Механизмы развития соматических и психопатологических стрессовых расстройств (половые и гендерные аспекты)
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Дмитриева Т.Б., Дроздов Ф.З., Коган Б.М.. The mechanisms of development of somatic and psychopatholocical stress disoders |
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Kogan B.M.,MCPU, Moscow;
Drozdov A.Z., MCPU; V. Serbsky Institute for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, Moscow;

for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, Moscow
The problem of different types of stress and forming stress tolerance is shown in this article. These forms of stress influence the way of choice coping strategy dependent on the stress situation among male and female. The gender and gender-role attitudes researches in the system of social relationship at present days are represented, in which the combination of socio-biological features forms different types of reaction to stress factor and determines consequences of the stress.
Key words: stress, gender, reproductive hormones, sympathoadrenal system, catecholamines.