Arabic numerals are given in place of other numerals or spelled-out numbers. Explanatory phrases 2890 appended to the edition statement are given when considered necessary for identification of the edition.
If the edition statement consists solely or chiefly of symbols or other matter that cannot be reproduced by the facilities available (see A.9), the characters are replaced by words or numbers, as appropriate, enclosed in square brackets. An explanation may be given in area 7 (see 7.2).
Examples. - 4th revised ed.
. - 1. ed.
. - 3. Aufl.
. - Nuova ed.
. - Sehr vernderte Aufl.
2900. - Ungekrzte Ausg.
. - Deutsche Erstausg.
. - Neuaufl. der deutschen Originalausg.
2.1-2 ISBD. - 67th ed., complete with street plan. - 5a ed., con un copioso ndice alfabtico de materias. - Novissima ed. (7a), interamente riveduta. - Ed.. - 3. erw. Aufl.
. - d. rduite. - Ed. 3-GSGS 2910. - [Three stars] ed.
Editorial comment: Statement appears as: ed. Cataloguing agency unable to reproduce stars.
. - 2e d. du recueil not. - Reprint ed.
. - Hohe Stimme (Originallage). - Ed. special. - Version 3.. Ц. Ц. - 2.2920 For older monographic resources:
The exact wording is given when the edition statement is taken from the prescribed source of information. When the edition statement is taken from any other source, standard abbreviations may be used and arabic numerals are substituted for other numerals or spelled out numbers. When the edition statement is not taken from the prescribed source of information, the source of the statement is given in area 7.
Examples. - The second edition. - Newly imprinted and very necessary vnto all youthe For continuing resources:
2930 Statements indicating an insert or supplement that is included in the resource are transcribed as edition statements.
Examples. - Ausg. mit Supplementen 2.1.3 When no edition statement appears on the resource, although it is known that the resource contains significant changes from previous editions or is a reproduction, a suitable edition statement in the 2.1-ISBD 2010 2.1.4.language of the prescribed source of information and in accordance with the provisions of 2.1.2 may be supplied, enclosed in square brackets. Edition numbers should not be supplied, unless it is clear that the resource has a place in a sequence of otherwise numbered editions. An explanation is given in area 7.
Alternatively, the information is only given in area 7.
2940 Examples. - [New ed.]. - [3e d.]. - [Reproduction en fac-simil]. - [Rev. ed.]. - [With a new appendix]. - [d. de Grenoble]. - [2. Aufl.]. - [Apr. 1995 issue]. - [Rev. ed., Aug. 1995] 2950. - [Version 1.5]. - [School ed.]. - []. - [] 2.1.4 Edition statements not transcribed in the edition area An edition statement that is an integral part of an element in another area (such as title proper or other title information) and has been treated as part of that element (see, 1.3.2) is not repeated in the edition area.
Examples The compact edition of the Oxford English dictionary 2960 not The Oxford English dictionary. - Compact ed.
not The compact edition of the Oxford English dictionary. - Compact ed.
The compact version of Symphony not Symphony. - Compact version For continuing resources:
For serials, statements indicating volume numbering or designation, or chronological coverage (e.g. 1st edition, 1916 edition) are given in area 3 (see 3.3).
Statements indicating regular revision or frequent updating (e.g. Revised edition issued every 6 months) are treated as frequency rather than edition statements and are given in area 7 (see 7.0.3).
2.1-2 ISBD 2970 An edition statement associated with one or more works in a resource lacking a collective title, is not given in the edition area, but in area 1, with conventional punctuation (see
2.1.5 Changes in the edition statement For multipart monographic resources:
If an edition statement is added, dropped, or changed on parts subsequent to the first part, a note on such a change is given in area 7 when considered important to users of the catalogue (see 7.2.2).
For serials:
If an edition statement is added, dropped, or changed on subsequent issues or parts, a note on such a change is given in area 7 when considered important to users of the catalogue 2980 (see 7.2.2), unless the addition, deletion, or change is the result of a major change that requires a new description (see A.2.6.2(b)).
