Zeal with the pomegranate
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Радение 3.
Картина: могила, на шесте раскачивается конский хвост.
Нодира напевает песню и подходит к могиле.
Чайханщик в белых одеждах (мы больше слышим его голос, чем видим).Асалом валейкум, Нодира.
Нодира. Валейком Асолом, Тахир - ака.
Чайханщик. А почему я не видел тебя на своих проводах?
Нодира. Я хотела, я очень хотела прийти. Но вы же знаете, я девочка и нельзя мне?
Чайханщик. Разве ты девочка? Ты же мальчик, Нодир. Я видел, ты танцевала с моими мальчиками.
Нодира. Нет, я девочка и они танцуют лучше меня.
Чайханщик. Отчего?
Нодира. Потому что они мальчики.
Чайханщик. Это не правда. Ты замечательно танцуешь. Я видел. Оставайся собой, девочка.
Станцуй мне. Пожалуйста.
Нодира. Прямо здесь?
Чайханщик (говорит по узбекски). Да, пожалуйста. Не стесняйся.
Нодира танцуют. На кладбище появляются Махмуд, Карим,Салахутдин, Алишер, Нежданов.
Махмуд. Что нам делать? Аллах, от нас отвернулся..
Карим. Не говори так – он не мог отвернуться от нас...мы ещё молоды и грехи наши ничтожны...
Салахутдин. Врёшь. Мы – сосуды греха.
Нодира. Неправда. Ты не должен так думать. У тебя есть твоё сердце, твои мысли, твоя правда.
Алишер. Всё неправда. Правда в том, что мы остались на улице, без человека, который давал нам кров и еду...
Карим. Он был нам братом
Алишер. Я не знаю кем... он просто был в моей жизни. И я знал, что он есть...А теперь его нет...
Салахутдин. Я не любил и боялся его, а теперь вот не знаю... за что..?
Нодира. Он научил вас песням и танцу. Он сделал вас красивыми, вам поклонялись.
Карим. Он защищал нас...
Махмуд. Но почему, но почему всё так...? (с ним чуть было вновь не случился приступ).
Нежданов... И тогда, те двое пришли к нему и спросили...И он ответил им через стихи...
(сам читает за образ Суфия стихотворение Хаяма.)
О, отрок, не тужи о том, чего уж нет,
Нам светит дня сегодняшнего свет.
Всем завтра предстоит нам путь безвестный.
Вослед ушедшим за семь тысяч лет.
Махмуд. Мы никто без него!
Карим. Не говори так... мне становится страшно.
Салох. Успокойся...Мы всякое знали в жизни...прорвёмся...
Нодира. Ты знаешь как?
Алишер. Я знаю, что я умею ненавидеть. Я найду тех, кто убил его и убью их.
Нежданов. И он сказал: умейте любить, а не ненавидеть. Не пополняйте собой толпу...
Заповедь: Никогда не довольствуйтесь малым – это удел нищих духом.
Карим. Как это сделать?
Все повторили каждый на своём языке фактически один вопрос. Последний был Алишер и спросил горьше всех: Как!( и впервые голос его задрожал, а в глазах появились слёзы).
Нежданов. Ища это большое в себе, замечая его в друге, не пропуская даже во враге...
Заповедь: учитесь любить себя. Это трудно: это значит всегда колебаться между эгоизмом и самопожертвованием .
Говоря это, художник едва уловимыми движениями увлёк подростков в игру, в неторопливый и трепетный ритуал проявления любви к друг другу, выразившийся в суфистском радении - в жестах, в дыхании, в нежных и лёгких, едва заметных прикосновениях, в открытых взглядах, в случившемся поцелуе Алишера и Карима, Салахутдина и Нодиры, примкнувшего к ним Махмуда... Так родилась «тайная свадьба» (центральный, 9 эпизод Радения с гранатом).
Нежданов (сам один из персонажей радения).
На них были одежды белые,
и сами они были полны света.
В них сияли тайные знания,
Опустившиеся с небосвода,
Соединив теперь их навеки,
На земле и высоком небе,
Оставив в залог им вечность,
В райском саду цветущем.
Казалось: они в его стенах...
