Курс предназначен для широкого круга лиц, стремящихся в максимально короткие сроки овладеть основами делового общения в типичных ситуациях, и содержит достаточное количество информации, необходимой для деловой корреспонденции. By Alison Baduel
Вид материала | Урок |
- А. С. Попова элективный курс «культура делового общения» для 9 класса в рамках предпрофильной, 231.97kb.
- Учебник содержит полный курс дисциплины "История экономических учений", 2335.02kb.
- Образовательная программа для повышения квалификации (для студентов) 72 часа, 457.34kb.
- Примерный учебно-тематический план Раздел и тема Количество часов всего, 49.42kb.
- Изволенская Людмила Викторовна, учитель математики II квалификационной категории, 78.61kb.
- Реферат по дисциплине: этика делового общения на тему: «Культура народов мира, 223.14kb.
- Аннотация дисциплины Деловой иностранный язык, 1342.15kb.
- Название тем курса и количество часов, 164.89kb.
- И. К. Салимжанова Рекомендовано Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве, 4170.67kb.
- Деловой этикет в телефонном разговоре, 61.43kb.
Lesson 5: English Grammar Exercise
Prefixes are placed before a word and change the meaning of the word. If you are not familiar with what certain prefixes mean you can completely change the meaning of a word and the message that is being conveyed may not make sense or you may interpret it incorrectly. It is important to know what prefixes are, how they are used, and how they affect words in the English language.
Prefix | Meaning | Examples |
Anti- | Against | Antibiotic |
Bi- | Two | Bicycle |
Contra- | Against | Contradict |
Di- | Two | Diameter |
Dis- | Apart, Away from | Dissatisfied |
Ex- | Former | Ex-employee |
Ex-, E- | Go out from | Exit |
Extra- | Beyond | Extraterrestrial |
Hyper- | Extremely | Hyperactive |
In-, Im-, Il-, Ir- | Negative, Not | Irresponsible, Impossible |
Inter- | Between | Interaction |
Intra- | With | Intracostal |
Intro- | Inward | Introduction |
Macro- | Large | Macroeconomics |
Micro- | Tiny, Small | Microeconomics |
Mis- | Wrong | Misunderstand |
Mono- | One | Monolingual |
Multi- | Many | Multilingual |
Neo- | New | Neopolitan |
Non- | Negative, Not | Non-Aggressive |
Omni- | All | Omnipotent |
Poly- | Many | Polymer |
Post- | After | Postwar |
Pre- | Before | Previous |
Re- | Again | Reapply |
Retro- | Backwards | Retroactive |
Semi- | Half | Semi-annual |
Sub- | Under | Submarine |
Super- | Above | Supercede |
Tri- | Three | Tricycle |
Un- | Negative, Not | Unknown |
Uni- | One | Unicycle |
Exercise A: Describe what the words below mean based upon sentence context and what you have learned about prefixes..
1) There was an anti-war campaign going on in Austrailia.
2) Her ex-boyfriend hasn’t talked to her in years.
3) One of the computer’s microchips was damaged so we had to take the computer to be repaired.
4) Her new outfit was multi-colored and very fashionable.
5) The couple decided that a non-traditional wedding was the best choice for them.
6) The post-depression period left many people without money or food.
7) In retrospect, it>
8) International relations are much better now.
9) He was mistaken to think that he could cheat.
10) He is an unreliable person. You can’t depend on him to do what he says he will do.