For integrating resources:
If a major change in edition occurs, a new description is made (see A.2.6.3(a)). If a minor change occurs, the description is changed and a note on the change is given in area 7 when considered important to users of the catalogue (see 7.2.2).
2.1-ISBD 2.2 Parallel edition statement A parallel edition statement is an equivalent of the edition statement in another language or script.
When the prescribed source of information bears edition statements in more than one language or script, the statement in the language and script of the title proper is given. When this criterion cannot be applied, 2990 the edition statement made prominent by typography or, if there is no typographical distinction, the one appearing first is given. A parallel statement may also be given.
Examples. - Canadian ed. = d. canadienne. - Students' ed. = d. pour les tudiants. - 2. preradeno i dopunjeno izd. = 2nd revised and enlarged ed.
For older monographic resources:
When the prescribed source of information bears edition statements in more than one language or script, the statement appearing first is given. A parallel statement may be given, and if given, it is recorded along with any corresponding statement of responsibility 3000 or additional edition statement in the order indicated by the sequence of information on the source.
Example. - Troisime edition = The third edition 2.2-ISBD 2010 Statement of responsibility relating to the edition Mandatory 2.3.1 Statements of responsibility relating to the edition can refer to persons or to corporate bodies and can indicate functions such as that of a reviser of a new edition, or can name the person or body responsible for the provision of supplementary matter, of appendices, etc., in a new edition.
3010 Examples. - 5th ed. / by C. Ellis. - Facsimile ed. / edited, with an introduction, by John Goode. - Rev. version 3.3 / programmer, Kate Maggor. - Mis jour / M. Pillot. - Revised version / photographer, William P. Gottlieb. - 2. izd. / spremno besedo napisal M. Matietov. - 2nd ed. / with a historical time chart newly devised by M.A. Stuart. - 2nd ed. / with a new epilogue by the author. - Neuaufl. / herausgegeben und kritisch revidiert von Hans Joachim Moser 3020. - 2e d. / prface de Lon-Arthur Elchinger. - 3rd ed. / with supplementary notes and appendices by H.J. Laski. - May 1970 script / revised collectively by the Peking Opera Troupe of Peking. - 41 /. - 7 / 2.3.2 Statements of responsibility and details of appendices and other subsidiary matter relating to the edition being described, or to parts of the edition being described, but not to all editions of the work are given, in accordance with the provisions of 1.4, in the edition area when found on the prescribed source of information. When such statements do not appear on a prescribed source of information, they may be given in area 2 in square brackets or may be given in area 7.
3030 Example. - Student version / with new graphics by Gerry Herin. - English language ed. / with commentary spoken by John Parrinder 2.3.3 The following statements of responsibility and/or details of appendices or other subsidiary matter relating to the edition are not transcribed in the edition area but given in area 1:
a) statements of responsibility that clearly relate to the first edition or to all editions of a work.
b) statements of responsibility that do not clearly relate to only one or only some editions of a work.
2.3.4 Parallel statements of responsibility relating to the edition may be given.
2.3-2 ISBD 2.3-ISBD 2010 2.4.3040 2.4 Additional edition statement Mandatory 2.4.1 An additional edition statement is given when the resource carries a formal statement identifying it as belonging to an edition or impression within an edition, or to an edition that is equivalent to the first named edition, or when the resource has significant differences in content from other impressions of the larger edition to which it belongs.
Examples. - 3rd ed., repr. with a new pref.
. - 2nd ed., revised issue. - 2nd ed., rev. version 3050. - 3rd ed., [with an appendix]. - English ed., 2nd ed.
. - World's>
. - Vollstndige Taschenbuchausg., 1. Aufl.
2.4.2 Additional edition statements are transcribed in accordance with the provisions of 2.1.and 2.1.3.
Examples 3060. - Amtliche Ausg., 17 Aufl.
. - Abridged ed., 2nd ed.
. - 5th ed., 2nd impression, with corrections. - Nouvelle impression en facsimil de la 1re d. de 1751-. - Interactive ed., 1993 version. - 2. ed., con nuova prefazione e aggiunta di tre appendici 2.4.3 Additional edition statements naming an unchanged impression or reissue may be given.
