Содержание журнала «Известия Томского политехнического университета» 2003–2012 гг
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СодержаниеBulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. – 2007. – V. 311. – № 3. Our Jubilees |
- Содержание журнала «Известия Томского политехнического университета» 2003–2011, 3841.26kb.
- Редакционно-издательским советом Томского политехнического университета Издательство, 1434.78kb.
- Редакционно-издательским советом Томского политехнического университета Издательство, 3189.24kb.
- Редакционно-издательским советом Томского политехнического университета Издательство, 2424.52kb.
- Редакционно-издательским советом Томского политехнического университета Издательство, 2585.19kb.
- Редакционно-издательским советом Томского политехнического университета Издательство, 1488.99kb.
- Методические указания для преподавателей Издательство Томского политехнического университета, 882.32kb.
- Конспект лекций Рекомендовано в качестве учебного пособия Редакционно-издательским, 1023.31kb.
- Учебное пособие подготовлено на кафедре философии Томского политехнического университета, 1526.78kb.
- Учебное пособие Издательство Томского политехнического университета 2009, 1079.58kb.
Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. – 2007. – V. 311. – № 3.
Lazarchuk V.V., Shikerun T.G., Ryabov A.S., Shamin V.I., Zhiganov A.N. Perspectives of Siberian chemical plant in increasing volumes of uranium concentrates recycling | 5–9 |
Noskov M.D., Istomin A.D., Korotkevich V.M., Kozyrev A.S., Shikerun T.G., Shamin V.I., Mikhailova N.A., Romanov M.E. Physico-mathematical model of uranium concentrate extraction processing in countercurrent columns cascade | 10–13 |
Kozyrev A.S., Shikerun T.G., Ryabov A.S., Shamin V.I., Mikhailova N.A., Skuratova M.V. Intensifying separating processes of high-concentration uranyl solutions and fine-dispersed suspended solids | 14–18 |
Kozyrev A.S., Shikerun T.G., Ryabov А.S., Shamin V.I., Mikhailova N.A., Romanov M.E., Buynovskiy A.S., Makaseev Yu.N. The research of uranium monoxide-oxide dissolution process in nitric acid | 18–22 |
Korotkevich V.M., Lazarchuk V.V., Shikerun T.G., Shamin V.I., Mikhailova N.A., Dorda F.A. Extraction processing of concentrated solutions of uranyl nitrate with high impurities content | 23–27 |
Andreev V.A., Buynovskiy A.S., Andreev A.A., Dyachenko A.N. Topaz concentrate desiliconization with ammonium bifluoride | 27–31 |
Andreev V.A., Buynovskiy A.S., Dyachenko A.N., Kraidenko R.I. Studying the utilization techniques of ammonium hexafluorosilicate | 31–34 |
Dyachenko A.N., Kraydenko R.I. Separation of silicon-iron-copper-nickel concentrate by fluorammonium method into individual oxides | 35–38 |
Karelin V.A., Kameneva O.V. Application of fluoride salt systems for obtaining titanium by the method of electrolysis | 39–41 |
Liventsova N.V. Optimization of fluorine obtaining processing | 42–45 |
Zherin I.I., Usov V.F., Ostvald R.V., Shagalov V.V., Gayday I.V., Tyulyubaev Z.M. Phase equilibrium liquid-vapor in three-component system UF6-IF5-BrF3 at complete mutual components solubility | 45–48 |
