Программа казань, 2011 31 октября 2011 г., понедельник Прибытие участников Форума 1 ноября 2011 г., вторник

СодержаниеIslam of African Communities in France, from the Self-organization to Relationships with European Society (on the Example of Imm
The Muslim communities in the U.S. and Canada: a Comparative Analysis of Models of Integration
Antique Imitation on the Eastern Market as a Means of Preserving the Artistic Tradition
The Dominant Trend in the Development of Modern Arab Theater
Turk-Islamic City in the 18th-19th Centuries: Transformation of Urban Tradition
Reading of the Quran as a Musical Tradition of the Ural-Volga region. On the Problem of Succession
The Tradition of "Book Singing" of Muslim Tatars of the Volga region in Present-day Conditions
Salikhov Ilsur Ilgizovich
The Historical Experience of the Interaction of the Islamic Law and Secular Law of Russia
Islamic Law and Secular State: the Clash of Systems or the Path to Compromise
Learning Problems of Muslim Law in Russia
Подобный материал:

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Moderators: Ding Hong, Nuriakhmetova Flyura Mubarakzyanovna

14.00. Demintceva Ekaterina Borisovna, Ph.D. in History, head of the Centre for History and Cultural Anthropology of the Institute for African Studies (Moscow)

Islam of African Communities in France, from the Self-organization to Relationships with European Society (on the Example of Immigrants from Mali)

14.15. Ding Hong, Ph.D., assistant director of the Institute of Ethnology and Sociology of Central University of Nationalities (Beijing, China)

Islam in China: View at the Problem from the Standpoint of the Nationality Hui

14.30. Nuriakhmetova Flyura Mubarakzyanovna, Ph.D., professor, head of the department of History, Cultural Studies and Archiving of the Institute of Economics and Social Technologies of Kazan State Power Engineering University (Kazan)

The Muslim communities in the U.S. and Canada: a Comparative Analysis of Models of Integration

14.45. Savicheva Elena Mikhaylovna, Ph.D. in History, associate professor of the department of the Theory and History of International Relations of the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow)

Peculiarities of Formation and Activity of the Lebanese Diaspora in the West

15.00. Emelyanov Valery Mikhaylovich, Ph.D. in Law, executive director of the Association for International Cooperation «Time and the World» (Moscow)

Aliya Ali Izetbegovic as a Modern Muslim Thinker

15.15. Chuprikov Pyotr Borisovich, Ph.D. in History, associate professor of the department Political Theory of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Faizhanov Research Institute (Nizhny Novgorod)

The Muslim Communities in Ireland: on the Question of the Current state

15.30. Ycel Ourlu, Ph.D., professor of the department of Administrative Law of the Istanbul Commerce University (Istanbul, Turkey)

Sustainable Co-Existence in a Multicultural Era and Plain Islam as a Peaceful Understanding

15.45. Adutov Rafael Masgutovich, publicist (Naberezhnye Chelny)

The Society "Islam" in Japan in the 1920-1950s


16.15. — 16.45. Coffee-break

Session 9. The Art of the Islamic world

(The Institute of Philology and Arts KFU

Kazan, Tatarstan st., 2, lect.hall_______)

Moderators: Kayumova Elmira Rinatovna, Guseynova Dilyara Aydynovna

14.00. Kononenko Evgeny Ivanovich, Ph.D., senior research associate of the department of Asia and Africa countries Art of the State Institute of Art Studies of Culture Ministry of RF (Moscow)

Antique Imitation on the Eastern Market as a Means of Preserving the Artistic Tradition

14.15. Guseynova Dilyara Aydynovna, Ph.D., senior research associate of the department of Asia and Africa countries Art of the State Institute of Art Studies of Culture Ministry of RF (Moscow)

The Dominant Trend in the Development of Modern Arab Theater

14.30. Nugmanova Gulchachak Gilemkhanovna, Ph.D., leading research associate of Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (Moscow)

Turk-Islamic City in the 18th-19th Centuries: Transformation of Urban Tradition

14.45. Rizayeva Amina Saberovna, Ph.D., senior research associate of the department of Asia and Africa countries Art of the State Institute of Art Studies of Culture Ministry of RF (Moscow)