Examples. - 4e d., 3e tirage. - 2nd ed., 2nd printing 3070. - 2., unvernderter Neudruck der 3., vllig neubearbeiteten Aufl.
. - Nouvelle d., revue et augmente, 70e mille 2.4-2 ISBD. - 3. ed., 4. rist.
. - Versione italiana, ristampa. - 2, 2.4.4 Parallel additional edition statements may be given.
2.4-ISBD 2010 Statement of responsibility following an additional edition statement Mandatory 3080 2.5.1 Statements of responsibility following an additional edition statement are transcribed in accordance with the provisions of 2.3.
Examples. - Rev. ed. / with revisions, an introduction, and a chapter on writing, by E.C. White, 2nd ed. / with the assistance of Eleanor Gould Packard. - The second edition, reprinted / with a new preface by Dr. Horace Smith. - 2nd ed., reissued / with an afterword by the course convener. - Version 2.4, corr. / with diagrams by Harry Weeks 2.5.2 Parallel statements of responsibility following an additional edition statement may be given.
2.5-ISBD 2010 3090 3 MATERIAL OR TYPE OF RESOURCE SPECIFIC AREA Introductory note This area contains data that are unique to a particular>
The language and/or script of the elements within area 3, the order of the elements, and the prescribed punctuation for the area appear in the stipulations for particular types of resources using the area. These are cartographic resources (for mathematical data), notated music resources (for statements indicating the music format), and serials (for information relating to numbering).
When a resource is a combination of materials and types of resources for which area 3 is used (e.g. a map 3100 serial) or when multiple scales are given, area 3 is repeatable.
When area 3 is repeated, the occurrence of area 3 that is related to the content of the resource (e.g. scale information for a cartographic resource or notated music format statement) is given first; the area 3 for serials (numbering information) is given last.
Examples. - Scale 1:250 000 ; universal transverse Mercator proj. - No. 1 (1970)-. - Scores and parts. - No. 1-. - Scales differ. - No. 1- Contents 3.1 Mathematical data (Cartographic resources) 3110 3.2 Music format statement (Notated music) 3.3 Numbering (Serials) 3-ISBD 2010 Mathematical data (Cartographic resources) The mathematical data area includes the statement of scale, statement of projection, and the statement of coordinates and equinox for cartographic resources.
Contents 3 1.1 Statement of scale 3.1.2 Statement of projection 3.1.3 Statement of coordinates and equinox 3120 Prescribed punctuation A. The mathematical data area is preceded by a point, space, dash, space (. - ).
B. The projection statement is preceded by a space, semicolon, space ( ; ).
C. The statements of coordinates and equinox are enclosed in one pair of parentheses ( ( ) ).
D. The statement of equinox is preceded by a space, semicolon, space ( ; ).
Punctuation patterns. - Statement of scale. - Statement of scale ; projection statement. - Statement of scale ; projection statement (coordinates ; equinox). - Statement of scale (coordinates ; equinox) 3130. - Statement of scale ; projection statement (coordinates). - Statement of scale (coordinates). - Statement of scale (coordinates) Prescribed sources The resource itself.
When the information from the resource itself is insufficient, other sources may be selected according to the following order of preferred sources: container, accompanying material. Information taken from a source other than the resource is given in square brackets if it is recorded in this area.
3.1.1 Statement of scale Mandatory The scale is given as a representative fraction, expressed as a ratio (1: ). There is no space 3140 before or after the colon in the ratio. The term УscaleФ or its equivalent in another language or script may be transcribed with the representative fraction.
Examples. - Scale 1:25 3.1-3 ISBD. - Escala 1:100. - 1:1 000. - Scale 1:5 000Ц1:25. - 1:50. - 1:100 When the scale relates only to particular parts of the resource, the part to which it relates is 3150 indicated.
Examples. - Scale 1:3 982 200 at equator. - Scale 1:59 304 960 along meridians A statement of scale is given when known or calculated, even if the scale is included in area 1.
Example. - 1:500 Title proper: France au 1:500 When the representative fraction is computed from a verbal statement of scale, it is given in 3160 square brackets. The verbal expression of the scale may be transcribed following the representative fraction.
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