Makarov F.V., Guzeev V.V., Guzeeva T.I. Protection of molybdenum containers used at uranium dioxide sintering from grain boundary diffusion of oxygen and nitrogen | 49–51 |
Bereza V.N., Dyadik V.F., Baydali S.A. Mathematical model of a record type device for valued components recovery from end process gases of uranium hexafluoride production | 52–56 |
Kravtsov A.V., Usheva N.V., Moyzes O.E., Kuzmenko E.A. Mathematical simulation of water and methanol segregation processes at field preparation of gas condensate | 56–59 |
Brenchugina M.V., Buynovskiy A.S., Ismagilov Z.R., Kuznetsov V.V. The development of purifying technology of process waters of gas condensate field from methanol | 59–63 |
Sazonov R.V., Pushkarev A.I., Sosnovskiy S.A. Investigation of isotopic composition of plasmachemical conversion products of sulfur hexafluoride | 64–67 |
Andrienko O.S., Egorov N.B., Zherin I.I., Indyk D.V., Tsepenko E.A., Dyachenko A.S. Magnesium isotopes selection at recrystallization of MgCl2·6H2O | 67–70 |
Grebnev V.A., Dmitrienko V.P. Obtaining neodymium from melts by electrolysis | 70–74 |
Vidyaev D.G. Phase reversal organization in gallium-exchange systems | 74–77 |
Lotov V.A. Nanodispersed systems in processing building materials and units | 77–81 |
Karbainov Yu.A., Puchkovskaya E.S., Karbainova S.N. Adsorption of azithromycin dehydrate at stationary mercury and solid electrode | 81–84 |
Buynovskiy A.S., Kolpakova N.A., Melnikova I.A. Determining rhenium in crude ore by the method of X-ray fluorescence analysis | 84–87 |
Chaykovskiy V.K., Funk A.A., Martynyuk O.A., Filimonov V.D., Kets T.S. Investigation of preparative possibilities of iodinating systems on the basis of N-iodoacetamide | 88–90 |
Zhuk V.V., Yagovkin A.Yu., Bakibaev A.A., Yanovskiy V.A., Medvedev D.M. Studying the influence of extractants nature in the process of thin-film vapor-phase extraction on composition, degree of extraction and form of obtained products | 91–93 |
Yanovskiy V.A., Baturin D.M., Yagovkin A.Yu., Bakibaev A.A. Reduction of some cyclic derivatives of diphenic acid with sodium borane in alcohols | 93–97 |
Bondaletov V.G., Manankova A.A., Bondaletova L.I., Vishnevskaiya A.L., Ogorodnikov V.D. Studying cyclopentadiene dimerization in composition of fractions of pyrolysis liquid products by means of NМR 1Н3spectroscopy | 98–101 |
Bondaletova L.I., Bondaletov V.G., Verevkina O.V., Manankova A.A. Determining structure of petroleum polymer resins obtained on the basis of high-boiling fractions of pyrolysis liquid products | 101–105 |
Kudryashov S.V., Ryabov A.Yu., Shegoleva G.S., Sirotkina E.E., Suslov A.I. Oxidation of н-С5–С8 hydrocarbons and cyclohexane in a reactor with barrier discharge. P. 2. Simulating cyclohexane oxidation reaction | 106–110 |
Kukurina O.S., Novikov V.T., Shtykina A.V. The development of liquid-phase method for phenol deep oxidation | 111–113 |
Lyapkov A.A., Sutyagin V.M. Laws of cationic polymerization of 9-vinilcarbazole under the influence of tritillium salts | 114–118 |
Rovkina N.M., Batyrova L.M., Izergina N.V., Vatyuk E.I. Polymerization of 9-allyl carbazole, epoxykarbazolylpropane and karbazolyltiiran | 118–121 |
Bulletin of the Tomsk Politechnic University. – 2007. – V. 311. – № 4.
