Методические рекомендации по преподаванию иностранного языка с учетом особенностей образовательного процесса в базовой школе общая характеристика предмета «Иностраныый язык»

Вид материалаМетодические рекомендации
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4
8 класс:

Unit 1. It's a wonderful planet we live on.

Section 1. After rain comes fine weather – Какой климат характерен для англо-говорящих стран и России?Где можно узнать прогноз погоды для Лондона, Москвы и других городов Европы на ближайшие дни? Где найти видео - , аудио – прогноз погоды? Как описывать погоду? Как рассказать ученикам о разнице между шкалами Цельсия и Фаренгейта? Как можно научить их читать символы прогноза погоды? Где найти интерактивные игры и упражнения?

ands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ns/climate.phpl – brief information about climate and weather in Britain

usa.com/usainfo/usa/usa_climate.php – information about climate of the USA by six climate regions

canada.ca/english/climate.php – a guide to climate and weather in Canada

dia.org/wiki/Climate_of_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about climate of Australia

sm.net.nz/new-zealand/abou...nd-climate.phpl – full information about New Zealand climate, weather, seasons and temperatures

dia.org/wiki/Climate_of_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about climate of Russia

fice.gov.uk/weather/uk/se/...st_weather.phpl - weather forecast for London

eronline.co.uk/Europe.php – weather forecast online for Europe

o.uk/weather/bbcweather/we...ast_media.shtml – links to latest video and audio weather forecast

.com/library/vocabulary/bl...ups_weather.php – list of words which are used to describe weather

glish.com/qg/read.php?unitid=1027 – online games for describing weather

ish.blogcu.com/describing-...er_8772131.phpl – here you can find adjectives to describe weather

atherchannelkids.com/weatherED/ - online resources for weather education – weather encyclopaedia, glossary, teacher resources

ds.org/activities/weather - interactive activities for children to learn to read weather maps, make weather forecasts and convert temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius scales

Section 2. We're a part of the Universe - Где найти интересную иллюстрированную информацию для школьников о Солнечной системе? Что представляет собой планета Земля как одна из планет Солнечной системы? Где посмотреть видео-съемки Земли из космоса? Какие существуют Галактики и где найти дополнительную информацию о них? Где взять дополнительные упражнения на использование определенного артикля?

stronomy.com/solar_system.php - the Solar system explained for children, including animations and interesting facts about each of the planets

em.nasa.gov/kids/index.cfm - NASA’s website dedicated to the exploration of the Solar system

dia.org/wiki/Earth - encyclopaedia entry about the Earth as a planet in the Solar System

ws.ucar.edu/tour/link=/earth/earth.phpl – the educational webpage dedicated to the planet Earth, provides full information about its peculiarities and characteristics

gle.com/videoplay?docid=-5041127474937930014 – Earth from space videos

gov/worldbook/galaxy_worldbook.phpl – an article about galaxy, contains short information on groups, shapes, the origin and the evolution of galaxies

.cam.ac.uk/user/gr/public/gal_home.phpl – full illustrated information about galaxies

sch-hilfen.de/en/exercises...rticle_the2.php – an exercise on the definite article

shlearner.com/tests/the_de...article_1.shtml – an exercise on the definite article

shexercises.org/buscador/b...ntents=articles – exercises on articles for different levels and ages

Section 3. Who is there? - Где найти онлайн-упражнения на отработку Past Continuous? Как выглядит космическая станция ? Как проходит жизнь на космической станции? Где прочитать интересные истории из жизни космонавтов? Где найти информацию о космическом туризме? Кто был первым космическим туристом? Можно ли им стать?

shpage.com/verbpage/verbs3.php – an exercise on the Past Simple and Past Continuous Tenses

shexercises.org/buscador/b...st+continuous#a - Past Continuous Tense exercises

/q/h/vm/pastpastcont.phpl – an exercise on Past Simple and Past Continuous

.com/en/cram-up/grammar/past-progressive - Past Continuous exercises and tests

dia.org/wiki/Space_station - encyclopeadia entry about space stations

jp/kids/en/index.phpl - International Space Station explained for children

nt/esaKIDSen/SpaceStations.phpl - space stations and life in space in experiments and projects for children

ht.nasa.gov/living/index.phpl - NASA’s website telling about living in space, including interactive games and activities

gov/audience/forkids/kidsc...lash/index.phpl - NASA kids’ club: interactive information about living in space

.com/missionlaunches/08042...ion-sports.phpl – stories of astronauts on how they spend their spare time in space station

a.net/story.php – a funny story from the life of NASA team

dia.org/wiki/Space_tourist - encyclopaedia entry about space tourism

co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/s...000/2501015.stm - news report about the first space tourist

rs.com/article/worldNews/i...191334720070831 - an article about plans for the first Russian space tourist

Section 4. Exploring Space – Где найти биографии К.Э.Циолковского, С.П. Королева, Ю.А.Гагарина, В.Н.Терешковой, А.Леонова , Н. Армстронга? Как проводятся современные космические исследования? Когда празднуется Space day? Как отмечается День космонавтики в России? Где взять онлайн-упражнения на Present Perfect Simple и Present Perfect Continuous?

