Когнитивно-семантическая природа конверсивов в казахском и немецком языках 10. 02. 20. сравнительно-историческое, типологическое и сопоставительное языкознание
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- Сопоставительный анализ фразеологических единиц с компонентом фитонимом в английском, 923.49kb.
- Вербализация концепта «международный терроризм» в русском и английском языках (на материале, 297.93kb.
- -, 426.73kb.
- Атрибутивные словосочетания в русском и английском языках (сопоставительно-типологический, 336.37kb.
- Лексико-фразеологические способы выражения семантического единства «память/забвение», 977.39kb.
- Устойчивые сравнения с колоративным компонентом в английском и русском языках 10. 02., 378.05kb.
- Концепт «недосказанность» в английской и русской лингвокультуре, 258.89kb.
- Концепты эмоций в английской и русской языковых картинах мира, 261.84kb.
of the thesis submitted for conferring the scholarly degree
Candidate of Philological Sciences
10.02.20 – comparative-historical, typological and contrastive linguistics
Assem Duisenbina
Cognitive-semantic nature of converse terms
in Kazakh and German languages
This research is devoted to the consideration of conversion as a way of word formation in Kazakh and German and understanding of its nature. The research is carried out within the cognitive approach of studying linguistic units.
The relevance of the research: based on extensive research experience of conversion, accumulated by domestic and foreign linguists conversion is studied from the position of traditional and new concepts, first of all from the cognitive point of view. From this standpoint new relationship concepts are grounded and they reflect the essence of the conversion process. The cognitive study helps to reveal the underlying mechanisms of language. The conversion models are also considered on the base of kazakh and german material.
The object of the research is the conversion models of two unrelated languages.
The subject of the research is the identification, description of conversion models and semantic structure of words formed by conversion and their functional characteristics, the justification of conversion as the way of forming new words, as well as disclosure of the differences and similarities in characteristics of ссылка скрытаin the languages.
The aim of the research is to determine the nature of conversion as a way to enrich the vocabulary of the language, to study the meaning of converted words, their systematization and further development of the method of cognitive analysis in the study of specific units of nomination.
In order to achieve the aim the following tasks were set:
- to study the issue of formative nature of the phenomenon of conversion, both in the theory of word formation, and in the framework of transposition, as well as in the framework of cognitive linguistics;
- to find out and systematize basic, universal and specific conversion models in the Kazakh and German languages and to compare these conversion models;
- to make simultaneous comparative analysis of the structure and semantics of the derived words in the conversion model set;
- to define the role and place of conversion, as a special change of category phenomenon, among other types of dynamic relationships between the parts of speech;
- to consider the role of new words, formed by means of conversion, in supplement and enrichment of the language vocabulary, filling the gaps of language;
- to analyze the nature of the conversion process – i.e. formation of a new set of categorical characteristics - nominal ones;
- to consider the relation of conversion to such linguistic phenomena as polysemy, homonymy and synonymy.
The scientific novelty of this study is primarily in the use of cognitive analysis in the research. The essence of conversion was identified and the models of conversion in German and Kazakh were compared, for the first time converse terms of the unrelated languages were considered in the context of not only the classical approaches - lexicographic, benchmarking, etc., but also in a new one - cognitive.
^ The theoretical significance of this research is that it serves to identify the nature and laws of the conversion process as the way of word formation in the synchronized plan and the formation of words from the cognitive perspective.
The practical value lies in the possibility to use the results of the research in comparative-typological linguistics, lectures and seminars on the Kazakh and German lexicology, special courses on the comparative grammar of German and Kazakh, lectures and seminars on the German language for national audience.
^ The first chapter "The essence of conversion as a way to enrich the vocabulary of the language" covers the general theoretical problems of the research, the history of the problem and the characteristics of conversion. The correlation of transposition on the level of parts of speech and word – formation is studied. This phenomenon is considered from various points of view of linguists (in the framework of the functional approach and transposition, and from the position of word formation) in Germanic and Turkic languages. This way of word-formation is defined in the aggregate of its morphological, syntactic and semantic characteristics and also a research conceptual framework is worked out.
^ The second chapter "Cognitive - Linguistic mechanisms of conversion". Types and features of conversion in Kazakh and German, is devoted to the interpretation of features of conversion in the German and Kazakh languages from the standpoint of modern linguistic theories and the theory of cognitive linguistics. The analysis of practical material helped to identify types of conversion models in both languages. From the framework of the cognitive approach to the study of language units it is offered a more objective comprehension of words formed by conversion, the great potential of this way of word formation is revealed. A new approach to the study of conversion helps to study this phenomenon as a special form of rethinking of the sign and change of the category of linguistic units.
The perspective of the research: conversion can be studied in discourse and considered in diachrony in one or more languages. The perspective also lies in analysis of cognitive features of all possible types of conversion models in separate languages and their comparison. Conversion represents a special interest for contrastive scientific investigation.