Library of Finland John Hostage Harvard Law School, USA Lynne C. Howarth University of Toronto, Canada Natalia Kaparova Russian State Library Irena Kavi National and University Library, Slovenia National Library of Korea (Jaesun Lee) Agns Manneheut (corresponding member) Universit de Nantes, France Dorothy McGarry University of California, Los Angeles, USA (retired) Glenn Patton OCLC Online Computer Library Center, USA Liaisons with other groups Name Institution Representation Anders Cato National Library of Sweden Katalogiseringsregler fr svenska bibliotek Gordon Dunsire University of Strathclyde, Sematic Web communities Scotland Hanne Hrl Hansen Dansk BibliotekCenter, Denmark Katalogiseringsregler og bibliografisk standard for danske biblioteker Cristina Magliano ICCU, Italy Commissione RICA Tom Pols Koninklijke Bibliotheek, FOBID, Netherlands Library Forum Netherlands Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, International Association of Music Italy Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres Margaret Stewart Library and Archives Canada Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA Regina Varniene-Janssen Director of Centre of Kompiuterini bibliografini ir Bibliography and Book Science autoritetini ra. sudarymo in Lithuania metodika WATANABE Takahiro Tezukayama Gakuin University, Japan Library Association Japan Mirna Willer University of Zadar, Croatia Pravilnik i prirunik za izradbu abecednih kataloga iii ISBD iv ISBD INTRODUCTION The International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) is intended to serve as a principal standard to promote universal bibliographic control, that is, to make universally and promptly available, in a form that is internationally acceptable, basic bibliographic data for all published resources in all countries. The main goal of the ISBD is, and has been since the beginning, to provide consistency when sharing bibliographic information.
The ISBD is the standard that determines the data elements to be recorded or transcribed in a specific sequence as the basis of the description of the resource being catalogued. In addition, it employs prescribed punctuation as a means of recognizing and displaying data elements and making them 10 understandable independently of the language of the description.
A new Statement of International Cataloguing Principles was published by IFLA in 20091. In these principles, which replace and broaden the Paris Principles2 of 1961, the fifth section is devoted to bibliographic description where it is stated that УDescriptive data should be based on an internationally agreed standard.Ф3 A footnote identifies the ISBD as the standard for the library community, as the statement of principles is intended not only for libraries but also for archives, museums, and other communities.
Although the development of this standard was originally motivated by the automation of bibliographic control as well as by the economic necessity of sharing cataloguing, the ISBD continues to be useful for and applicable to bibliographic descriptions of all kinds of resources in any type of catalogue, whether 20 online or in a form less technologically advanced. Those agencies using national and multinational cataloguing codes could apply this internationally agreed-upon standard conveniently in their catalogues.
Work on the ISBD has been guided by the following objectives and principles:
Х The ISBD provides consistent stipulations for description of all types of published resources, to the extent that uniformity is possible, and specific stipulations for specific types of resources as required to describe those resources.
Х The ISBD provides the stipulations for compatible descriptive cataloguing worldwide in order to aid the international exchange of bibliographic records between national bibliographic agencies and throughout the international library and information community (including producers and publishers).
30 Х The ISBD accommodates different levels of description, including those needed by national bibliographic agencies, national bibliographies, universities and other research collections.
Х The descriptive elements needed to identify and select a resource must be specified.
Х The set of elements of information rather than the display or use of those elements in a specific automated system provides the focus.
IFLA Cataloguing Principles: the Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (ICP) and its Glossary in 20 Languages.
Ed. by Barbara B. Tillett and Ana Lupe Cristn. (Mnchen: K.G. Saur, 2009). Also available at International Conference on Cataloguing Principles. Report. (London: International Federation of Library Associations, 1963), 91-96.
IFLA Cataloguing Principles, 5.v ISBD Х Cost-effective practices must be considered in developing the stipulations.
The organization of provisions in the present text is to give first the general stipulations that apply to all types of resources, then the specific stipulations that add information required for that specific type of resource or are exceptions to a general rule.