Power Engineering
Ushakov V.Ya. Thermonuclear power engineering: Reality and hopes | 5–9 |
Ilyin A.P., Korshunov A.V., Tolbanova L.O. Application of aluminum nanopowder in hydrogen power engineering | 10–14 |
Alekseev A.V., Kuzmin A.V. To age computation of fission neutrons in metal-water mixtures | 15–19 |
Gorodov R.V., Kuzmin A.V. On choice of the temperature profile at solving of the equation of heat conductivity in spherical coordinates by the method of thermal balance integral | 19–23 |
Knyazeva A.G., Chumakov Yu.A. Two-temperature model of gas burning in a model burn device of the cylindrical form | 24–30 |
Subbotin A.N. Ignition of porous high-energy substances by light radiation | 30–35 |
Sabdenov K.O., Dolmatov O.Yu., Yushitsyn K.V. To the theory of erosive burning of solid rocket fuels | 35–40 |
Sabdenov K.O., Dolmatov O.Yu., Yushitsyn K.V. To inquiry of nature of the concentration burning limit | 40–45 |
Dolotov A.E., Kuznetsov G.V., Nemova T.N. Numerical modeling of the evaporation process of asymmetrical dimethylhydrazine drops in the Earth’s atmosphere | 45–47 |
Zavorin A.S., Lyubimova L.L., Makeev A.A., Tashlykov A.A., Artamontsev A.I., Lebedev B.V. Influence of structural heterogeneity of metal on corrosion of steam boiler pipes | 48–52 |
Zalomikhin V.A., Kalugin B.F. Analysis of work on heat-cogeneration turbine units in schemes of preliminary preparation of makeup water | 53–56 |
Goldaev S.V., Kovalev M.V. Analysis of thermotechnical characteristics of ribbed economizers of steam boilers | 57–59 |
Maschenko V.Yu. The program CyberDiesel for mathematical modeling of fuel supply and local intracylinder processes in a diesel engine with volumetric carburetion | 60–64 |
Danilov V.I., Valuev D.V., Ivanov Yu.F., Apasov A.M. Thin structure of steel St52,3N and possible reasons of defect of large-capacity billets at «Yurmash» | 64–69 |
Nosov G.V. Computation of current impulse sources with inductive energy accumulators | 69–73 |
Gusev A.S., Svechkarev S.V., Plodistiy I.L. Universal mathematical model of power three-phase transformers and autotransformers | 73–77 |
Goldstein E.I., Djumik D.V. Use of the sampled electrical engineering device at diagnosing elements in electropower systems | 78–80 |
Djumik D.V. Definition of parameters of equivalent circuits of power transmissions, reactors, power resistors and condenser batteries based on massifs of instant values of currents and voltages | 80–83 |
Maslennikov V.N. Noise properties of the videoamplifier executed based the cascode scheme with dynamic loading | 83–86 |
Dovgun V.P., Novikov V.V. Active frequency-dividing filters | 86–90 |
Stukach O.V. Modeling of attenuator structures on field effect transistors with minimal phase shift at attenuation regulation | 90–93 |
Titov V.G., Abramov S.V. Simulator of characteristics of fuel elements on the basis of the semiconductor converter | 93–97 |
Karaban V.M. Mathematical model for consideration of change in heater capacity for proportional temperature regulator of the hybrid-film microthermostat | 98–101 |
Krasnov I.Yu. Research of the automated precision batching of loose materials system | 102–106 |
Tolparov D.V., Dementiev Yu.N. Analysis of pump station control systems | 107–112 |
Kachin O.S. Diagnosing mechanical condition of the collector-brush unit of the high-speed electric machine during resource tests | 112–116 |
Avilov V.D., Popov D.I. Sliding current collector in motors of the direct current | 116–119 |
Avilov V.D., Tretyakov E.A., Moskalev Yu.V. Application of random search algorithms at optimization of electric energy quality in networks of stationary railway enterprises | 120–124 |
Gotman V.I., Markman G.Z. Generalized static characteristics of electropower subsystems and their steepness coefficients | 124–126 |
Gotman V.I. Common algorithm of static stability estimation and computation of the established modes of power supply systems | 127–130 |
Krivova L.V., Shmoylov A.V. Selection and inspection of power plant elements with application of probability methods | 131–133 |
Belyaev L.A., Zavorin A.S., Kosyakov S.A., Krivoguzov K.A. Complex analysis of repair planning of power station equipment in generating companies | 134–138 |
Efremov V.V., Markman G.Z. «Energy supply» and «Energy effectiveness»: specification of concepts, the system of balanced parameters of energy effectiveness | 138–140 |
Our Jubilees | |
Professor V.S. Loginov is 65 years old | 141–142 |
Professor O.P. Muravlev is 70 years old | 143–144 |
Professor A.A. Dulzon is 70 years old | 145–146 |
Bulletin of the Tomsk Politechnic University. – 2007. – V. 311. – № 5.
