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Содержание, India : USA : Progress in UN efforts to shield ozone from illicit chemicals : Asian customs officials seize 64 tons of ozone-depleting chemicals
Bernama, Malaysia : Crackdown On Illegal Trade In Chemicals That Damage Ozone Layer
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March 2, 2007

A United Nations-backed initiative to curb illegal trade in chemicals that damage the ozone layer, the naturally occurring gas that filters out cancer- and cataract-causing ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, has reported it first promising results ahead of today’s start of its second phase.

Up to 64.8 tons of illegal ozone depleting substance (ODS) have been recorded in China, India, Thailand and other countries following the start of Project Skyhole Patching, an initiative launched on 1 September by China Customs, coordinated by the UN Environment Programme and operated by related customs administrations and international organizations in the region.

The project seeks to combat illegal trade in ODS and hazardous waste in the Asia Pacific region and involves 20 customs and environmental authorities from 18 countries. The hazardous waste phase begins today.

“It is encouraging to see that our training efforts, involving customs and enforcement officers in the 18 participating countries is beginning to have payoffs,” UNEP Policy and Enforcement Officer Ludgarde Coppens said.

Since the project began, customs in Hong Kong, India and Thailand have played an active role in sharing information on ODS. Some countries like Viet Nam and Cambodia are holding bilateral discussions on illegal ODS trade.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are among ozone depleting substances targeted for phase out under the Montreal Protocol. Now entering its 20th year the Protocol, one of the most successful environmental agreements to date, has succeeded in phasing out ODS in developed countries, led to the closure of many ODS producing plants and deterred the creation of industries that use them.

But the phase-out becomes more crucial for developing countries as the date they have pledged for completion in 2010 approaches. Illegal trade in CFCs and other ODS is expected to grow as a complete ban is enforced. Studies indicate that trade in illegal ODS represents nearly 10 to 20 per cent of all trade in ODS. CFCs alone account for 7,000 to 14000 tons of this trade, valued at $25-60 million.

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………………………………….. : Asian customs officials seize 64 tons of ozone-depleting chemicals

Posted on : Thu, 01 Mar 2007, News Category : Environment

Bangkok - China, India and Thailand have seized 64.8 tons of illegal ozone depleting substances (ODS) since September 1, last year, a good start but admittedly a drop in the bucket for a surging trade in the chemicals, United Nations officials said Thursday.

The seizures were heralded as a "promising start" for Project Skyhole Patching, an initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to assist 18 Asian nations in monitoring and cracking down on the illegal trade in chemicals that damage the ozone layer, such as ichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), used in refrigerant and air-conditioning systems.

But UNEP officials admitted that the seizures still represented a drop in the bucket when compared with the magnitude of smuggled ODS. The illegal trade in CFCs alone is estimated at 7,000 to 14,000 tons a year, worth 25 to 60 million dollars, according to UNEP figures.

Since September 1, 2006, the UNEP has been providing training to customs and environmental authorities from Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Fiji, India, Japan, South Korea, the Maldives, Mongolia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam to crack down on the illegal trade in ODS.

CFCs are among ozone depleting substances targeted for phase-out under the Montreal Protocol, signed in 1987.

While most developed countries have already phased out the use of ODS, the deadline for developing nations to complete their phase-outs is 2010.

As the deadline looms and production in these chemicals is on the decline even in developing countries, prices have increased and the illegal trade in ODS has surged, said a UNEP official in Bangkok.

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Bernama, Malaysia : Crackdown On Illegal Trade In Chemicals That Damage Ozone Layer

By D. Arul Rajoo

BANGKOK, March 1 (Bernama) -- A new initiative to monitor and curb illegal trade in chemicals that damage the ozone layer, the earth's protective shield, has started to see positive results with the seizure of chemicals in China, India, Thailand and other countries.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said seizure of up to 64.8 tons of illegal ozone depleting substance (ODS) had been reported following the start of Project Skyhole Patching.

China Customs seized nearly 8.2 tons of Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12), used in refrigerant and air conditioning systems, in the Guandong Province between September and November 2006 - 752 kg in Shengzhen and 7.5 tons in Huanpu Port.

In West Bengal, India, customs and enforcement officials seized nearly six tons of illegal chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) between October and November 2006.

UNEP said in a statement that nearly 49 tonnes of illegal ODS were seized from other countries participating and more was expected to come.

Months after he attended a workshop in Wuxi, China, a Chinese customs officer in Huanpu Port intercepted the illegal ODS using methods he learned there.

"It is encouraging to see that our training efforts, involving customs and enforcement officers in the 18 participating countries is beginning to have payoffs," said Ludgarde Coppens, Policy and Enforcement Officer of UNEP.

Project Skyhole Patching, to combat illegal trade in ODS and hazardous waste in the Asia Pacific region began On Sept 1, 2006 involving 20 customs and environmental authorities from 18 countries, including Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Fiji, India, Japan, Korea, Maldives, Mongolia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Project Sky Hole Patching is now entering its second phase, which will focus on hazardous waste and begin March 1 2007 while Phase One focused on ODS.

CFCs are among ozone depleting substances targeted for phase out under the 20-year-old Montreal Protocol which is one of the most successful environmental agreements to date that succeeded in phasing out ODS in developed countries, which led to the closure of many ODS producing plants and deterred the creation of industries that use them.

UNEP said illegal trade in CFCs and other ODS was expected to grow as a complete ban was enforced, with studies indicating that trade in illegal ODS represents nearly 10 to 20 per cent of all trade in ODS.

CFCs alone account for 7,000 to 14000 tons of this trade, valued at US$25 million to US$60 million.

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