Шон Бурн Гендерная психология

Вид материалаКнига


Advances in experimental social psychology
The nature of prejudice.
Psychological Monographs, 70
Sociology of Education, 66
Administrative Science Quarterly, 31
Cross-cultural approaches
Child Development, 51
Handbook of cross-cultural psychology: Methodology
Psychology of women: A handbook of issues and theories
Aggressive Behavior, 20
American Psychologist
The role of the fatlier in child development (pp.
One world women's movement.
Burn, S. M., Nederend, S., & O'Neil, A. K.
Women and mathematics: Balancing the equation
Management of work and personal life.
The psychology of gender (pp.
Sex Roles
Demo, D. H., & Acock, A. C.
Self-disclosure: Theory, research, and therapy.
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1   ...   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24


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