Control, computer engineering and information science
Zamyatin S.V., Sukhodoev M.S., Gayvoronskiy S.A. Arrangement of dominant poles localization area in interval system of automatic control in specified truncated sector | 5–9 |
Sukhodoev M.S., Gayvoronskiy S.A., Zamyatin S.V. Parametric synthesis of linear controller in interval system with guaranteed root quality indices | 9–12 |
Vadutov O.S. Synthesis of depressed controllers by specified arrangement of closed system poles | 13–17 |
Kartashov V.Ya., Sakhnin D.Yu. Structurally parametric identification of object discrete models with delay for tuning smith controllers | 17–21 |
Leschev V.S., Shilin A.A., Svetlakov A.A. Automated system for studying feedback controllers | 21–26 |
Bogdan S.A., Kudinov A.V., Markov N.G., Rodikevich S.S. Automation of monitoring in gas producing company | 27–32 |
Chursin Yu.A., Goryunov A.G., Liventsov S.N. Automated control system of extraction column | 32–36 |
Chetverikov V.V., Gordievskikh V.V., Malyshenko A.M., Voronin A.V., Galaktionov E.A., Gromakov E.I. Integrated control system of projects of scientific and technical centre in oil company «ROSNEFT» | 37–42 |
Tsapko S.G., Tsapko I.V. Parallelism of functioning logically divided subsystems in a complex system at e-network simulation | 43–46 |
Ozerova I.G., Dmitrieva E.A., Tsapko G.P., Vichugov V.N. Technique of diagram automated construction in business process control systems | 46–50 |
Stukach O.V. Factor and regression modeling of the variable state devices in the system Statistica | 51–54 |
Zaychenko T.N. Studying simulating techniques of the systems with discrete time and software tools in the system MARS | 54–59 |
Kutyavina S.K., Arishin E.A., Ivanov I.V. Problem-oriented approach to solving the problems of electronic equipment design in CAD | 60–65 |
Kopnov M.V., Kovin R.V. Recovery of two-dimensional geofields: problems and solutions | 66–69 |
burkatovskaya Yu. B., Markov N.G., Morozov A.S., Seryh A.P. Application of Johnson distribution to the problem of aerospace images classification | 69–73 |
Fadeev A.S. Wavelet-functions formation in the problem of music signal identification | 74–78 |
Sidorov D.V., Osokin A.N. Simple algorithm of wavelet-compression of halftone and color images | 79–83 |
Pogrebnoy V.K. Matrix algorithm of solving graph cutting problem | 84–88 |
Pogrebnoy A.V., Pogrebnoy G.V. Designing local network structure for distributed computer system of real time | 89–93 |
Linets G.I. Optimization of transmission line capacities of corporate networks using the method of indirect optimization | 94–97 |
Fomin L.A., Linets G.I. Assessment of loading self-similarity properties in network structures | 98–101 |
Kataev M.Yu., Sukhanov A.Ya. Using neural nets for reducing gas concentrations by the data of trass gas analyzer at CO2-laser | 102–105 |
Kashkin V.B. Application of singular value spectral analysis for extracting weakly defined trends | 106–108 |
Afonasenko A.V. Identification of structured symbols on the basis of morphological analysis methods | 109–112 |
Stoyanov A.K., Panov V.A. Application of cellular automaton in production expert system | 113–117 |
Zykov D.D., Shelupanov A.A. Studying the system of pipe header telemechanics on the basis of communication network of GSM standard | 117–119 |
Fokin V.A. Statistic data simulation at estimation of biological system state | 120–123 |
Zakharov E.S., Kravchenko P.P., Skomorohov A.A. Technique of automated gram construction | 123–126 |
Anniversaries | |
Professor A.M. Malyshenko is 70 | 127–129 |
Professor V.I. Goncharov is 70 | 129–130 |
Professor V.K. Zhukov is 70 | 131–132 |