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Курс лекций по лексикологии. Lexocology it’s subject and brunches. Word and it’s meaning

СодержаниеName:”dog” is named by Referent: a real dog
Foot- a lower part of smth; part of a body
The nature of language.
The english word. the size-of-unit problem.
On the first floor// there is a nursery
Multistructural units.
It was dark- ground- freezing- pre- Thanksgiving weather.
Theory of nomination and reference.
Meaning and Use
America (besides it’s referential meaning, emotive meaning it evokes some attitudes with the name of the country) fascist
The Identity-Unit_Problem
Custom (обычай)
Br. teritory Am. teritory
A historic event.
Lexical Variation.
Sweet not only taste, but pleasant, attractive
Hand- рука,стрелка часов face-лицо, циферблат часов (of a clock)
You must do what you’re told.
A herd of cows, a flock of sheep
To pass the buck = to pass the responsibility This idiom is semiopaque.To see the light = to understand
Awfully good
Awfully nice
To happen – to occur – to befall – to chance Look – appearance – complexion – countenance
Curious – responsive
Stylistic synonyms.
First & foremost
Живой – полуживой – полумертвый – мертвый
Холодный – прохладный – теплый – горячий
Органический – неорганический
Белый – небелый
Продавать – покупать
I’m talking to you. You are writing.
Bright day
Red revolution
It’s a 60-thousand dollar question = difficult question
AmE: to have a skeleton on the closet
It’s high time to do smth our mind, ready-made
To beer or not to beer (creates humorist effect)
“The course of true reforms has never run smooth in Russia” – “the Times”
The Rubicon is crossed
A hard nut to crack 2. Nominative –communicative The ice is broken
Ex.: expressive symbolism, blending, clipping, rhyme & some others.
Japan Japanese
Bottle – to bottle
Back derivation
Phonetic symbolism
Ex.: darling, little, ugly duckling
Smoke + fog = smog
Word manufacturing
Componential analysis
Typology of semes.
The structure of lexical meaning
Ex.: winter (December - February); dog
4 types of implicational meaning
OE heofon – heaven (sky)
Virtue, religion, parliament, justice, noble, beauty, preach, honour...
Champagne, ballet, machine, garage...
Переход из одного состояния в др.-выйти из леса
Ex.: cat, dinner, cup
International words.
Loan Words
Lightning war