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  • 1. Якушенков Ю.Г. Теория и расчет оптико-электронных приборов. М.: Логос, 2011.-568 с.
  • 2. Тарасов В.В., Якушенков Ю.Г. Инфракрасные системы «смотрящего» типа. – М.: Логос, 2004. – 480 с.
  • 3. Тарасов В.В., Якушенков Ю.Г. Двух- и многодиапазонные оптико-электронные системы с матричными приемниками излучения. – М.: Логос, 2007. -192 с.
  • 4. Тарасов В.В., Торшина И.П., Якушенков Ю.Г. Инфракрасные системы 3-го поколения. – М.: Логос, 2011. - 242 с.
  • 5. Infrared Imaging News, Vol.15, № 9, September 2009
  • 6. Infrared Imaging News, Vol.16, №7, July 2010
  • 7. Wick R.V. Revitalized militarily critical technologies program.– SPIE Proc., V.5798 (2005), P.234-243
  • 8. Dirbas J., Mireles T., Davies A. et al. MANTIS-3: A low cost, light-weight, turreted spectral sensor. – SPIE Proc, V.5787 (2005), P. 9-16

9. Vizgaitis J. 3rd Generation FLIR demonstrator. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69400U-1…10

10.Vizgaitis J., Miller J., Hall J., Berube D. Third generation infrared optics. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69400S-1…10

11. Vizgaitis J. Dual f/number optics for 3rd generation FLIR systems. – SPIE Proc., V.5783 (2005), P.875-886

12. Smith J.G., Borek G.T. Etching of chalcogenide glass for IR microoptics. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69400W-1…7

13. Snyder M.P., Visgaitis J.N. Optical design study for the 1-5 m spectral band. - SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.729810-1…12

14. Zadravec D., Franks J.W., Rodgers K.A. et al. A multi-spectral optical system (1,55 μm and 8-12 μm) of GASIR. 1 Design and coating aspects.- SPIE Proc., V. 7298 (2009), P.72982L-1…9

15. Zhao J., DiFilippo V. Low cost molded optics for IR imaging.-SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.72983J-1…8

16. Rahmlow T.D., Lazo-Wasem J.E. Dual-band antireflection coatings for the infrared. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69400T-1…8

