Cadet bernard Globalization, Uncertainty and Decision Making: Cognition Also Matters

Вид материалаДокументы


LAFAY Gérard
POZHARSKY Svyatoslav
Pratiques sociales et représentations
Psychological Bulletin
Anderson, n.h. (1996)
Aristotle (2004)
La stratégie “chemin faisant”
International Comparisons of Criminal Justice Statistics 2001
The Globalization of World Politics
Что такое глобализация?
Operations Research
Le Monde en Devenir. Encyclopédie Française
Berger, j.o. (1980)
La Théorie de la régulation. L'etat des savoirs
ссылка скрыта
Подобный материал:
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Notes on the Contributors

ALEXANDROV Sergei, Ph.D. in Economics, since 2008 the Deputy Director of the Project Finance Department of Saving Banks of the Russian Federation, in 2002-2007 the Head of the Investment Department at the St. Petersburg company Lenenergo, also a lecturer at the St.Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. His research field is the management of power, oil and gas enterprises and international portfolio management.

BRANSKY Vladimir, a Professor of St.Petersburg State University, the Department of Philosophy, has written more than 150 articles and 9 monographs. He specializes in the philosophical problems of globalization and synergistic philosophy of history. His recent monographs are Social Synergistics and the Theory of Nations, 2002; Globalization and Synergistic Philosophy of History, 2004; Philosophy and Achmeology, 2003, co-authored with S.Pozharsky.

CADET Bernard, PhD of René Descartes University, Paris 5, Sorbonne, is a Professor of Cognitive Psychology and the Research Director at Caen University in France. He is the author of more than 60 articles published in the national and international journals, and he is the author and co-author of several books. Among the recent books there are the following: Psychologie Cognitive, 1998; Les décisions sous contraintes, 2003; La complexité: ses formes, ses traitements, ses effets, 2005; Psychologie du risque: identifier, évaluer, prévenir, 2006.

DIDENKO Nelly, Ph.D in Technical Sciences, a Senior Researcher at the St.Petersburg Scientific Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, the Coordinator of the Regional section of Euroscience in Russia, the Director of the St.Petersburg Centre of Promotion of Euroscience, is a member of the International Euroscience Governing Board. The field of research is mathematical modelling, the dynamic optimization of complex multiparameter processes, the sociology of science, social problems and conflict-solving.

GILINSKIY Yakov is a Professor of the St. Petersburg Institute of Law at the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, the Head of the Department of Criminal Law at St.Petersburg State Teacher Training University, the Head of the Research Center for Deviance at the Institute of Sociology of Russia’s Academy of Sciences and the Dean of the Department of Law at the Baltic University of Ecology, Politics and Law. He has more than 370 publications including 14 monographs, mainly in the fields of criminology and sociology of deviance and social control. More than 90 of them have been published in foreign languages: English, Hungarian, Italian, German, Norwegian, Polish, French and others.

LAFAY Gérard, a Professor of Economics at the French University Panthéon-Assas Paris II, the Director of the Research Institute of International Economic Geostratergy, works also for the Centre for Perspective Studies and International Information (CEPII), where he has created CHELEM (Comptes Harmonisés sur les Echanges et l’Economie Mondiale). He is the author of numerous articles on global economy, international exchange and European problems. His latest publication is Initiation à l'économie internationale, 2006.

MEZHEVICH Nickolay, Ph.D in Economics, a Professor of St.Petersburg State University is also the Head of the Centre for Borderland and Transborder Cooperation Studies at the Institute of Regional Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation. His research interests include globalization, the economic and political development of Europe, the Baltic region and the theory of regionalism.

MIROPOLSKY Dmitry, a Professor of Economics, the Editor-in-chief of the University Journal of Economics and Finance, is the Head of the Department of Economic Theory at the St.Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. His field of research is the philosophy of economy and the structural mechanisms of centralization and decentralization of economic systems. His latest monograph is Economic Systems: Basic Principles of Functioning, 2004.

OLSZEWSKI Leon, a Professor of Economics at the Department of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wroclaw, Poland, is the Head of the Department of International Economics, the Director of the Doctoral School of the Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies at the University of Wroclaw and the Editor of the journal ‘Ekonomia’. The main area of research is the economics of development, transition of post-communist countries and industrial policy. He teaches Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and International Economic Relations.

POZHARSKY Svyatoslav, a Professor of Psychology at the St.Petersburg Academy of Achmeology has more than 60 articles and 4 monographs. He is a co-author with V.Bransky of Philosophy and Achmeology, 2003 and Globalization and Synergistic Philosophy of History, 2004.

PETROVSKY Andrei, a Senior Researcher at the St.Petersburg Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, an Associate Professor, Ph.D in Technical Sciences, the Official Representative of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the Northwestern region of the Russian Federation. The research field is sociology of science.

SLANEVSKAYA Nina, Ph.D. in Political Science, post-graduate education in Philology, the Research Director of CEDIMES-St.Petersburg within the French International Research Network of Institute CEDIMES, ссылка скрыта, a member of Euroscience, is an Associate Professor at the St.Petersburg Institute of External Economic Relations, Economics and Law. She has 3 monographs and a number of articles. Her research field is the theory of international relations, sociology of knowledge, philosophy of mind, methods of political analysis and moral philosophy, ссылка скрыта.

SMIDA Ali, PhD in Management, PhD in Pharmacy, educated as an engineer at Grandes Ecoles Françaises and as a post graduate in Nuclear Physics, is a Professor at the French University Paris 13, where he is the Director of the Master’s degree course Management of Enterprises: Social and Sanitary Sectors. He is also the President of the International and Interdisciplinary Association of Decision Making (A2ID) and the Editor-in-chief of the francophone edition of the Journal of Social Management. His field of research is anticipatory management, prospective and strategic decision making.


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