История Республики Казахстан автореферат
Вид материала | Автореферат |
- История Республики Казахстан автореферат, 539.49kb.
- Закон Республики Казахстан от 17 декабря 1998 года n 321 "Казахстанская правда", 1043.49kb.
- История национальных культурных центров южных регионов Казахстана (1991-2008 гг.) 07., 592.78kb.
- Закон Республики Казахстан от 18 декабря 2000 года №126-ii, 1507.24kb.
- Вопросы Министерства транспорта и коммуникаций Республики Казахстан, 829.83kb.
- Кодекс республики казахстан, 12117.19kb.
- Нефтегазовая промышленность современного Казахстана: исторический аспект (1985-2007, 906.81kb.
- Президент Республики Казахстан, депутаты Парламента Республики Казахстан и Правительство, 109.28kb.
- О концепции миграционной политики Республики Казахстан, 268.36kb.
- О некоторых вопросах рефинансирования ипотечных займов банками второго уровня, 706.45kb.
The contribution of Southern Kazakhstan businessmen to social and economic development of the region in the seventies of ХIХ. – beginning of ХХ centuries (on the materials of Syr-Darya area)
Speciality 07.00.02 - the Motherland history (the History of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
The dissertation is the first in the Kazakhstani historiography special scientific research on the problems of Southern Kazakhstan businessmen participation in social and economic development of the region in the 70-s of the ХIХth – beginning of the XX-th century.
The research urgency is defined by the fact that in modern conditions of RК accelerated modernization, the special importance is got by the researches connected with the history of formation of the business initiative of commercial and industrial circles in capitalist modernisation, especially, in such regions as Southern Kazakhstan where the private initiative and business have very old roots.
At the end of XIXth – beginning of the XXth century the businessmen made a sound input into social, economic and cultural development of Syr-Darya area.
The purpose and the objectives of the research. The purpose of the dissertational work is in the system analysis of formation and development of enterprise activity in Southern Kazakhstan (on the materials of Syr-Darya area).
The stated purpose was realized through the decision of the following objectives:
– Revealing of features of market relations formation and development in region in the conditions of colonization;
– Allocation of social and economic characteristics of the region;
– Defining the influence of capitalist modernization on business development in cities of Southern Kazakhstan;
– Allocation of features of trading and commercial activity in the region;
– Defining directions and forms of enterprise activity in industrial and agrarian sectors of economy of the region;
– Findings-out of the contribution of businessmen in development of education and culture in Southern Kazakhstan.
Scientific novelty of the research is in the following:
– The work is the first experience of integrating and comparative approach in research of southern region of Kazakhstan in a context of formation of enterprise and business activity;

– The contribution of enterprise circles polyethnic region in social and economic development of Southern Kazakhstan is revealed;
– The role of businessmen in culture and education development is shown.
Chronological frameworks of the research.
The research starting point is the second half of the ХIXth century as it is during this period after the reforms of 60-70-s active penetration of enterprise forms into the economic and cultural life of the region starts. The top border is connected with end of the pre-revolutionary period of history.
The Object of the research is businessmen of Southern Kazakhstan, and their social activity.
The Subject of the research is the enterprise activity in Southern Kazakhstan, its directions and features of development.
The Methodological basis of the research. The Research demands scientific judgment which is possible to be carried out only from positions of ranking which assumes the analysis of events, phenomena in interaction and interdependence of elements of uniform system, regional processes as a component of business formation during the pre-revolutionary period. Such standard theoretical-methodological principles and approaches in science, as historicism and objectivity are used in the dissertation.
The scientifically-practical importance of work. Work substantive provisions can be used when working out the state and regional programs on business development, and in general works on history of Kazakhstan.
The dissertation consists of the introduction, two sections, the conclusion, and the list of the used sources.
In the first section «Factors of development of enterprise activity in Southern Kazakhstan» features of formation and development of market relations in region in the conditions of colonization are allocated; the social and economic characteristic of region is given and influence of capitalist modernization on business development is defined.
In the second section «The Basic directions and features of businessmen activity in Southern Kazakhstan in economic and social spheres» the analysis of trading-enterprise activity in Southern Kazakhstan is carried out; formation and development of credit and exchequer establishments in region is considered; business development in the industry and agrarian sphere is investigated and the contribution of businessmen to a development of education and culture, and also in the decision of social problems is found out.
In the conclusion the results are presented, conclusions are drawn and offers on the basic problems of the investigated theme are formulated.