и Всевышний, любовь разделяя,
единение их освещает,
молчаливо оставшись в тени.
У каждого в руках по лепёшке
и махр - ритуал венчания –
Совершался по кругу медленно,
Сближая влюблённых дыхание.
Отпивая глоток из чаши,
Позабыли соседий стоявших,
Пылающих злобою ада,
ядовитыми змеями ставших.
Byaltsev. It is quite amazing how you can see everything but nobody can see you in this.
That is an amazing interpretation of the Sufi Ecstasy – sort of reminds me of the Russian dumping sin – but without the home-brewed beer there is not refinement.
What do you think Sergei?
Zvyaginsev. He is a painter...
Byaltsev. You Sergei, are too, quite amazing.
They silently enter the garden and meet Nezhdanov…Byaltsev is looking around the garden.
Byaltsev. Are you surprised to see us,
Nezhdanov. I must admit, I am not...
Byaltsev. We were in the neighborhood for work and decided to stop by. Can we come in?
Nezhdanov. You may. I can treat you with tea and pomegranates from this garden.
Byaltsev. It’s a wonderful little garden...Gardens have always reminded me of a heavenly life outside the city.
Is this your Eden? Are you hiding here from life?
Nezhdanov. I live and work here…and, maybe, without realizing it, hiding also.
Byaltsev. We disturbed you.
Sergey will explain everything.
Nezhdanov. Explain what? That I am finally free from my service?
Byaltsev. Unfortunately no... Two questions: you were familiar with Takhir the Choi-Khona owner were you not?
Nezhdanov. Yes, I was...
Byaltsev. And I am sure you know what happened?
Nezhdanov. Sadly, yes...
Byaltsev. Are you familiar with this object?
Nezhdanov. How did it get into your possession?
Byaltsev. Do you recognize it?
Nezhdanov. Yes, it is my spatula. I used it, until it disappeared right as I’ve sharpened it. Where did you find it? Thanks for returning it.
Byaltsev. Unfortunately, I cannot return it just yet.
This object was used to kill the Choi-Khona owner. Somebody cut his throat.
Nezhdanov. With a spatula?
Byaltsev. Do his understudies live here with you too?
Nezhdanov. It’s easier for them like that. They are completely alone now.
Byaltsev. And you’ve volunteered to take care of them?
Nezhdanov. So many questions...аnd I don’t even know how I’ve caused them all.
Byaltsev. I’m not done asking yet, Aleksandr Vasilievich. Talk to Sergey Vladimirovich please.
Good bye.
Zvyaginsev. Mr.Colonel has asked me to ask you a few questions…
Nezhdanov. Am I being accused of something?
Zvyaginsev. We are just trying to locate a few points… (Looks away.)
Zvyaginsev. To keep in touch with our comrades...is also a part of our job…
Nezhdanov. …Did someone denunciate me?
Zvyaginsev. What are you talking about? No!..
Nezhdanov. So they did?
Zvyaginsev. Why haven’t you shown up to service
Nezhdanov. Have you come to arrest me?
Zvyaginsev. You are exaggerating.
Nezhdanov. And you are now turning my life into one long waiting of an arrest.
Zvyaginsev. Please do not take everything so closely to heart. We are not interested in destroying each other…
Do you think it’s possible to deport someone further than here?
Nezhdanov. Siberia and Far East would be further.
Zvyaginsev. You know perfectly well that you have come to Turkistan to serve in a military mission, for the state’s money,
Nezhdanov. Since I moved to the Old City, I have not received a penny. You know this.
Zvyaginsev. I’ve come with intention to offer up a hand in friendship and help.
Nezhdanov. How do you intend to help me? Likeable Sergei Vladimirovich – the adornment of the Turkestanian military mission?
Nezhdanov. I am sorry...
Zvyaginsev.… You live like you are completely free.
Your behavior is offensive…
Do you have a family? Close friends? You’re not scared of what people may say about you? Are you not afraid to cause somebody pain?
A-ma-zing, as the gracious Colonel would say.
Well, I am scared… Not just anyone can allow themselves an absence of fear... No one will ever be absolutely free.
Nezhdanov. You should start a family, a wife, who will embroider tobacco pouches and give them to veterans of the military marches.