17. Hendrix K.D., Bergeron A., Favot D.L. High performance MWIR dual bandpass filter for thermal imaging.- SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.72982K-1…12
  1. Bjork C., Wan W. Mid-wave infrared (MWIR) panoramic sensor for various applications. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76600B-1…9
  2. Nichols J.M., Waterman J.R. Performance characteristics of a submarine panoramic infrared sensor. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.766005-1…9
  3. Fontanella J.-C., Delacourt D., Klein Y. ARTEMIS: first naval staring IRST in service. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.766006-1…11
  4. Fisher J., Welch W.C. Survey and analysis of fore-optics for hyperspectral imaging systems. - SPIE Proc., V.6206 (2006), P.62062R-1…11
  5. Mouroulis P. Compact infrared spectrometers. – SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.729803-1…10
  6. Morrison R., Stack R., Athale R. et al. An alternative approach to infrared optics. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76601Y-1…11
  7. Le Noc L., Tremblay B., Martel A. et al. 1280 x 960 pixel microscanned infrared imaging module. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.766021-1…10
  8. Singer M. Design of a cryogenic IR detector with integrated optics. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76601Z-1…9
  9. Cogburn G., Symmons A., Mertus L. Molding aspheric lenses for low-cjst production versus diamond turned lenses. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.766020-1…6
  10. Donval A., Fisher T., Blecher G., Oron M. Dynamic sunlight filter (DSF) – a passive way to increase the dynamic range in visible and SWIR cameras - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.7660024-1…8
  11. Martyniuk P., Rogalski A. Comparison of performance of quantum dot and other types of infrared photodetectors. – SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.694004-1…10
  12. Breiter R., Ihle T., Wendler J. et al. MCT IR detection modules with 15 mcm pitch for high reliability applications. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.766039-1…11
  13. Abbott P, Pillans L., Knowles P., McEwen R.K. Advances in dual-band IRFPAs made from HgCdTe grown by MOVPE. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.766035-1…11
  14. Kinch M.A., Schaake H.F., Strong R.L. et al. High operating temperature MWIR detectors. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76602V-1…13
  15. Ashcroft A., Baker I. Developments in HgCdTe avalanche photodiode technology and applications.- SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76603C-1…11
  16. Melkonian L., Bangs J., Elizondo L. et al. Performance of MWIR and SWIR HgCdTe-based focal plane arrays at high operating temperatures.- SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76602W-1…11
  17. Gordon N.T. Thermo electrically cooled focal plane arrays based on MCT.- SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76602X-1…8
  18. Hipwood L.G., Baker I.M., Jones C.L. et al. LW IRFPAs made from HgCdTe grown by MOVPE for use in multispectral imaging. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.6940G-1…12
  19. Gunapala S.D., Bandara S.V., Liu J.K. et al. Demonstration of 1024 [ 1024 pixel dual-band QWIP focal plane array. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76603L-1…8
  20. Soibel A., Gunapala S.D., Bandara S.V. et al. Large format multicolor QWIP focal plane arrays. – SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.729806-1…8
  21. Robo J.A., Costard E., Truffer J.P. et al. QWIP focal plane arrays performances from MWIR to VLWIR. – SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.7298OF-1…12
  22. Klem E.J., Lewis J.S., Temple D. Multispectral UV-Vis-IR imaging using low-cost quantum dot technology // SPIE Proc., vol.7660, P. 76602E-1…9
  23. Zhang W., Lim H., Tsao S. et al. InAs quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIP) on InP by MOCVD. - SPIE Proc., V. 5543 (2004), P. 22-30
  24. Lu X., Vaillancourt J. A voltage-tunable multiband quantum dot infrared focal plane array with high photodetectivity. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.694007-1…5
  25. Shenoi R.V., Rosenberg J., Vandervelde T.E. et al. Multispectral infrared detection using plasmon-assisted cavities. – SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.729808-1…7
  26. Breiter R., Lutz Y., Scheibner R. et al. Design optimization of superlattice type-II IR-detection modules with temporal signal coincidence in two spectral ranges. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69400B-1…7
  27. Hood A., Evans A.J., Ikhlassi A. et al. LWIR high performance focal plane arrays based on type-II strained layer superlattices (SLS) materials. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76601M-1…8
  28. Razeghi M., Huang E.K., Pour B-M.N.S.A., Delaunau P.-Y. Type ΙΙ antimonide-based superlattices for the third generation infrared focal plane arrays. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76601F-1…14
  29. Rehm R., Walther M., Schmitz J. et al. Type ΙΙ superlattices – the Fraunhofer perspective. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76601G-1…12
  30. Delaunau P.-Y., Nguyen B.-M., Razeghi M. Background limited performance of long wavelength infrared focal plane arrays fabricated from Type-II InAs/GaSb M-structure superlattice.- SPIE Proc., V. 7298 (2009), Р. 72981Q-1…9
  31. Walther M., Rehm R., Schmitz J. et al. Antimony-based superlattices for high-performance infrared imagers. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69400A -1…8
  32. Nguyen B.-M., Hoffman D., Huang E.-K. et al. High performance antimony based Type-II superlattice photodiodes on GaAs substrates. - SPIE Proc., V. 7298 (2009), Р. 72981T-1…12
  33. Boisvert J., Isshiki T., Sudharsanan R. et al. Performance of very low dark current SWIR PIN arrays. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69400L-1…8
  34. Sood A.K., Richwine R.A., Puri Y.R. Design considerations for SiGe-based near- infrared imaging sensor. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69400M -1…9
  35. Enriques M.D., Blessinger M.A., Groppe J.V. et al. Performance of high resolution visible-InGaAs imager for day/night vision. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69400O-1…9
  36. Willems D., Benschop T., Groep W.v.d. et al. Update on Thales flexure bearing coolers and drive electronics.- SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.729815-1…10
  37. Radebaugh R., Garaway I., Veprik A.M. Development of miniature, high frequency pulse tube cryocoolers. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76602J-1…11

