Программа казань, 2011 31 октября 2011 г., понедельник Прибытие участников Форума 1 ноября 2011 г., вторник
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Дата | 19.03.2012 |
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Тип | Программа |
- Программа день 1, 31 октября 2011 г./понедельник Прибытие участников и референтов, 43.16kb.
- Программа VI международного инвестиционного форума «Югра-2011» Первый день форума, 113.1kb.
- Программа белорусского промышленного форума-2011 17 мая 2011 г., вторник, 167.45kb.
- Программа 3-го белорусского инновационного форума 2011 в рамках Белорусской инновационной, 290.18kb.
- 14 октября 2011 года, 74.22kb.
- План проведения IV международной конференции «пылегазоочистка-2011»: 27 сентября 2011, 121.32kb.
- План проведения IV международной конференции «пылегазоочистка-2011»: 27 сентября 2011, 128.19kb.
- Ковалева Ольга Ивановна Телефон (8-382-3)77-31-97 e-mail проект программы форума, 1088.51kb.
- Жемчужины Адриатики 13 дней (поезд-автобус) Стоимость: 595, 42.06kb.
- Конкурс проводится в период с октября 2011 года по декабрь 2011 года и включает два, 69.04kb.
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Kotyukova Tatyana Nikolayevna, Ph.D. in History, senior research associate of the Institute of World History of RAS, research secretary of Mardjani Foundation, Moscow
"Muslim Problem" in Turkestan at the Beginning of XX Century
Discussion: «How to study the Islamic Society Today?»
Participants: Abashin Sergey Nikolaevich (Institute of Ethnological and Anthropological Studies of RAS, Moscow), Alexeyev Igor Leonidovich (RSUH), Akhunov Azat Marsovich (KFU), Basharin Pavel Viktorovich (RSUH), Bekkin Renat Irikovich (KFU), Bobrovnikov Vladimir Olegovich (Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS, Marjani Foundation), Gimadeyev Ilshat Ferdinandovich, (KFU), Guzelbaeva Guzel Yakhievna (KFU), Kotyukova Tatyana Nikolayevna (Institute of World History, RAS), Saetov Ilshat Gabitovich (KFU), Khabutdinov Aydar Yuryevich (Russia Justice Academy), Khamidov Evgeny Nafisovich (KFU), Chuprikov Petr Borisovich (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod) etc.
November, 2
10.00 — 13.00
Session 3. Topical issues of the Islamic Studies in Russia and in the world and problems of Islamic Education
(The Institute of Philology and Arts KFU
Kazan, Tatarstan st., 2, lect. hall_______)
Moderators: Musayev Makhach Abdulayevich, Makarov Dmitry Vitalyevich
10.00. Koschanov Bakhytbay Abdikerimovich, D.Sc. in History, professor of the Department of history of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan History of Humanities Faculty of Karakalpak State University (Nuqus, Uzbekistan)
Topical Issues of Studying of Religion and Government in Karakalpakstan relationships (1917 — 1941)
10.15. Grachev Sergey Ivanovich, D.Sc. in Political sciences, professor of the department of bases of foreign policy and security at the Faculty of International Relations of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod)
Islam on Terrorism and Actions of Suicide Bombers
10.30. Musayev Makhach Abdulayevich, Ph.D. in History, head of the department of Oriental Studies of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Dagestan Scientific Center of RAS (Makhachkala)
The Organizing Principle of the Islamic Authorities on the Example of the Imamate in 1877 in Dagestan
10.45. Shigabdinov Rinat Nachmetdinovich, senior research associate of the Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Unofficial Islam in Central Asia in 1940 — 1980-s (Based on the Archives)
11.00. — 11. 20. Coffee-break
11.20. Khvostova Galina Ivanovna, Ph.D. in History, head of Museum complex of Volgograd State University (Volgograd)
The Muslims of the Volgograd Region in 1975 — 1990's
11.35. Makarov Dmitry Vitalyevich, head of the department for working with public organizations and migrants of Religious Board of Muslims of European Russia, research associate of Faizkhanov Research Institute (Moscow— Nizhny Novgorod)
Spatiotemporal Gaps of Islamic Studies in Russia
11.50. Manyshev Sergey Borisovich, student of the Faculty of History of Dagestan State University (Makhachkala)
Islamic Education in Dagestan at the Turn of XIX — XX Centuries
12.05. Gubayev Ayrat Minnulovich, student of the Faculty of Philosophy, KFU (Kazan)
The Interpretation of the Term “Shahid” by Islamic Scholars and Western Researchers
Session 4. The theory and practice of Sufism
(The Institute of Philology and Arts KFU
Kazan, Tatarstan st., 2, lect.hall_______)
Moderators: Prozorov Stanislav Mikhailovich, Khamidov Evgeny Nafisovich
10.00. Prozorov Stanislav Mikhailovich, Ph.D. in History, Deputy Director for Science at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg)
Mystical Love towards God (al-Mahabba) as the Dominant Idea of he Sufi Path
10.15. Zulfiqar Ali Qureshi, Ph.D., professor of National University of Modern Languages (Islamabad, Pakistan)
The Theory and Practice of Sufism
10.30. Sibgatullina Alfina Tagirovna, D.Sc. in Philology, leading research associate of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS (Moscow)
Sufi Tekke in Today's Kosovo
10.45. Shagaviev Damir Adgamovich, Ph.D. in History, lecturer of the department of Regional and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations, KFU (Kazan)
Sufism in Tatarstan: Past and Prospects
11.00. — 11. 20. Coffee-break.
