Online Catalogue as on 28/01/2008

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Tarun Goyal

Objective general knowledge 6250 +

General Knowledge

Things you want to know Human body

General Knowledge

Think you want to know oceans

General Knowledge

Things you want to know Human body

General Knowledge

Things you want to know universe

General Knowledge

Things you want to know Human body

General Knowledge

Things you want to know dinosaurs

General Knowledge

Things you want to know Human body

General Knowledge

Things you want to know Human body

General Knowledge

Kohli,studio K S

Things you want to know science

General Knowledge

Thorpe, Edgar; Thorpe, Showick

Wheeler's general knowledge manual

General Knowledge

Tibballs, Geoff

First jobs of the famous

General Knowledge

Toth, Max; Nielsen, Greg

Pyramid power

General Knowledge

2000 questions and answers

General Knowledge

Uncle Pai

Joyful way to learn

General Knowledge

Ved Prakash, Comp.

Dreamland's enrich your general knowledge, Part3

General Knowledge

Ved Prakash, Comp.

Dreamland's enrich your general knowledge, Part7

General Knowledge

Vimala Goyal, Ed.

Questions children ask: The world knowledge

General Knowledge

Zanini, Giuseppe

Himlyn book of when

General Knowledge

Agarwala, S K, et al.

Objective chemistry

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Aggarwal, R S

Modern approach to verbal and non verbal reasoning: Fully solved with explanatory notes on logical deduction

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Aggarwal, R S

Modern approach to verbal and non verbal reasoning: Fully solved with explanatory notes on logical deduction

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Aggarwal, R S

Quantitative aptitude for competitive examinations (fully solved)

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Ahuja, B N

Objective general knowledge for all competitive examinations

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Complete chemistry for all India engineering entrance examination

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Ramasamy, E S

Air force recruitment examination: Selection of Airmen

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Anil Ahlawat

Mathematical olympiad problems and solutions

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Anil Ahlawat

Science to challenge

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Arora, M L

EPH medical entrance examination guide: Zoology

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Arun's guide for preliminary civil services examination

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Babu G Baby, Ed.

Kerala Medical Entrance file

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Career's guide to new IIT: Indian institutes of technology, Joint entrance examination (JEE)

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Science group

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Secondary school examination: Examination papers for class X

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Commerce group

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Science group

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Secondary school examination: Examination papers for class X

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Commerce group

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Commerce group

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Science group

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Humanities group

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Chhabra, S S; Luthra, S K

Lucky Star's numerical ability tests

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Civil services general studies: Latest question papers 1998-1991

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Competition Success Review

Combined defence services examination 2001: Latest question papers 2000-1990

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Course in Mathematics for IIT JEE

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Course in chemistry for IIT JEE

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

C P examination and practice papers: English

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Deepak Agarwal; Agarwal, O P

Objective chemistry for all competitive examinations

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Delhi and all India senior school certificate examination: Physics

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Dinesh Khattar

Perason guide to mathematics for NDA entrance examination

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Dinesh Khattar

Perason guide to complete mathematics for AIEEE

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Entrance examination today, Vol.1

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Entrance examination today, Vol.2

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Entrance examination today, Vol.3

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Frnacis, S R S

Premier IAS manual

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Gaur, M B; Dhillon, R

General mental ability including basic mathematical/Numerical ability

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Gaur, M B; Dhillon, R

Handbook of test of reasoning with comprehensive section on logical reasoning

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Gear, Jolene

Cambridge preparation for the TOEFL test

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

General studies Geography: India and world

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Gupta, S L; Gupta, Sanjeev

IIT physics with objective type questions for screening paper

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Gupta, P P, et al.

Mathematics for IIT, Vol.2

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Hopkins, Diana; Cullen, Pauline

Cambridge grammar for IELTS with answers: Self study grammar reference and practice

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

IIT joint entrance examinations model paper: Mathematics

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Jain, T S

Airforce recruitment test

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Jain, T S

Bank competetions

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Jaiswal, J N, et al.

Comprehensive IIT-JEE Screening model test papers with solutions

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Kapur, J N

Mathematical olympiad problems, Book1

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Kapur, J N

Mathematical olympiad problems, Book2

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Kerala engineering entrance rank file

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Kerala engineering entrance rank file

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Khanna, M L; Sarna, D

Career's intelligence and aptitude tests

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Khanna, M L; Sharma, J N

Mathematics for IIT

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Khanna, M L; Sharma, J N

Supplement of IIT guide

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Krishna, M S

Bank probationary officer's examination

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Krishna, M S

Bank recruitment tests

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Krishna, M S

Clerk's grade and stenographers examination of the staff selection commission 1981-82

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Krishna MS

State bank and other banks probationary officers exam

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Lal; John

Sainik schools entrance examination

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Srinivasan, T S

Law colleges' entrance exam

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Malhotra, A M; Sarna, D

Bank probationary officer's examination at a glance

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


National council of educational research and training science talent search examination-1967: Science aptitude test

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


National council of educational research and training science talent search examination-1968: Science aptitude test

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


National council of educational research and training science talent search examination-1970: Science aptitude test

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


National council of educational research and training science talent search examination-1969: Science aptitude test

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

NDA: National diffence academy and naval academy exam at a glance

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Malhotra, A M; Bright, P S

Career's guide to NDA: National Difence Academy and Naval Academy Entrance Exam

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Ramasamy, E S

National Difence Academy Examination

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Upkar's National Difence Academy Examination

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching


Upkar's National Difence Academy Examination

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

NTSE: National Talent Search Examination for class X

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Tata McGraw-Hill's study package for NTSE National Talent Search Examination

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Lal; Jain

NTSE: National Talent Search Examination for class VIII

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Gupta, R

NTSE: National Talent Search Examination for class VIII

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Gupta, R

NTSE: National Talent Search Examination for class VIII

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching

Lal; Jain

NTSE: National Talent Search Examination for class VIII

Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching