- Программа день 1, 31 октября 2011 г./понедельник Прибытие участников и референтов, 43.16kb.
- Программа VI международного инвестиционного форума «Югра-2011» Первый день форума, 113.1kb.
- Программа белорусского промышленного форума-2011 17 мая 2011 г., вторник, 167.45kb.
- Программа 3-го белорусского инновационного форума 2011 в рамках Белорусской инновационной, 290.18kb.
- 14 октября 2011 года, 74.22kb.
- План проведения IV международной конференции «пылегазоочистка-2011»: 27 сентября 2011, 121.32kb.
- План проведения IV международной конференции «пылегазоочистка-2011»: 27 сентября 2011, 128.19kb.
- Ковалева Ольга Ивановна Телефон (8-382-3)77-31-97 e-mail проект программы форума, 1088.51kb.
- Жемчужины Адриатики 13 дней (поезд-автобус) Стоимость: 595, 42.06kb.
- Конкурс проводится в период с октября 2011 года по декабрь 2011 года и включает два, 69.04kb.
1 2 3 4 Тема ислама в произведениях российских писателей
15.30. Каюмова Эльмира Ринатовна, кандидат искусствоведения, ст.науч.сотр. отдела театра и музыки Института языка, литературы и искусства им. Г. Ибрагимова АН РТ (г. Казань)
Традиция «книжного пения» татар-мусульман Поволжья в современных условиях
15.45. Садирова Елена Нургаяновна, науч.сотр. отдела театра и музыки Института языка, литературы и искусства им. Г. Ибрагимова АН РТ (г. Казань)
Исламские музыкально-поэтические традиции в татарском драматическом театре
16.00. Кашапова Алина Ильгизаровна, студентка Башкирского государственного университета (г. Уфа)
Язык мусульманского искусства
16.15. — 16.45. Кофе-брейк.
17.00. — 17.30. Подведение итогов Форума. Принятие резолюции
3 ноября 2011 г.
Круглый стол
«Право светских государств и исламское право в мультикультурном обществе: вопросы конвергенции»
(Зал Попечительского совета,
Научная библиотека им. Н.И. Лобачевского КФУ, Казань, ул. Кремлевская, д. 35)
Организатор – Юридический факультет Казанского федерального университета, кафедра гражданского и предпринимательского права.
Модераторы: Тарханов Ильдар Абдулхакович, д.ю.н., профессор, декан юридического факультета КФУ, Челышев Михаил Юрьевич, д.ю.н., профессор, заведующий кафедрой гражданского и предпринимательского права КФУ, Салихов Ильсур Ильгизович, к.ю.н., доцент кафедры гражданского и предпринимательского права юридического факультета КФУ
Хабутдинов Айдар Юрьевич, д.и.н., профессор Казанского филиала Российской академии правосудия (г. Казань)
Исторический опыт взаимодействия исламского права и светского права России
Салихов Ильсур Ильгизович, к.ю.н., доцент кафедры гражданского и предпринимательского права юридического факультета КФУ (г. Казань)
Исламское право: религиозная традиция или современная правовая система
Горшунов Денис Николаевич, к.ю.н., доцент кафедры теории и истории государства и права юридического факультета КФУ (г. Казань)
Исламское право и светское государство: столкновение систем или путь к компромиссу
Хамидуллина Фарида Ильдаровна, к.ю.н., доцент, заведующий кафедрой гражданского права Казанского филиала Российской академии правосудия (г. Казань)
Исламское право и нравственные начала светского права
Беккин Ренат Ирикович, д.э.н., к.ю.н., профессор, зав. кафедрой регионоведения и исламоведения Института востоковедения и международных отношений КФУ (г. Казань)
Проблемы изучения мусульманского права в России
Муратов Мухаммад Рустямович, заведующий кафедрой исламского права Российского исламского университета (г. Казань)
Исламское право и «традиционный ислам»: современное понимание
Гатин Аскар Александрович, к.и.н., ассистент кафедры истории и культуры татарского народа Института истории КФУ (г. Казань)
Традиции мусульманского права в Среднем Поволжье и религиозное образование (рубеж XIX – XX веков)
Место проведения: зал Попечительского совета, ул. Кремлевская, д. 35 (здание Научной библиотеки КФУ).
Расписание мероприятия:
9.00. — 10.00. — Регистрация участников
10.00. — 12.00. — Первая сессия. Открытие круглого стола.
12.00. — 12.30. — Кофе-брейк.
13.00. — 14.00. — Вторая сессия. Подведение итогов круглого стола.
15.00—18.00 Экскурсия по городу Казани

А – Институт филологии и искусств (Татарстан, 2)
В – Научная библиотека им. Н.И. Лобачевского (Кремлевская, 35)
С – отель Hayal (Университетская, 16)
D – отель Ibis (/1)
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations
Department of Regional and Islamic Studies
The 1st Kazan International Forum
“Islam in a Multicultural World”
01—03 of November 2011
(Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan)
Department of Regional and Islamic Studies
in association with Department of Civil and Commercial Law of Kazan Federal University and Mardjani Foundation
The Program
Kazan, 2011
October, 31 2011 г., Monday
Arrival of participants
November, 1, 2001 г., Tuesday
9.00 — 9.30
Registration of participants and guests
November, 1-3, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday
Working days of The Forum
November, 4, Friday
Departure of participants of the Forum
Time limit for reports:
Reports of Plenary session — 20 minutes
Reports of the Parallel sessions — 10—15 minutes
November, 1, 2011
Plenary session
Assembly hall of the Institute of Philology and Arts KFU
Kazan, Tatarstan st., 2
Opening of the Forum
09.30 — 10.30
The Chairman: Bekkin Renat Irikovich, D.Sc. in Economics, the head of the department of Regional and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations, KFU
Gafurov Ilshat Rafkatovich, D.Sc. in Economics, rector of KFU
Opening speech
Latypov Linar Nailyevich, Ph.D. in Philology, Vice-Rector for External Relations of KFU, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations, KFU
Opening speech
Valeyev Razil Ismagilovich, the chairman of the State Council on the Arts, Science, Education and National Affairs of the Republic of Tatarsta
Opening speech
Akulov Timur Yuryevich, assistant to the President of the Republic of Tatarsta
Opening speech
Gatin Marat Ilshatovich, head of the Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on Cooperation with Religious Organizations
Opening speech
Mukhametshin Rafik Mukhametshovich, D.Sc. in Political sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, rector of Russian Islamic University
Opening speech
10.30 — 13.30
10.30. Prozorov Stanislav Mikhailovich, Ph.D. in History, deputy director for Academic Affairs of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg)
Islamic Studies in Contemporary Russia: Problems and Prospects
11.00. Seyed Javad Miri, Ph.D., professor of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies (Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran)
Some Reflections Upon Islamophobia as the Chief Other
11.30. — 11.50. Coffee break
11.50. Elmira Akhmetova, Ph.D., the International Islamic University (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
The Problem of Eurocentrism as Main Challenge in Modern Islamic Studies
12.20. Shagaviev Damir Adgamovich, Ph.D. in History, associate professor of the Department of Regional and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations, KFU (Kazan)
History of Islamic Studies in Tatarstan
12.50. Khabutdinov Aydar Yuryevich, D.Sc. in History, professor of Kazan Branch of the Russian Academy of Justice (Kazan)
Muslim Theological Thought and Islamic Studies Concept in the Volga-Ural region in the late XVIII — early XX century. Cooperation and competition
Presentation of participants’ papers (hall before the assembly hall)
13.30 — 14.30. Dinner
November, 1, 2011
Session 1. Islam and the Intercultural Dialogue and present-day problems of the Inner-Islamic Dialogue
(Assembly hall of the Institute of Philology and Arts KFU
Kazan, Tatarstan st., 2)
Moderators: Saetov Ilshat Gabitovich, Asma Naveed
14.30. Senyutkina Olga Nikolaevna, D.Sc. in History, professor of the Department of culture, history and ancient languages of the N. Dobrolyubov Linguistic University of Nizhny Novgorod. (Nizhny Novgorod)
Does Russia Have the Problem of Formation of Multiculturalism (on the Interconfessional Interactions)?
14.45. Shuja Alhaq, Ph.D., professor at the National Institute of Pakistan Studies, University of Quaid-e-Azam (Islamabad, Pakistan)
The Quran’s Conception of Reality
15.00. Usmanova Larisa Rafaelevna, Ph.D., associate professor of Sociology and Journalism Faculty, KFU (Kazan)
Islam in Japan: Tolerance in the Alien Culture Environment
15.15. Asma Naveed, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Russian Language at the National University of Modern Languages (Islamabad, Pakistan)
A Dialogue with a Civilization (Islam and Inter-Civilizational Dialogue)
15.30. Ryzhov Igor Valeryevich, D.Sc. in History, professor of International Relations Department of International Relations of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod)
Historical Dimension and Actual Problems of Inter-Arabic Contradictions
15.45. Sadykhova Arzu Akhmedovna, D.Sc. in Philology, associate professor of the North-West Academy of Public Administration (St. Petersburg)
Contemporary Arab Press in Western Europe: the Establishment of Tolerance and Intercultural Dialogue
16.00. Aslanidze Abesalom Shakhzadovich, Ph.D., Shota Rustaveli State University, Supreme Council of Autonomous Republic of Adjaria (Batumi, Georgia)
Islam in Adjaria in the late XX — early XXI