11.20. Khasavnekh Alsu Akhmadullovna, Ph.D., senior research associates of the Center for the written and musical heritage of Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Academy of Science of RT (Kazan)
Koranic motives in Abdulmaniha Kargaly’s Sufi poetry
11.35. Kuznetcova Elvira Akhmatbagizetovna, Ph.D. in Psychology, associate professor of the department of General Psychology of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)
Psychological Mechanisms of Sufism
11.50. Elsabruti Rashida Rahimovna, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of Arabic Language of the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations, KFU (Kazan)
Sufi Heritage in Modern Egyptian Fiction
12.05. Khamidov Evgeny Nafisovich, post-graduate student, assistant of the department of Regional and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations, Kazan Federal University (Kazan)
Zaynulla Rasulev and His Spiritual Guides
Session 5. Arabic and Islamic Philosophy and Muslim socio-political thought in XXI
(The Institute of Philology and Arts KFU
Kazan, Tatarstan st., 2, lect.hall_______)
Moderators: Almazova Leyla Ildusovna, Ali aksu
10.00. Tuleubayeva Samal Abayevna, Ph.D. in Philology, associate professor, head of the department of Oriental Studies of Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan)
Philosophical Problems of Language in the Works of al-Farabi
10.15. Ali aksu, Ph.D., associate professor of Saraevo International University (Saraevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Is There an Islamic Solution to the Problem of Civil Religion?
10.30. Almazova Leyla Ildusovna, Ph.D., senior research associate of Mardjani Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of RT (Kazan)
The Modern Muslim Discussions in Tatarstan: What Cannot Agree on the Supporters and Followers of Religious Traditions Updates
10.45. Mihaleva Albina Viktorovna, Ph.D., research associate of Perm branch of the Institute of Philosophy and Law in Ural of RAS (Perm)
Politico-legal dimension of adaptation of Islam in Europe: Tariq Ramadan and Soheyb Bensheyh
11.00. — 11. 20. Coffee-break.
11.20. Khaydarov Farid Adibovich, the Chairman of the Council of Ulama’ of Russian Association of Islamic Consent (Kazan)
The Term "Caliph" in Light of the Holy Quran and Islamic Theological Schools
11.35. Akbasheva Dilara Khambalovna, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of Ethics, Esthetics and Cultural Studies of Bashkir State University (Ufa)
The Woman in the Light of Islamic Legal Culture
11.50. Yakovleva Viktoriya Andreevna, student of Kazan State Power Engineering University (Kazan)
Shariah and Islamic Legal Culture
Session 6. Islam and the contemporary social economic and political development of the Muslim countries
(The Institute of Philology and Arts KFU
Kazan, Tatarstan st., 2, lect.hall_______)
Moderators: Bekkin Renat Irikovich, Gabdrakhmanova Gulnara Faatovna
10.00. Belyakov Vladimir Vladimirovich, D.Sc. in History, leading research associate of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS (Moscow)
Islamists in Egypt in the Events of 2011
10.15. Edilbaeva Saniya Zhakenovna, D.Sc. in Philosophy, professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Islam and Cultural Concepts in Kazakhstan
10.30. Bekkin Renat Irikovich, D.Sc. in Economics, Ph.D. in Law, head of the department of Regional and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations, KFU (Kazan)
Islamic Economics as an Academic Discipline in the Russian Universities
10.45. Gabdrakhmanova Gulnara Faatovna, Ph.D. in Sociology, head of the department of Ethnology of Mardjani Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of RT (Kazan)
Features of Formation and Development of the Halal Products Market in Nowadays Russia
11.00. — 11. 20. Coffee-break.