Zvyaginsev. I do not give into provocation,
Nezhdanov. Commandment number one,
Nezhdanov. I, with my wine and my lover, have forgotten needs and labors,
I do not await mercy, until judgment day I have no need of it.
I have given up my soul, my heart, and my clothes for wine,-
I am free from air, from earth, fire and water.
Zvyaginsev. I know. That’s Omar Khayam...
January 1917
The barracks.
Byaltsev. An order is given to cut off the freedom of Nezhdanov A.V., until the complete resolution of the three leading charges in the case:
а.: termination of the serving position – without finishing the service, unlawful abandonment of the service, article 34/7 – the desertion.
Point b.: a connection with the crime participators in the murder of the Choi-Khona owner Takhir.
Point c.: connection, destroying the culture bearers in the Russian military mission, with underage adolescents – bocha.
An order for the arrest warrant has been signed: vice general – governor of Turkistan. Colonel Valeryan Byaltsev.
The next evening.
Receiving Room. Skoroukhin is by the entrance. Run in Alisher and behind him three more figures wearing Parandjas (part of the dialogue is spoken by Alisher in Uzbek). Whining and crying can be heard from underneath the Parandjas.
Skoroukhin. What is this...
Alisher. Urgent! Go and report that I have to see your leader!
Alisher. Why are you standing like a mountain? Hurry! Move!
Skoroukhin. And you,
Alisher. Go, you fool, tell your Colonel that I have to see him.
Skoroukhin. Humph! Where did you learn to speak Russian?
Alisher. Well then write me one, if you can write.
Skoroukhin. Watch what you say boy, or you’ll get some.
Alisher. Oh I’m so scared now…look, I’m shaking.
Skoroukhin. Get out of here! You drove me to it!
Alisher How strong you are… horse-like.
Skoroukhin. What the hell are you doing?
The Colonel’s Office.
Alisher. Our Choi-Khona owner was killed…
Byaltsev. We are aware of that...
It’s ok...he may stay.
We are holding a suspect.
Alisher. The painter? He did not kill him!
Byaltsev. How do you know that?
Alisher. One of us saw the killer. It was our Khushtors, they came to Takhir to make a deal… they didn’t figure out the money and so… they cut his throat…
Byaltsev. With this?
Alisher. This? Really?
Byaltsev. Why are you so scared, are you familiar with this object?
Alisher . Are you trying to put me in your prison
I saw your eyes when we danced… they were gleaming.
Byaltsev strikes him.
Byaltsev. You can write a complaint on me. I did not have the right to hit you, but I do not regret that I did..
Voices behind the stage.
Skoroukhin. Where are you running to?
Makhmud. Help!
Byaltsev. Little girl… Still just a child…are you crying?..
Alisher gets quiet.
Byaltsev. What is she saying?
Alisher. She is saying that the killed man was her father…
Byaltsev. Takhir had children?
Alisher. And not just one… She says that she is scared to go outside where she can be stoned to death... and she’s seeking your help, as a representative of law!
Alisher. Ask him to free the painter.
Makhmud. Mister, I beg you, release the guest of my father.
Alisher translates.
Alisher. She is begging you… with all of her heart.
Byaltsev. Get this dog away from me, but the girl can stay!
Alisher. She doesn’t speak Russian.
Byaltsev. We’ll find a common language
Zvyaginsev escorts Alisher to the exit. Byaltsev and Makhmud are alone.
Byaltsev. You have to know that we are here for the sake of your well-being!
Listen, will you show me...
No! No! You have misunderstood me completely. I just wanted you to dance for me!
And I will watch.
Do you know what you are doing now.... you will become the first woman who dared to open to the world an art of an Eastern female dance.
Knock out crutches from the hands of the lame dance of the bocha! Rebel and dance!
Byaltsev. Did my gesture surprise you, or make you laugh?
That is how we reveal respect and admiration before our women. Do not be afraid... open your face to me.
Makhmud quietly opens his robes.
Byaltsev. You are really young...
You don’t even have a woman’s chest yet… You have everything ahead of you...
but you have to know that you are very beautiful!
Makhmud opens his robes up completely... Byaltsev sees a boy with narrow eyes and long braids... After standing there for a second, the vision disappears.