Online Catalogue as on 28/01/2008

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1   ...   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   ...   113


Kahan, Steven

Take a look at a good book: The third collection of additive alphametics for the connoisseur

Mathematical logic; Mathematics

Thomas, George B; Finney, Ross L

Calculus and analytic geometry

Operational calculus; Functional analysis; Mathematics

Ridpath, Ian

Concise handbook of astronomy

Astronomy & allied sciences

Mitchell, James, Ed.

Science and the universe

Universe; Descriptive astronomy

Adams, Steve

Frontiers: Twentieth-Century physics


Young, Hugh D; Freedman, Roger A

University physics


Daintith, John, Ed.; Clark, John O E, Ed.

Dictionary of Physics

Physics-Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Goldstein, A M

Dictionary of physics

Physics-Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Goldstein, A M

Dictionary of physics

Physics-Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Nation Council of Educational Research and Training (New Delhi)

Physics: Teacher's resource book and guide, Part4

Physics-Study & Teaching

Saxena, B S, et al.

Fundamentals of solid state physics

Solid state physics; Properties of matter

Gupta, S L; Kumar, V

Handbook of electronics

Electricity & electronics; Physics

Handel, S

Dictionary of electronics

Electronics-Dictionaries & encyclopedias; Physics

Glasstone, Samuel

Sourcebook on atomic energy

Atomic and Nuclear physics

Daintith, John, Ed.

Dictionary of chemistry

Chemistry-Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Sharp, D W A, Ed.

Penguin dictionary of chemistry

Chemistry-Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Cotton, F Albert, et al.

Basic inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

Lee, J D

Concise inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

Nierenberg, William A

Physical earth

Sciences of earth & other worlds

Browne, Thomas, Ed.

Mind alive encyclopedia: The earth

Sciences of earth & other worlds- Dictionaries & encyclopedias

New larousse encyclopedia of earth

Sciences of earth & other worlds- Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Richard, Bryan, et al.

Ocean: Revealing the secrets of the deeps


Dowswell, Paul, et al.

Encyclopedia of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures

Dinosaurs-Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Abercrombie, M, et al.

Penguin dictionary of biology

Life sciences- Dictionaries & encyclopaedias

Verma, V

Dictionary of biology

Life sciences- Dictionaries & encyclopaedias

Snustad, D Peter; Simmons, Michael J

Principles of genetics

Genetics; Heredity

Carreck, Rosalind, Ed.

Children's encyclopedia of natural history

Ecology; Biodiversity; Conservation

Gilbert, John

Miracles of nature

Ecology; Biodiversity; Conservation

Krishnan, A

Students dictionary of microbiology

Microbiology-Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Annie Davis, Ed.

Plant world: Books of knowledge for children

Botanical sciences

Bailey, Jill, Ed.

Penguin dictionary of plant sciences

Botany-Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Garg, P K

Dictionary of Botany

Botany-Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Usher, George

Dictionary of plants used by man

Botany-Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Carreck, Rosalind, Ed.

Children's encyclopedia of animals

Zoological sciences-Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Shukla, S C

Dictionary of zoology

Zoological sciences-Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Stanek, V J

Pictorial encyclopedia of the animal kingdom

Zoological sciences-Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Maurice; Burton, Robert

Encyclopaedia of insects and arachnids

Insects (Entomology)

Maurice; Burton, Robert

Encyclopaedia of fish

Vertebrates; Cold-blooded vertebrates; Pisces (Fishes); Cat fishes

Burton, Maurice

Encyclopaedia of reptiles: Amphibians and other cold-blooded animals


Whitney, et al.

Treasury of birds

Aves (Birds)

Maurice; Burton, Robert

Encyclopaedia of mammals

Mammalia (Mammals)

Golden treasury of science and technology

Technology (Applied sciences) - Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Walker, Peter M B

Dictionary of science and technology

Technology (Applied sciences) - Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Bogolyubov, S; Voinov, A

Engineering drawing: A course for technical schools of mechanical engineering

Technical drawing; Engineering graphics

Sidharthan, P

Inventions that changed the world

Inventions & patents

Knight, John F

Family medical care, Vol.1: Creative partnerships

Medical sciences; Medicine

Knight, John F

Family medical care, Vol.2: Major systems of the body, and emergencies

Medical sciences; Medicine

Knight, John F

Family medical care, Vol.3: Marvels of the human frame

Medical sciences; Medicine

Knight, John F

Family medical care, Vol.4: Special organs and the skeletal structure

Medical sciences; Medicine

Shryock, Harold

Modern medical guide

Medical sciences- Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Williams & Wilkins Co

Stedman's Medical dictionary illustrated

Medical sciences- Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Kohli, K S

Atlas of human anatomy

Human anatomy, cytology, tissues

McCracken, Thomas, Ed.

