Список публикаций сотрудников Апатитского филиала мгту в 2008 году Монографии
Вид материала | Книга |
СодержаниеКостюк, В.И. |
- Апатитский филиал мгту список публикаций в 2009 году Монографии, 562.7kb.
- Список публикаций за 2010год Монографии, 88.14kb.
- Перечень научных публикаций и докладов сотрудников Волгоградского филиала, 177.5kb.
- Список публикаций педагогов моу сош №102 в 2007-2008 учебном году, 38.48kb.
- Список публикаций ифпм со ран за 2005 год Монографии, 340.39kb.
- Программа регламент проведения школы-семинара Москва Издательство мгту им. Н. Э. Баумана, 191.55kb.
- Список публикаций ифпм со ран за 2003 год Монографии, 282.39kb.
- Библиографический список публикаций 2008, 58.82kb.
- Т. М. Пуолокайнен Петрозаводск 2008, 253.78kb.
- О проведении XII, 43.11kb.
Виноградов, А.Н. Стратегические запасы Мурмана, В.А. Цукерман // Север промышленный, №5. – 2008. – С.24-28, веб-сайт.
Тезисы и материалы докладов, опубликованные в сборниках международных и всероссийских конференций, семинаров и симпозиумов на иностранных языках
- Arzamastsev, A. Proterozoic alkaline magmatism as a precursor of Paleozoic magmatic events in the north-eastern Fennoscandian Shield / A. Arzamastsev // 33rd Int. Geol. Congr., 6-14 August 2008. - Oslo, Norway, Abstract CD-ROM, abs. MPI07412L. - 2008. 1 p.
- Arzamastsev, A. Trace elements partitioning in dike rocks and minerals from the Kola Alkaline Province, NW Russia: basis for magma evolution modelling / A. Arzamastsev и др. // 33rd Int. Geol. Congr., 6-14 August 2008. - Oslo, Norway, Abstract CD-ROM, abs. MPI07412L. – 2008. 1 p.
- Balagansky, V. Kilometre-scale sheath fold and associated faults in the Keivy terrane: Implications for Early Precambrian geology in the northeastern Baltic shield / V. Balagansky A. Raevsky, V. Tyuremnov, S. Mudruk // 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway. 2008. Abstracts CD-ROM. 1255497.phpl.
- Mitrofanov, F. Geochronology of the Kola region (Fennoscandian Shield) / T. Bayanova, F. Mitrofanov // The 33rd International Geological Congress. Norway, Oslo 6-14 august 2008. Scientific on CD-ROM.
- Vetrin, V. Ages and cjmhjzitions of magmatic inclusions as an indicator of zircon from tonalitic –trondhjemitic gneisses of the Kola Superdeep Borehole (Baltic Shield) / Vetrin V., и др. // The 33th IGC. 2008/ 331GC\1343741.phpl.
- Glaznev, V. Gravity and seismic integrated inversion for the deep modelling of the Lapland Granulite Belt and adjacent structures, northern Baltic Shield / V. Glaznev, F. Mitrofanov // The 33rd International Geological Congress. Norway, Oslo 6-14 august 2008. - Scientific on CD-ROM.
- Dudkin, O.B. Geochemistry of Water-Rock Interaction in the Area of the Khibiny Alkaline Massif / O.B. Dudkin, S.S. Sandimirov // OFF PRINT, 2007. – С.
- Korsakova, Olga. Application of geological methods for dating of the archaeological objects – Neolithic stone labyrinths / V. Kolka, O. Korsakova // Quaternary of the gulf of Gdansk and Lower Vistula regions in northern Poland: sedimentary environments, stratigraphy and palaeogeography. Intern. Field Symposium of the INQUA Peribaltic Group, Frombork, September 14-19, 2008. Polish Geological Institute. –Warszawa. 2008.- P. 29-30.
- Korsakova, Olga P. Paleoenvironmental records from marine deposits in the coastal areas of the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) / Olga P. Korsakova // Abstracts of the International Conference and Field Trip “Holocene land-ocean interactions: driving mechanisms and coastal responses”, 22-25 June 2008, Northern Ireland. – Belfast. 2008.- P. 36-37.
- Korsakova, O. Deglaciation pattern, glacial isostatic adjustment and heat flow of the Kola region, NW Russia / O. Korsakova, D. Zozulya, V. Kolka // Abstract of EGU General Assembly 2008, Geophysical Research Abstract, Vol. 10. 2008, A-05052.
- Vetrin, V. Deep geological and geochemical zoning of Pt-Au ore provinces of Karelia-Kola regions and Ural A. Kremenetskiy, A. Morozov, V. Vetrin и др. // The 33th IGC. 2008/ 331GC\1343075.phpl.
- Kozlova, N. Archaean geochronology of the Murmansk domain and gold deposites of the Kolmozero-Voronja greenstone belt (Kola peninsula, NE Baltic Shield) / N. Kudryashov, N. Kozlova, N. Galkin // Oslo, 33IGC, 2008, CD.
- Mitrofanov, F. Russian Fennoscandia metallogeny / F. Mitrofanov, А. Golubev // The 33rd International Geological Congress. Norway, Oslo 6-14 august 2008. Scientific on CD-ROM.
- Mitrofanov, F.New data on the structure of the Archaean complex in the kola superdeep borehole (SG-3) section / F. Mitrofanov, F.Gorbatsevich, P. Skuf,in и др. // The 33rd International Geological Congress. Norway, Oslo 6-14 august 2008. Scientific on CD-ROM.
- Mitrofanov, F. Palaeoproterozoic Pados Cr and PGE-bearing intrusion of the N-W Baltic Shield: New U-Pb and Sm-Nd data / F. Mitrofanov, S. Shapkin // The 33rd International Geological Congress. Norway, Oslo 6-14 august 2008. - Scientific on CD-ROM.
- Mitrofanov, F. Two stages of the Fedorov deposit and associated PGE mineralization formation: isotope U-Pb data on zircon (Kola Peninsula) / E. Nitkina, T. Bayanova, F. Mitrofanov // The 33rd International Geological Congress. Norway, Oslo 6-14 august 2008. Scientific on CD-ROM.
- Zozulya, D. Kimberlites and their mantle sample: diamond prospectivity of the Fennoscandian shield / M. Lehtonen, V. Ustinov, D Zozulya // Smirnov Readings, MSU, Moscow, 2008 (в печати).
- Balagansky , V. The Archean of the Baltic (Fennoscandian) Shield: progress and
problems / A. Slabunov, V. Balagansky и др. // 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway. 2008. Abstracts CD ROM. 1286908.phpl.
- Voloshin, A.V. Cymrite as an indicator of high barium activity in the formation of
- hydrothermal rocks related to carbonatites of the Kola Peninsula / A.V. Voloshin, Ya.A. Pakhomovsky, F.N. Bogdanova // Geology of Ore Deposits. 2008. V. 50. N 7.- Pp. 118-126.
- Kozlova, N. Deformation as the cause of UHP-metamorphism of rocks in shear zones / V. Travin, N. Kozlova // Oslo, 33 IGC, 2008, CD.
- Tyuremnov, V.A. The magnetic-elastic effects in magnetite / V.A. Tyuremnov, Yu.N. Neradovsky // 7th International Conference “Problems of Geocosmos”. Book of Abstracts. –
St.Petersburg. 2008.- P.212.
- Tyuremnov, V.A. The peculiarities of the magnetic-elastic effects in the
anisotropic rocks (KolaPeninsula) / V.A. Tyuremnov, L.G. Osipenko // 7th International Conference “Problems of Geocosmos”. Book of Abstracts. – St.Petersburg. 2008. - P.213.
- Voytekhovsky, Yu.L. On the exotic fishes given to … geometry. Available from Nature
Precеedings / Yu.L. Voytekhovsky