In general, the ISBD is applied to describe manifestations, by means of description of the item in hand as 40 an exemplar of the entire manifestation, in the terminology of Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR)4. In this way, the ISBD applies the Statement of International Cataloguing Principles, which establishes that УA bibliographic description typically should be based on the item as representative of the manifestationФ.In the ISBD, national bibliographic agencies are called upon to prepare definitive descriptions that Уcontain all the mandatory elements set out in the ISBD insofar as the information is applicable to the resource being describedФ (see A.1.3). This practice is also recommended for application by libraries that share bibliographic data with each other. Inclusion of a data element is considered УmandatoryФ in all cases for certain elements, and in other cases is considered УmandatoryФ when necessary for identification of the resource being described or otherwise considered important to users of a bibliography or a 50 catalogue. The stipulations of the ISBD can be complemented by the IFLA Guidelines for the Application of the ISBDs to the Description of Component Parts.ISBD and FRBR relationship This edition of the ISBD reflects the effort to bring description of all materials to the same state of conformity with FRBR. This aspect has entailed a close examination of the ISBD data elements to make optional those that are also optional in FRBR. In no case is a data element mandatory in FRBR but optional in the ISBD.
The ISBD Review Group considered that it was essential for IFLA to clarify the relationship between the ISBDs and the FRBR model. In trying to adapt ISBD terminology to the FRBR terms УworkФ, УexpressionФ, УmanifestationФ and УitemФ and to replace terms such as УpublicationФ, the group 60 encountered difficulties, owing in large part to the fact that the terms used in FRBR were defined in the context of an entity-relationship model conceived at a higher level of abstraction than the specifications for the ISBDs. As a report from the Frankfurt IFLA Meeting of Experts on a International Cataloguing Code (IME-ICC) had cautioned, УFRBR terminology should not be merely incorporated such as it stands into the ISBDs and cataloguing rules, but these should keep their own specific terminology, and provide accurate definitions showing how each term in this specific terminology is conceptually related to the FRBR terminologyФ7. The review group agreed with the advice from the IME-ICC and decided, in 2003, IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: Final Report (Mnchen: K.G. Saur, 1998). Also available at IFLA Cataloguing Principles, 5.2.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Guidelines for the application of the ISBDs to the description of component parts. (London: IFLA Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Programme, 1988). Available online at: Patrick Le Boeuf, "Brave new FRBR world". In IFLA Cataloguing Principles: Steps towards an International Cataloguing Code: Report from the 1st IFLA Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code, Frankfurt, 2003. Available at vi ISBD to avoid using FRBR terminology in the ISBD. Nevertheless, the ISBD Review Group did introduce some changes in wording. One change is the use of the term УresourceФ rather than УitemФ or УpublicationФ. This decision was taken in order to avoid confusion, because the use of the term УitemФ in 70 the former ISBDs is different from the term УitemФ as used in FRBR.
The review group believed that development of a table to detail the relationship of each of the elements specified in the ISBDs to its corresponding entity-attribute or relationship as defined in the FRBR model would satisfy the need to make clear that the ISBDs and FRBR themselves enjoyed a harmonious relationship. The document that develops the mapping, entitled УMapping ISBD Elements to FRBR Entity Attributes and RelationshipsФ was approved by the Cataloguing SectionТs Standing Committee on July 9, 2004.The ISBD Review Group wants to acknowledge all previous revision work and publications of the ISBDs, as this new version has the intention of respecting as much as possible the stipulations associated with the individual ISBDs, in order to adhere to the objective of providing consistent stipulations for descriptions 80 of all types of resources. The following is a brief summary in recognition of this previous work.History The International Standard Bibliographic Descriptions date back to 1969, when the IFLA Committee on Cataloguing sponsored an International Meeting of Cataloguing Experts. This meeting produced a resolution that proposed the creation of standards to regularize the form and content of bibliographic descriptions. As a result, the Committee on Cataloguing put into motion work that ultimately would provide the means for a considerable increase in the sharing and exchange of bibliographic data. This work resulted in the concept of the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD).
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