New atlas of human anatomy

Human anatomy, cytology, tissues

My first reference library: Body

Human anatomy, cytology, tissues

Gawer, Herman; Michelman, Herbert

Body control and physical fitness

Physical education (Physical fitness, Games & Sports)

Collins, Jane, Ed.

Children's medical guide


Nye, Anita Kerwin

First aid handbook: A complete guide to emergency procedures in the home, the workplace and outdoors

First aid

Bhargava, N N, et al.

Basic electronics and linear circuits

Circuits; Electronics engineering; Applied physics

Baylin, Frank

Home satellite TV installation and troubleshooting manual

Satellite relay communication

De Kieffer, R E; Cochran, Lee W

Manual of audio-visual techniques

Audiovisual engineering

Ballaney, P L

Internal combustion engines: Including gas turbines theory and practice

Internal-combustion engines; Heat engineering; Applied physics

Lafferty, Peter

Big book of how things work

Machine Engineering


How things work

Machine Engineering

Morris, Neil

World's top ten: Rivers

Rivers and streams

Hale, Glorya, Ed.

World atlas of food: Agourmet's guide to the great regional dishes of the world

Food & drink

Practical woodworking: A comprehensive guide to tools and materials, woodworking methods and things to make

Wood construction; Carpentry

Publication Division Govt. India

Festivals of India

Festivals of India; Arts

Bussagli, Mario

5000 years of the art of India

Indian arts; Fine arts

Calambur Sivaramamurti

Art of India

Indian arts; Fine arts

Macmillan Company

Our world picture book

Pictures and related illustrations

Bindu Manchanda

Forts and palaces of India


Jackson Paul, et al.

Ultimate papercraft and origami book

Paper cutting and folding

How to make greeting cards with children

Greeting cards

Make it yourself


Taylor, Jean

Practical power arranging

Flower arrangements in containers

Minter, Davide C, Ed.

Modern needlecraft

Needlework & handwork; Textile arts

Kalitina, N, Comp.

Andre' Derain

Painting & paintings

Kube, A N

Italian Majolica XV-XVIII centuries: State hermitage collection

Painting & paintings

Piotrovsky, Boris

Western European painting in the hermitage

Painting & paintings

PSKOV art treasures and architectural monuments 12th-17th centuries

Painting & paintings

Nice, Claudia

Wattercolour techniques with pen and ink


Blair, Arthur

World of stamps and stamp collecting

Postage stamps and related devices-Philately

Taylor, John Russell

Penguin dictionary of the theatre

Theatres-Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Brandreth, Gyles

Puzzle mountain

Games of Puzzles

Summers, George J

Great book of puzzles and teasers

Games of Puzzles

Goel, R G, et al.

Encyclopedia of sports and games

Outdoor Sports-Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Jaitley, S L

Sports dictionary

Outdoor Sports-Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Jaitley, S L, Ed.

Sports dictionary, Vol.2: L-Z

Outdoor Sports-Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Shaw, Harry

Concise dictionary of literaray terms

Literature (Belles-lettres) - Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Weiss, Edmond H

100 writing remedies: Practical exercises for technical writing

Professional, technical, expository literature

Asha Mathew, Ed., et al.

Kathakkudukka (m)

Childrens literature

Baker, Susan, Ed.


Childrens literature

Edwards, Brian

What can I do today

Childrens literature

Canning, John, Ed.

100 great books: Masterpieces of all time

Literature collections

Spiller, Robert, Ed., et al.

Literary history of the United States: History

American literature criticism

Harvey, Paul, Ed.

Oxford companion to English literature

English literature-Dictionaries & Encyclopaedias

Boas, Frederick S, Ed.

Five Pre-Shakespearean comedies

English drama; William Shakespeare literature

Kassil, Lev

Black book and Schwambrania

English short stories

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Essays: First and second series

English essays; Literature

Dheerendra Varma, Ed., et al.

Hindi sahitya kosh, Part1

Hindi literature-Dictionaries & Encyclopaedias

Dheerendra Varma, Ed., et al.

Hindi sahitya kosh, Part2

Hindi literature-Dictionaries & Encyclopaedias

Devarajan Master, G

Devageethikal (m)

Malayalam poetry collections; Malayalam literature

Amarasimha; Hargovinda Sastri, ED.

Amarakosa (s)

Sanskrit poetry; Sanskrit literature

Bravington, Alison, Ed.

Vanished civilizations

Civilizations; History of man; Philosophy of general history

Lewis, Brenda Ralph

Ward Lock's Children's Encyclopedia of history

Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of history

Chant, Christopher, et al.

Two centuries of warfare

General world history

Ganeri, Anita, et al.

World history

General world history