Online Catalogue as on 28/01/2008

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1   ...   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   ...   113

Sabel, Lynne, Ed.; Steele, Philip, Ed.

1000 great events

General world history

Hutchinson places of the world

Travel guides

Schultz, Patricia

1000 places to see before you die

Travel guides

Humayun Karir, Ed.

Gazetteer of India Indian Union, Vol.1: Country and people

General geography & Travel-Dictionaries & Encyclopaedias

Humayun Karir, Ed.

Gazetteer of India Indian union, Vol.1: Country and people

General geography & Travel-Dictionaries & Encyclopaedias

Monkhouse, F J

Dictionary of geography

General geography & Travel-Dictionaries & Encyclopaedias

Moore, W G

Penguin encyclopedia of places

General geography & Travel-Dictionaries & Encyclopaedias

Upshall, Michael, Ed.

Dictionary of geography

General geography & Travel-Dictionaries & Encyclopaedias

Vijaya Bhole

Dictionary of geography

General geography & Travel-Dictionaries & Encyclopaedias

Hidden treasures

Exploration & expedition of geographic knowledge

My first reference library: Explorers

Exploration & expedition of geographic knowledge

Readers Digest

Discovery: The world's great explorers, Their triumphs and tragedies

Exploration & expedition of geographic knowledge

Philip's concise world atlas

Graphic representations of earth (Maps, Atlas etc.)

Social and economic atlas of India

Graphic representations of earth (Maps, Atlas etc.)

Steele, Philip

Pocket Atlas

Graphic representations of earth (Maps, Atlas etc.)

Tiwari, Prem Shankar

Agricultural atlas of Uttar Pradesh

Graphic representations of earth (Maps, Atlas etc.)

Cox, Kathleen

Fodor's the Himalayan countries

General geography - Asia

Bindloss, Joe, et al.


Geography & Travel of India


Nations of the World

Geography & Travel of India

Mathur, M B

Uttar Pradesh

Geography & Travel in Uttar Pradesh

Akber Ayub, Ed.


Geography & Travel in Kerala

Cheshire, Gerard

Spirit of the polar regions

Geography & Travel in Artic islands & Antarctica

Castleden, Rodney

People who changed the World

Biographical collections

Rajasekaran, P T

Nobel laureates all (1901-1990)

Biographical collections

Sharma, H D

100 great lives

Biographical collections

Great Indians


Great scientists, Vol.01


Great scientists, Vol.01


Great scientists, Vol.02


Great scientists, Vol.02


Vinson, James, Ed.

Contemporary novelists

Biography-English literature

Vinson, James, Ed.

Novelists and prose writers

Biography-English literature

Complete flags of the world

Flags and banners

Bray, Warwick; Trump, David

Dictionary of archaeology


Wright, Esmond, Ed.

European History-Rome to World War II, Vol.01: The dominance of Rome

History of Europe

Wright, Esmond, Ed.

European History-Rome to World War II, Vol.02: The age of feudalism

History of Europe

Wright, Esmond, Ed.

European History-Rome to World War II, Vol.03: The world of the middle ages

History of Europe

Wright, Esmond, Ed.

European History-Rome to World War II, Vol.04: The shaping of Europe

History of Europe

Wright, Esmond, Ed.

European History-Rome to World War II, Vol.05: Renaissance and reformation

History of Europe

Wright, Esmond, Ed.

European History-Rome to World War II, Vol.06: The wars of religion

History of Europe

Wright, Esmond, Ed.

European History-Rome to World War II, Vol.07: New worlds to conquer

History of Europe

Wright, Esmond, Ed.

European History-Rome to World War II, Vol.08: Struggle for supremacy

History of Europe

Wright, Esmond, Ed.

European History-Rome to World War II, Vol.09: The challenge of the nineteenth century

History of Europe

Wright, Esmond, Ed.

European History-Rome to World War II, Vol.10: Imperialism and the balance of power

History of Europe

Wright, Esmond, Ed.

European History-Rome to World War II, Vol.11: The first World War: Causes and consequences

History of Europe

Nandolal Dey

Geographical dictionary of ancient and mediaevl India

Indian History-Dictionary & Encyclopedias

Surjit Mansingh

Historical dictionary of India

Indian History-Dictionary & Encyclopedias

Surjit Mansingh

Historical dictionary of India

Indian History-Dictionary & Encyclopedias

Digambaraji Swami, Ed.

Hathapradipika of Svatmarama (s)

Yoga - Indian philosophy

Chandra Vasu, Rai Bahadur Srisa

Gheranda Samhita

Vedanta philosophy; Indian philosophy

Digambarji Swami, Ed.; Gharote, M L

Gheranda Samhita (s)

Vedanta philosophy; Indian philosophy

Ramashankar Tripati

Vedanthasara (s)

Vedanta philosophy; Indian philosophy


Vyutpattivada (s)

Vedanta philosophy; Indian philosophy

Valmiki; Anantanarayana Sastri, P S, Ed.

Balaramayanam: Bal, Ayodhya, Aranyakanda (s)


Valmiki; Anantanarayana Sastri, P S, Ed.

Balaramayanam: Bal, Ayodhya, Aranyakanda (s)


Valmiki; Anantanarayana Sastri, P S, Ed.