16.15. Yarlykapov Akhmet Aminovich, Ph.D. in History, senior research associate of Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
Islamic Mosaic and Problems of Dialogue within the Muslim Community of Dagestan
16.30. Kulakova Bella Elbrusovna, Ph.D., lecturer of the branch of the Kuban State University in Armavir (Armavir)
Dialogue of Religions - a Conflict-free Path of Development of Civilization
16.45. Sevin zcan, Ph.D., coordinator of the Global Research Foundation for Science and the Arts (Istanbul, Turkey)
Religious Aspects of Bilateral Relations: Turkey and Tatarstan
17.15. — 17.30. Coffee break
17.30. Saetov Ilshat Ghabitovich, Ph.D. in Political sciences, associate professor of the department of Regional and Islamic Studies of the Oriental Studies and International Relations Institute KFU (Kazan)
Muslim Islamic Studies: between the Chair and Minbar
17.45. Ghilmutdinov Daniyar Rustamovich, Ph.D. in History, assistant at History and Public Relations department of Kazan State Technical University named after Tupolev (Kazan)
The Role of Religious Identity in the Developing Countries with a Muslim Majority after Gaining Independence
18.00. Mukhametzyanova-Duggal Regina Massarovna, Ph.D. in Political sciences, research associate at the Institute of Ethnological Studies, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Science (Ufa)
Socio-economic Situation and Legal Status of the Muslim Minority in India
18.15. Babakishvili Valentina Tenghizovna, post-graduate student of the Political Sciences Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow)
Place and Role of Religious factors in the Political Evolution of the Arab East
18.30. Sirazhudinova Saida Valeryevna, post-graduate student at The North-Caucasus Academy of Public Administration (Rostov-na-Donu)
Problems of Inner Islamic Dialogue in Modern Russia
18.45. Ananyev Alexey Ghennadyevich, post-graduate student of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod)
Islam and Dialogue between Civilizations in the Contemporary International Relations in the Balkans
Session 2. Islamic source studies: texts, translations, commentaries
(The Institute of Philology and Arts KFU
Kazan, Tatarstan st., 2, lect.hall_______)
Moderators: Akhunov Azat Marsovich, Bobrovnikov Vladimir Olegovich
14.30. Sulaev Imanutdin Khabibovich, D.Sc. in History, associate professor of the History Faculty of Dagestan State University (Makhachkala)
Sources of the History of Relations between the Muslim Clergy and the Soviet State in Dagestan
14.45. Shikhaliev Shamil Shikhalievich, Ph.D. in History, head of the Department of Oriental Manuscripts of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Dagestan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Makhachkala)
Arabic Script Sufi Works of Dagestani Authors in Kumyk Language
15.00. Zakariyayev Zamir Shakhbanovich, Ph.D. in History, associate professor of Oriental Studies Faculty of Dagestan State University (Makhachkala)
An Arabic Epigraphy as a Source of the History of Islam in Dagestan
15.15. Sadriyev Arslan Farizovich, Ph.D. in History, senior research associate at the Islamic Studies Center of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan)
The Sahabah in Bukhara: Myth or Historical fact?
15.30. Akhunov Azat Marsovich, Ph.D. in Philology, associate professor of the department of Regional and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations KFU (Kazan)
Gog and Magog in the Interpretation of the Tatar Religious Scholar Musa Bigiyev
17.15. — 17.30. Coffee-break
Panel discussion
«Islam and Muslim society: the historical dynamics and problems of learning»
Organizer Mardjani Foundation (г. Москва)
16.00. — 19.00.
(The Institute of Philology and Arts KFU
Kazan, Tatarstan st., 2, lect.hall_______)
Moderators: Alexeyev Igor Leonidovich, Khabutdinov Aydar Yuryevich
Alexeyev Igor Leonidovich, Ph.D. in History, associate professor of the Department of History, Political Sciences and Law of the Institute of History and Archives RSUH / Mardjani Foundation (Moscow)
Ibn Khaldun and the New Sociology of Islam
Khabutdinov Aydar Yuryevich, D.Sc. in History, professor of the Kazan branch of Russian Justice Academy (Kazan)
Tatar Political, Legal and Historical Concepts of the Second Half of XIX – the First Quarter of XX centuries: from Ibn Khaldun’s Sociology to European Concepts
Basharin Pavel Viktorovich, Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of History and Theory of Historical Sciences of the Faculty of History, Political Sciences and Law RSUH, head of the Cabinet of Iranian Studies RSUH / Mardjani Foundation (Moscow).
Muslim Society in Mesopotamia in Late IX — beg. X through the Prism of Political Struggle in the Caliphate
Bobrovnikov Vladimir Olegovich, Ph.D. in History, senior research associate of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences/ Mardjani Foundation (Moscow)
The Russian post-Soviet Islam in the Oriental Studies and Ethnography: Approaches and Challenges
Brilyev Denis Valentinovich, Ph.D., senior lecturer in the Department of Cultural Studies of the Dragomanov National Pedagogical University (Kiev, Ukraine).
Modern Sufism in the Public Political Discourse