«Women’s Movie» in Arabic World

15.00. Imamutdinova Zilya Agzamovna, Ph.D., senior research associate of the department of Asia and Africa countries Art of State Institute of Art Studies of Culture Ministry of RF (Moscow)

Reading of the Quran as a Musical Tradition of the Ural-Volga region. On the Problem of Succession

15.15. Zaynullina Galina Inisovna, Ph.D., editor ofIdelmagazine (Kazan)

Theme of Islam in the Works of Russian Writer

15.30. Kayumova Elmira Rinatovna, Ph.D., senior research associate of the department of Theater and Music of Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Academy of Science of RT (Kazan)

The Tradition of "Book Singing" of Muslim Tatars of the Volga region in Present-day Conditions

15.45. Sadirova Elena Nurgayanovna, Ph.D., research associate of the department of Theater and Music of Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art, Academy of Science of RT (Kazan)

Islamic Musical and Poetic Traditions of Tatar Drama Theatre

16.00. Kashapova Alina Ilgizarovna, student of Bashkir State University (Ufa)

The Language of Islamic Art


16.15. — 16.45. Coffee-break

17.00 17.30 Summing up the Forum. Adoption of the Resolution

November 3, 2011

Panel discussion

«The right of the secular states and the Islamic Law in the multicultural society: convergence issues»

(Board of regents hall, Lobachevsky science library building of KFU, Kremlevskaya str., 35).

Organizer KFU Law Faculty, Civil and Business Law department

Moderators: Tarhanov Ildar Abdulkhakovich, D.Sc. in Law, dean of faculty of law, KFU, Chelyshev Michael Yurievich, D.Sc. in Law, head of civil and business law department, KFU, Salikhov Ilsur Ilgizovich, Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of civil and commercial law department of faculty of law, KSU


Khabutdinov Aydar Yurievich, D.Sc. in History, academic of the Kazan Branch of Russia Justice Academy (Kazan)

The Historical Experience of the Interaction of the Islamic Law and Secular Law of Russia

Salikhov Ilsur Ilgizovich, Ph.D. in Law, Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of civil and commercial law department of faculty of law, KSU (Kazan)

Islamic Law: Religious Tradition and the Modern Legal System

Gorshunov Denis Nikolaevich, Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of theory and history of state and law department of faculty of law, KSU (Kazan)

Islamic Law and Secular State: the Clash of Systems or the Path to Compromise

Khamidullina Farida Ildarovna, Ph.D. in Law, head of civil law department, Kazan branch of Russia Justice Academy (Kazan)

Islamic Law and Moral Principles of Secular Law

Bekkin Renat Irikovich, D.Sc. in Economics, Ph.D. in Law, Head of the Regional and Islamic Studies department of the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations, KFU (Kazan)

Learning Problems of Muslim Law in Russia

Muratov Muhammad Rustyamovich, head of Islamic law department of Russian Islamic University (Kazan)

Islamic Law and «Traditional Islam»: the Modern Interpretation

Gatin Askar Alexandrovich, Ph.D. in History, assistant of the department of History and Culture of the Tatar people of the Institute of History, KFU (Kazan)

The Traditions of Muslim Law in the Middle Volga region and Religious Education (at the Turn of XIX - XX centuries)

Venue: Board of regents’ hall, Kremlevskaya, 35 str. (KFU Lobachevsky science library building).


9.00. — 10.00. — Registration of Participants

10.00. — 12.00. — The first session. Panel Discussion Opening.

12.00. — 12.30. — Coffee break.

13.00. — 14.00. — The second session. Summarizing of the Panel Discussion.

15.0018.00 Excursion around the city of Kazan

A Map of the Main Objects of the Forum

А – Institute of Philology and Arts (Tatarstan st., 2)

В – Lobachevsky Scientific Library of KFU(Kremlevskaya st., 35)

С – hotel Hayal (Universitetskaya st., 16)

D – hotel Ibis (/1)