Balaramayanam: Bal, Ayodhya, Aranyakanda (s)


Valmiki; Anantanarayana Sastri, P S, Ed.

Balaramayanam: Bal, Ayodhya, Aranyakanda (s)


Valmiki; Anantanarayana Sastri, P S, Ed.

Balaramayanam: Bal, Ayodhya, Aranyakanda (s)


Valmiki; Anantanarayana Sastri, P S, Ed.

Balaramayanam: Bal, Ayodhya, Aranyakanda (s)


Valmiki; Anantanarayana Sastri, P S, Ed.

Balaramayanam: Bal, Ayodhya, Aranyakanda (s)


Valmiki; Anantanarayana Sastri, P S, Ed.

Balaramayanam: Bal, Ayodhya, Aranyakanda (s)


Valmiki; Anantanarayana Sastri, P S, Ed.

Balaramayanam: Bal, Ayodhya, Aranyakanda (s)


Valmiki; Anantanarayana Sastri, P S, Ed.

Balaramayanam: Bal, Ayodhya, Aranyakanda (s)


Sree mat Mahabharatham (s)


Sreemahabharaham, Part2 (s)


Sreemahabharaham, Part3 (s)


Sreemahabharaham, Part4 (s)


Chidbhavananda Swami

Bhagavad Gita (s)

Bhagavat Gita

Dharmnrayan Pandey

Ras chhandalankar (s)

Hindi grammar; Language

Mahadevopadhyayan Virchitham

Vyutpathi pradarsanam (s)

Sanskrit language

Mahadevopadhyayan Virchitham

Vyutpathi pradarsanam (s)

Sanskrit language

Rahul Sankrithyan

Sanskrit patmala, Part4 (s)

Sanskrit language-Study & teaching

Vedprakash Shastri; Pandey, R K

Learn sanskrit in fifty days

Sanskrit language-Study & teaching

Apte, Vaman Shivram

Student's sanskrit-english dictionary (s)

Sanskrit-English dictionaries

Anasooyaprasad Bhat

Devvani-praveshika, Part2 (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Anasooyaprasad Bhat

Devvani-praveshika, Part2 (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Anasooyaprasad Bhat

Devvani-praveshika, Part2 (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Anasooyaprasad Bhat

Devvani-praveshika, Part3 (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Anasooyaprasad Bhat

Devvani-praveshika, Part3 (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Gajananshastri Gathote

Sanskriti swadhyay, Part1 (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Ramchandra Jha

Sanskrit-vyakaranam (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Ramchandra Jha

Sanskrit-vyakaranam (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastri, K L V; Sastri, L Anantarama

Dhaturupa manjari: An essay text on Sanskrit verbs (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastri, K L V; Sastri, L Anantarama

Dhaturupa manjari: An essay text on Sanskrit verbs (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastri, K L V; Sastri, L Anantarama

Dhaturupa manjari: An essay text on Sanskrit verbs (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastri, K L V; Sastri, L Anantarama

Dhaturupa manjari: An essay text on Sanskrit verbs (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastri, K L V; Sastri, L Anantarama

Dhaturupa manjari: An essay text on Sanskrit verbs (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastri, K L V; Sastri, L Anantarama

Dhaturupa manjari: An essay text on Sanskrit verbs (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastri, K L V; Sastri, L Anantarama

Dhaturupa manjari: An essay text on Sanskrit verbs (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastri, K L V; Sastri, L Anantarama

Dhaturupa manjari: An essay text on Sanskrit verbs (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastri, K L V; Sastri, L Anantarama

Dhaturupa manjari: An essay text on Sanskrit verbs (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastri, K L V; Sastri, L Anantarama

Dhaturupa manjari: An essay text on Sanskrit verbs (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastri, K L V; Sastri, L Anantarama

Dhaturupa manjari: An essay text on Sanskrit verbs (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastry, Vidyasagar K L V

Sabda manjari (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastry, Vidyasagar K L V

Sabda manjari (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastry, Vidyasagar K L V

Sabda manjari (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastry, Vidyasagar K L V

Sabda manjari (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastry, Vidyasagar K L V

Sabda manjari (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastry, Vidyasagar K L V

Sabda manjari (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastry, Vidyasagar K L V

Sabda manjari (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastry, Vidyasagar K L V

Sabda manjari (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastry, Vidyasagar K L V

Sabda manjari (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Sastry, Vidyasagar K L V

Sabda manjari (s)

Sanskrit grammar

Srinivasa Deshikachar, V R; Prabha Sridhar

High school sanskrit grammar

Sanskrit grammar

Anandaramsastry Vedalen

Sanskrit rachananuvada shikshak (s)

Standard Sanskrit usage

Krishnamohan Shastri

Shishupalavdham (s)

Standard Sanskrit usage

Saxena, Ved Prakash; Pandey, Shashikant

Spoken sanskrit (s)

Standard Sanskrit usage

Gurudayal Mallik

Gandhiji aur gurudev (h)

Hindi essays; Literature

Dayashankar Shastri

Ardhasangrah (s)

Sanskrit literature collections

Kapila Vatsyayan, Ed.