Вводные фразы для написания эссе на английском языке
Вид материала | Документы |
СодержаниеFirstly,.../ Secondly,.../ Finally,... |
- 8 – 9 класс Task 1, 55.5kb.
- Препарата (на украинском и английском языке): > Международное непатентованое название, 33.11kb.
- Тексты на английском языке, 109.55kb.
- Сказка на английском языке для дошкольников, 33.46kb.
- Факультативный курс «Перевод научно-технической литературы на английском языке. Практика, 18.56kb.
- Французские заимствования в английском языке, 302.21kb.
- Программа элективного курса «Сравнительное страноведение англоязычных стран и России, 146kb.
- На английском языке, тimes new roman 12, bold, 18.25kb.
- Й Международный конкурс сочинений на английском языке, 12.69kb.
- Аббревиатура и бленды в современном английском языке, 94.73kb.
Вводные фразы для написания эссе на английском языке

Начало эссе (фактически - сочинения на заданную тему) - постановка проблемы. В первом абзаце необходимо перефразировать тему, дополнить, показав, что вы её осмыслили.
Many people think … but others do not agree.
Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of … are.
Let’s consider some pros and cons of it.
Let us start by considering the facts.
Let us start by considering pros and cons of it.
It is generally agreed today that …
To begin with, …
You can …
Firstly,.../ Secondly,.../ Finally,...
One argument in support of...
The first thing that needs to be said is...
first and foremost
It is... true that.../ clear that.../ noticeable that...
One should note here that...
Another good thing about … is that …
The second reason for...
It is often said that...
It is undeniable that...
It is a well-known fact that...
For the great majority of people...
We live in a world in which...
A number of key issues arise from the statement. For one...
One of the most striking features of this problem is...
First of all, let us try to understand...
The public in general tend to believe that...
What is more, …
Besides, … because it is …
One cannot deny that...
It is (very) clear from these observations that...
On the other hand, we can observe that...
The other side of the coin is, however, that...
Another way of looking at this question is to...
One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle.
One should, however, not forget that...
If on the one hand it can be said that... the same is not true for...
On the other hand, …
Although …
Besides, …
Furthermore, one should not forget that...
In addition to...
Nevertheless, one should accept that...
However, we also agree that...
... believe that
... say that
... suggest that
... are convinced that
... point out that
... emphasise that
According to some experts...
Perhaps we should also point out the fact that...
It would be unfair not to mention that fact that...
One must admit that...
We cannot ignore the fact that...
One cannot possibly accept the fact that...
From these facts, one may conclude that...
Which seems to confirm the idea that...
Thus,.../ Therefore,...
The most common argument against this is that...
Some people prefer going on some exotic diets. However, some experts are against this.
On the one hand, those exotic diets can have a positive effect. To start with, dieting helps to lose excessive weight. People may lose many kilograms for a short period of time. In addition, they help to keep fit. Your body becomes slimmer. Moreover, when people see their slim bodies, their self-appraisal rises and they gain self-confidence.
On the other hand, exotic diets may prove to be very harmful. To begin with, Exotic diets are always new and unchecked, so, we don’t know the consequences of them. More than that, any diet is a big stress for an organism, because it breaks usual balance of food, so, a diet can be harmful because a person doesn’t get necessary elements and vitamins. Finally, going on a diet is very stressful psychologically because dieting people always want to eat what they can’t eat.
All in all, exotic diets may be good for people but sometimes may harm people’s health.

The problem of stray animals in the streets is certainly something which is often discussed in today’s world. Statistically an animal is lost every 30 seconds. Thus, no one can deny the fact that it is very essential to decide if stray animals should be allowed living on the street. In my opinion, people should create special conditions for such animals and care for them more.
In the first place, it is my belief that it can't be the animal’s fault that they are stray. Imagine you are lost and suddenly trapped in a cage, taken to a noisy, scary shelter. This can be very sad. According to my point of view, they are not so dangerous and aggressive. This can be clearly shown by the fact that most bites are from family pets or familiar dogs, not from strays. Aggression towards stray animals usually causes aggression. I firmly believe that stray and abandoned animals should be taken to special charity shelters, given food and care, cured and given to new owners. And putting such animals to sleep is out of question for me.
On the other hand, there are a lot of people who don’t share this humanistic approach to stray animals. To begin with, opponents of protecting stray animals think that such animals cause injure or damage to people. Furthermore, these animals are sick and contagious. What is more, these people believe that there are too many unwanted pets and they should be euthanized.
In conclusion, the problem of stray animal is really urgent and should be viewed from different angles.

There are two points of view on money matters. Some people suppose that money makes people satisfied but others find money the evil.
On the one hand, money is really of a help to people. To start with, there are a lot of things that we can buy for money, for example different conveniences. They help us to make our life more comfortable. Secondly, what is really important is that only money can give us the feeling of independence. We create our future and if we want to live without problems we should have money. Finally, one of the best things that money can give us is power. When you have money you are in control.
On the other hand, money is only a symbol of wealth. To begin with, money is only paper, but it has been given too much importance and it has become people’s new God. In addition, money can spoil people. For instance, it’s not rare when rich people start using their money for evil purposes overusing their power and thinking that everything can be bought and everybody can be controlled. What is more, possessing big sums of money can cause lots of problems. For example, people around get envious, start doing something to get the piece of what you have and your life becomes more dangerous.
To sum up, money is really important for modern world nowadays and plays a great role, but thinking of it and earning it people should save their human face not giving money too much power.

The problem of climate changing is very important nowadays. Some people are concerned very seriously while others believe that there is no link between human activity and this problem. And I am of opinion that this is a really serious matter.
To start with, everything what is going on with the climate is really serious because arctic ice has begun melting so that it can lead to the global elevation of the ocean level. Moreover, climate changing can be caused by the air pollution. Our plants produce a lot of harmful substances which destroy the ozone layer and solar radiation can cause overheating of the planet. Besides, changing climate is very dangerous for animals and all human beings because our habitat is also changing.
But some people are of opinion that global warming and climate changing are not connected to human factors, that people are only trying to make their life better and more comfortable. And everything what we do has only a positive purpose. And finally most people consider that nature and its resources are unlimited and it can bear any thing what we do to it.
In conclusion, I believe, humans should protect nature and appreciate what it gives to us, because we are all children of nature. And the matter of climate changing should be taken seriously too.