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Конференция по транснациональной мобильности в рамках программ бакалавров и магистров
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“Human Rights, War, and Peace After the Cold War”
Тематика конференции
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Конференция по транснациональной мобильности в рамках программ бакалавров и магистров

Дедлайн: 15 сентября 2010 года

Организатор: Германская служба академических обменов (DAAD)

Дата проведения: Берлин, 11 октября, 2010г.

К участию приглашаются:

преподаватели университетов, ответственные за программы бакалавриата, магистратуры по интегрированной мобильности;

студенты, вовлеченные в программы интегрированной мобильности;

эксперты по Болонскому процессу

Тематика конференции: Конференция посвящена различным типам мобильности в странах, подписавших Болонскую декларацию. В рамках конференции будет проходить выставка, на которой преподаватели и студенты смогут представить свои учебные программы по интегрированной мобильности, относящиеся к одному из 10 направлений Болонского процесса.

Дополнительная информация: Регистрационный взнос для участия в конференции не предусмотрен. Транспортные расходы и расходы на проживание покрываются участниками самостоятельно.

Питание в ходе семинара обеспечивается организаторами мероприятия.

Расходы на пребывание студентов, выступающих с докладами, и участников выставки покрываются организаторами конференции.

Контакты: Контактную информацию желающих принять участие в мероприятии необходимо направить в Национальный офис программы Tempus в РФ по e-mail: office@tempus-russia.ru.

“Human Rights, War, and Peace After the Cold War”

Дедлайн: by October 15, 2010


Дата и место проведения: June 16-18, 2011; Seoul, Korea

Тематика конференции: Human rights and peace are two closely related concepts. In addition to being included among the missions of the United Nations, they appear to have a causal relationship. Wars, international or civil, may be triggered by a sense of discrimination, deprivation of rights or the desire to exercise peoples’ right to self-determination, but, regardless of their cause, they create conditions that inevitably involve the violation of rights ranging from freedoms of movement and expression to the right to food, shelter and life, with particularly pointed and harsher impacts on women. They also generate millions of refugees and internally displaced people who take place among the most vulnerable. Finally, the third generation of rights, which are also referred to as solidarity rights, include the right to peace, and the end of the Cold War promised not only peace but also a peace dividend that was expected by many to be channeled to the realization of social and economic rights.

However, the end of the Cold War did not lead to a safer and more peaceful world but witnessed some changes in types of war. On the one hand, there is an increase in internal armed conflicts and civil wars. According to some estimates, today there are twice as many internally displaced people as refugees. On the other hand, international conflicts and wars are not limited to those between states but involve states and international networks of armed groups. In addition to the casualties and violations stemming from the act of war, human rights groups are also concerned that repressive policies that used to be justified for serving the “containment of communism” may now be introduced or revived as necessary to “fight terrorism.”

Дополнительная информация: This three-day conference intends to bring together human rights scholars and practitioners to discuss human rights issues as related to peace and war in the post-Cold War era. Topics to be explored may include, but would not be limited to, the relationship between the international humanitarian and human rights laws, the approach and effectiveness of global and regional human rights regimes in preventing or addressing human rights violations in war zones, the impact of relatively new United Nations resolutions (e.g., Security Council resolution no. 1325) and treaties, the role and impact of the International Criminal Court, the role of international and national non-governmental organizations, and the relevance and likely impact of new norms such as “the responsibility to protect” and “human security.” They can be explored in relation to specific conflicts and events, by focusing on individual or comparative case studies, or at the theoretical level. Papers on East Asian human rights issues are particularly welcome. Regardless of their thematic focus, however, all papers are expected to address human rights as a central issue.

The conference is inter-disciplinary and open to all researchers who are interested in the study of human rights. The language of the conference is English.

Interested researchers should submit a 250-300 word abstract of the paper that they would like to present by October 15, 2010. Proposals of panels that include 3-4 closely connected papers are welcome but should include both panel and paper abstracts. Abstracts should be submitted to the following all three members of the program committee:

- Professor Sukhee Han at shan65@yonsei.ac.kr

- Professor Anja Mihr at A.Mihr@uu.nl

- Professor Füsun Türkmen at fturkmen@gsu.edu.tr

The organizing committee will notify applicants by January 15, 2011. The accepted papers should be submitted by May 1, 2011, in order to be included in the program. The conference registration is open and free, but all participants are expected to pay for their own travel, lodging, food and other accommodations. Pending funding from the IPSA Secretariat a modest support may be provided to 2-3 paper-givers from low income countries to assist them with travel expenses