Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2011 году
Вид материала | Документы |
- Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2010 году, 4439.76kb.
- Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2009 – 2010, 4490.48kb.
- Банк данных законодательства Республики Беларусь в сфере внешнеэкономической деятельности, 21.77kb.
- Псковская областная, 233.63kb.
- Гук псковская областная, 423.73kb.
- Формы организации доступа к правовой информации в Центре правовой информации Российской, 103.03kb.
- Мухаметзянов Фарит Фаикович Адрес: г. Наб. Челны, ул. Низаметдинова, д. 18 Тел./факс:, 95.58kb.
- Информационно-библиографические издания, 485.77kb.
- Информационно-библиографический отдел Золотое кольцо России, 148.24kb.
- В. Д. Федорова Центр правовой информации Электронные ресурсы Библиографический указатель, 195.42kb.
International Review of Law and Economics - №3 – September 2011 – Volume 31
Leyman B., Schoors K.J.L., Coussement P. Does court-supervised reorganization work? Evidence from post-confirmation firm failure______________________________________149
Feito-Ruiz I., Menédez-Requejo S. Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions in different legal enviroments_________________________________________________________________169
Poitras M., Frasca R. A unified model of settlement and trial expenditures: The Priest-Klein model extended______________________________________________________________188
Petracci B. Trading when you cannot trade: Blackout periods in Italian firms_____________196
Wright, D.J. Medical malpractice and physician liability under a negligence rule__________205
Wei Z., Xie F., Posthuma R.A. Does it pay to pollute? Shareholder wealth consequences of corporate environmental lawsuits________________________________________________212
Journal of Quantitative Criminology - №2 – June 2011 – Volume 27
Averdijk, M., Reciporcal Effects of Victimization and Routine Activities________________125
Sutton, J.E., Bellair, P.E. and others. Reliability and Valitdity of Prisoner Self-Reports Gathered Using the Life Event Calendar Method___________________________________________151
Liu, J., Francis, B., Soothill, K. A Longitudinal Study of Escalation in Crime Seriousness___175
Rees C., Pogarsky, G. One Bad Apple May Not Spoil the Whole Bunch: Best Friends and Adolescent Delinquency_______________________________________________________197
Tittle, C.R., Botchkovar, E.V., Antonaccio, O. Criminal Contemplation, National Context, and Deterrence__________________________________________________________________225
Journal of Quatitative Criminology - №3 – September 2011 –
Volume 27
Young J.T.N. How Do They “End Up Together”? A Social Network Analysis of Self-Control, Homophily, and Adolescent Relationships_________________________________________251
Thacher D. The Distribution of Police Protection___________________________________275
Cook J., Cook S. Are US Crime Rates Really Unit Root Processes?_____________________299
Wheeler S.A., Round D.K., Wilson J.K. The Relationship Between Crime and Electronic Gaming Expenditure: Evidence from Victoria, Australia_____________________________315
Kennedy L.W., Caplan J.M., Piza E. risk Clusters, Hotspots, and Spatial Intelligence: Risk Terrain Modeling as an Algorithm for Police Resource Allocation Strategies_____________339
E.L.Grinols, Mustard D.B., Staha M. How do Visitors Affect Crime?___________________363
Dugan L. The Series Hazard Model: An Alternative to Time Series for Event Data________379
Public Law – Issue 4 – October 2011
Table of Contents:
Nicol D. Legitimacy of the Commons Debate on Prisoner Voting______________________681
Padfield N. Amending the Parole Board Rules: a Sticking Plaster Response?_____________691
Buxton R. The Limited Freedom of Local Authorities: a Note on Shoesmith______________698
Daly E. Residual Conventions of the Irish Constitution: The Incongruous Example of Collective Responsibility_______________________________________________________________703
Latham A. Talking Without Speaking, Hearing Without Listening? Evictions, the UK Top Court and the European Court of Human Rights_________________________________________730
Malleson K. The Evolving Role of the UK Supreme Court____________________________754
Young A.L. Is Dialogue Working Under the Human Rights Act 1998?__________________773
Current Survey_____________________________________________________________801
International Survey_________________________________________________________826
Government and Politics Jounals______________________________________________843
Book Reviews_______________________________________________________________844
Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht – Band 75 (2011) – Heft 3 (Juli)
Inhalt dieses Heftes
Lando, Ole. Conflicts Lawyers I Have Read and Met________________________________485
Kleinschmidt, Jens. Stellvertretung, IPR und ein optionales Instrument für ein europäisches Vertragsrecht________________________________________________________________497
Wedemann, Frauke. Der Begriff der Gesellschaft im Internationalen Privatrecht – Neue Herausforderungen durch den enterpreneur individuel à responsabilité limitée____________541
Heinze, Christian. Choice of Court Agreements, Coordination of Proceedings and Provisional Measures in the Reform of the Brussels I Regulation________________________________581
Weber, Johannes. Universal Jurisdiction and Third States in the Reform of the Brussels I Regulation__________________________________________________________________619
Illmer, Martin. Brussels I and Arbitration Revisited – The European Commission’s Proposal COM (2010) 748 final________________________________________________________645
Kodifizierung des europäischen internationalen Privatrechts? (Jürgen Basedow)___________671
Embryon de Règlement portant Code européen de droit international privé (Paul Lagarde)__673
I. Buchbesprechungen
Kuckein, Mathias: Die ›Berücksichtigung‹ von Eingriffsnormen im deutschen und englischen internationalen Vertragsrecht. Tübingen 2008 (Peter Mankowski)______________________677
Iskander, Sameh: Hinkede Ehen zwischen islamischem Recht und europäischem Internationalen Privatrecht. Hamburg 2009 (Peter Scholz)_________________________________________686
Die deutsche Rechtsprechung auf dem Gebiete des Internationalen Privatrechts im Jahre 2003-2007. Tübingen 2005-2009 (Martin Gebauer)______________________________________691
II. Eingegangene Bücher_____________________________________________________695
Mitarbeiter dieses Heftes_____________________________________________________696