11.20. Sveshnikova Yuliya Vladimirovna, junior research associate of Expert Institute of Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
The Shift of Values in the New Socio-political Context of the Greater Middle East
11.35. Kayumova Leysan Amirovna, Ph.D., senior lecturer of the department of Socio-Cultural Activity of Kazan State University of Culture and Arts (Kazan)
Cross-cultural Analysis of Stereotypes of Business Behavior (on the Example of Arab Countries)
11.50. Prudnikova Juliya Olegovna, junior research associate of the Centre for Global and Strategic Studies of the Institute for African Studies of RAS (Moscow)
Islamic Financial Sector in Sudan after Separation of the South Sudan
12.05. Komarov Igor Dmitrievich, post-graduate student of the department of International Relations of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod)
Role of Islamic States in the Foreign Policy of the People's Republic of China
12.20. Khisamov Ruslan Ilgizovich, post-graduate student of the department of political sciences of the Faculty of Philisophy, KFU (Kazan)
The Institutionalization of Parliamentarism in the Arab East
Session 7. Islam in the Volga-Ural region
(The Institute of Philology and Arts KFU
Kazan, Tatarstan st., 2, lect.hall_______)
Moderators: Usmanova Dilyara Mirkasymovna, Khabutdinov Aydar Yuryevich
14.00. Usmanova Dilyara Mirkasymovna, D.Sc. in History, professor of the department of National History of the Institute of History of KFU (Kazan)
Muslim Sectarianism in the Russian Empire: Islamic Practice in a Multicultural Environment
14.10. Saime Selenga Gkgz, Ph.D, professor of Hacettepe University (Ankara, Turkey)
Ottoman Official Eyes of Hamidian Era to Domestic and Islamic Policies of Russian Empire: View from Ottoman Embassy of St. Petersburg
14.20. Urazmanova Raufa Karimovna, Ph.D. in History, senior researcof the department of Ethnology of Mardjani Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of RT (Kazan)
Tatar Version of Existence of Islamic Festivals (XIX — beginning of the XXI century)
14.30. Musina Rozalinda Nurievna, Ph.D. in History, senior research associate of the department of Ethnology of Mardjani Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of RT (Kazan)
Islam in the Mass Consciousness of the Tatars: the Dynamics of Development in post-Soviet period
14.40. Sagitova Liliya Varisovna, Ph.D. in History, senior research associate of the department of Ethnology of Mardjani Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of RT (Kazan)
"Old" and "New" Islam in the Volga-Urals Region: the Sociology of Dispositions
14.50. Garipov Nail Kamilevich, Ph.D. in History, senior research associate of the department of Social Thought and Islamic Studies of Mardjani Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of RT (Kazan)
Views of Muslims on the Foreign Policy on the Pages of Tatar Periodicals at the beginning of XX century
15.00 Khabutdinova Milyausha Mukhametzyanovna, Ph.D. in Philology, associate professor, head of the department of education and innovation support of Institute of Philology and Arts of KFU (Kazan)
The Symbolism the Muslim Calendar in the Works of Tatar Writer Ayaz Gilyazova
15.10. Safiullina-Al Ansi Rezeda Rifovna, Ph.D. in Philology, senior research associate of the Center of the History and the Theory of National Education of Mardjani Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of RT (Kazan)
The Role of Muslim Tatars Book Heritage in the Modern Religious Education
15.20. Guzelbaeva Guzel Yakhievna, Ph.D. in Sociology, associate professor of the department of Sociology of the Faculty of Journalism and Sociology, KFU (Kazan)
The Islamic identity of the Tatar youth (According to the Sociological Research, 2009—2011)
15.30. Gatin Askar Alexandrovich, Ph.D. in History, assistant of the department of History and Culture of the Tatar people of the Institute of History, KFU (Kazan)
Meeting in Ufa in 1898 and the Development of Education in the Volga-Ural region
15.40. Fazliev Ayvaz Minnegosmanovich, post-graduate student of the Institute of History of KFU (Kazan)
Development and Functioning of Islam in Tatarstan as an Important Factor in Inter-religious Harmony
16.15. — 16.40. Coffee-break.
Session 8. Muslim communities in the Western countries
(The Institute of Philology and Arts KFU
Kazan, Tatarstan st., 2, lect.hall_______)