55.Veprik A., Zehtzer S., Pundak N. Split Stirling linear cryogenic cooler for a new generation of high temperature infrared images. - SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76602K-1…13

56.Gordon N.T. Thermoelectrically cooled focal plane arrays based on MCT. – SPIE Proc., V.7660 (2010), P.76602X-1…11

57. King D.F., Graham J.S., Kennedy A.M. et al. 3rd –generation MW/LWIR sensor engine for advanced tactical systems. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69402R-1…12
  1. Mai M., Ruhlich I., Wiedmann Th., Rosenhagen C. Development trends in IR detector coolers. - SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.729819-1…8
  2. Kipper R., Arbel D., Baskin E. et al. The roadmap for low price-high performance IR detector based on LWIR to NIR light up-conversion approach. – SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.7298OJ-1…5
  3. Crastes A., Tissot J.L. Uncooled amorphous silicon ¼ VGA IRFPA with 25 m pixel-pitch for high end applications. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69401V-1…6
  4. Black S., Ray M., Hewitt C. et al. RVS uncooled sensor development for tactical applications. - SPIE Proc., V. 6940 (2008), P. 694022-1…9
  5. Schiment T., Brady J., Fagan T. et al. Amorphous silicon-based lardge-format uncooled FPA microbolometer technology. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.694023-1…7
  6. Schiment T., Hanson C., Brady J. et al. Advances in small pixel, large format α-Si bolometer arrays. - SPIE Proc., V. 7298 (2009), P. 7298OT-1…5
  7. Ohnakado T., Ueno M., Ohta Y. et al. Novel readout circuit architecture realizing TEC-less operation for SOI diod uncooled IRFPA. - SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.72980V-1…10
  8. Secundo L., Lubianiker Y., Arganat A.I. Uncooled FPA with optical reading: reaching the theoretical limit. – SPIE Proc., V. 5783 (2005), P. 483-495
  9. Ming Wu, Cook I., DeVito R. et al. Novel low-cost uncooled infrared camera. - SPIE Proc., V.5783 (2005), P.69401I-1…11
  10. Erdtmann M., Zhang L., Jin G. Uncooled dual-band MWIR/LWIR optical readout imager. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.694012 -1…11
  11. Estrera J.P. Digital image fusion systems: color imaging and low-light targets. - SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.72981С-1…14
  12. Morellas V., Johnston C., Johnston A. et al. Day, night and all-weather security surveillance automation. – SPIE Proc., V.5778 (2005), P.757-770
  13. Woodell G. Enhancement of imagery in poor visibility.- SPIE Proc., V.5778 (2005), P. 673-682
  14. Wadstromer N., Renhorn I. An information theoretic model of target discrimination using hyperspectral and multisensor data. - SPIE Proc., V.6940 (2008), P.69402H-1…12
  15. Wade D. Objective evaluation of IR image enhancement algorithms. - SPIE Proc., V.5782 (2003), P.59-67
  16. L.S.Bernstein . Validafion of the QUick Atmospheric Correction (QUAC) algorithm for VNIR-SWIR multi- and hyperspectral imagery. SPIE Proc.,V.5806 (2005), P. 668-677
  17. Gunning W.J., Johnson J., DeNatale J. LWIR/MWIR adaptive focal plane array. - SPIE Proc., V.5612 (2004), P.55-56
  18. Gunning W., Lauxtermann S., Durmas H. et al. MEMS-based tunable filters for compact IR spectral imaging. - SPIE Proc., V.7298 (2009), P.72982I-1…9
  19. Curzan J.P., Baxter C.R., Massie M.A. Variable acuity imager with dynamically steerable, programmable superpixels. – SPIE Proc., V. 4820 (2003), P. 318-326