dia.org/wiki/Konstantin_Tsiolkovsky - encyclopaedia entry about Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

dia.org/wiki/Sergey_Korolyov - encyclopaedia entry about Sergey Korolyov

dia.org/wiki/Yuri_Gagarin - encyclopaedia entry about Yuri Gagarin

dia.org/wiki/Valentina_Tereshkova - encyclopaedia entry about Valentina Tereshkova

dia.org/wiki/Alexey_Leonov - encyclopaedia entry about Alexey Leonov

dia.org/wiki/Neil_Armstrong - encyclopaedia entry about Neil Armstrong

dia.org/wiki/Space_exploration - encyclopaedia entry about space explorations

rsetoday.com/guide-to-spac...em-exploration/ - brief article about Solar System exploration

m.com/items/1408214-robots...n-other-planets – 4 articles on how robots are used in space explorations

day.org/ - the official Space Day site, all about celebration of Space Day in May

dia.org/wiki/Cosmonautics_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Cosmonautics Day in Russia

aweb.org/verbs/present_perfect.phpl – free online exercises on the Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous Tenses for different levels

shexercises.org/buscador/b...esent+perfect#a – collection of exercises on the Present Perfect Tense

shgrammarsecrets.com/prese...inuous/menu.php – theory and exercises on the Present Perfect Simple and Continuous Tenses

Section 5. Is the Earth a dangerous place? - Где найти информацию о землятресениях, ураганах, торнадо, вулканах, наводнениях, засухах? Какие из них были самыми масштабными и разрушительными в истории человечества? Как работают спасатели в разных странах? Какие есть подразделения в этих службах? Существует ли такая служба в России? Какие телефонные номера у различных спасательных служб (пожарная, скорая помощь, полиция , служба спасения) в разных странах? Где найти дополнительные онлайн- упражнения на Past Simple и Past Continuous?

dia.org/wiki/Earthquake - encyclopaedia entry about earthquake

erwizkids.com/earthquake1.php – full information for kids about earthquakes – causes, facts, safety tips

e.usgs.gov/regional/world/...rgest_world.php – the largest earthquakes in the world since 1900

ience.com/GreatestEarthquake.php – information about the greatest earthquake ever recorded

erwizkids.com/hurricane1.php – illustrated information for kids about hurricanes

dia.org/wiki/Tropical_cyclone - encyclopaedia entry about tropical cyclone (hurricanes)

isasters.com/index.php/sit...est_hurricanes/ - the 10 strongest hurricanes

cane.com/hurricane-records.php – hurricane records and facts

dia.org/wiki/Tornado - encyclopaedia entry about tornados

erwizkids.com/tornado.php - tornados explained for children, with pictures

ws.ucar.edu/tour/link=/ear...nado/alley.phpl - Tornado alley and places where tornados frequently occur

com/about_5074754_highest-...ind-speeds.phpl – some information about what are the highest tornado wind speeds

dia.org/wiki/Volcano - encyclopaedia entry about volcano

regonstate.edu/ - this website brings modern and near real-time volcano information

orough.k12.me.us/wis/teach...t_volcanoes.php – a list of 10 largest volcanoes

lesbase.com/home-security-...ory-485371.phpl – the top 10 of the most devastating floods in history

dia.org/wiki/Flood - encyclopaedia entry about floods and their types

dia.org/wiki/Drought - encyclopaedia entry about drought

ht.unl.edu/kids/impacts/affects.php – an article on how droughts affect us

hinkquest.org/J001550F/droughtsworst2.php – the worst droughts of the 20th century

dia.org/wiki/Emergency_service - encyclopaedia entry about emergency service

data.co.uk/emergency_services.phpl – illustrated information about emergency services in the United Kingdom

dia.org/wiki/Emergency_med...e_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about emergency medical services in the USA

org/hsus_field/hsus_disaster_center/ - the website of the emergency service Animal Rescue Team, which saves animals in the United States and abroad

ikimedia.org/wiki/Category...ices_by_country – photos and images of emergency services of different countries

gov.ru/en/ - information about Russian rescue services

dia.org/wiki/Emergency_tel...e_number#Europe – Emergency telephone numbers in different countries of the world

Section 6. Six Robinsons and their guitar – Где взять онлайн- упражнения на отработку Past Perfect Tense?

-english-today.com/lessons...t_exercise.phpl – Past Perfect exercises

.com/en/cram-up/grammar/pa...le/exercises?03 - Past Perfect exercises

shgrammarsecrets.com/pastperfect/menu.php - Past Perfect exercises

intables.com/printable.asp?id=139096 - Past Perfect exercises

Section 7. “This earth was made for you and me” - Где найти упражнения /тесты на все Past Tenses? Где найти дополнительную информацию о птицах Новой Зеландии, животном мире Австралии, Ниагарском водопаде, the Peak District, о северо-западном регионе России? Где найти пример эссе о своей стране?

sh-test.net/esl/learn/engl...17/esl-test.php – a Past Tenses test

fire.com/wi3/englishcorner...ar/grammar.phpl – Past Tenses exercises

intables.com/printable.asp?id=83735 – Present and Past Tenses printable exercises

ds.com/ - this site offers extensive information about almost all New Zealand's birds

dia.org/wiki/Birds_of_New_Zealand - encyclopaedia entry about the birds of New Zealand

dia.org/wiki/Fauna_of_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about the fauna of Australia

alianfauna.com/ - the site provides full information about the Australian fauna, animal photos, information and much more

dia.org/wiki/Niagara_Falls,_New_York - encyclopaedia entry about the Niagara Falls

ra-usa.com/ - the official tourist information site for the Niagara Falls USA, here you will find everything you need to know about this American sight

dia.org/wiki/Peak_District - encyclopaedia entry about the Peak District

istrict.org/ - information about living in, learning about and visiting the Peak District National Park

a.gov/russia/en/overview_nw.phpl – overviews of St.Petersburg and Russia's Northwest

ussia.ru/page.php?56 – illustrated information about “the land of the lakes” - the Northwest of Russia

23.blogspot.com/2009/08/i-...my-country.phpl – sample essay “I'm proud of my country”

ssays.com/viewpaper/10047.phpl - sample essay “Proud of my country”

Unit 2. The world's best friend is you.

Section 1. The Earth needs a friend, doesn't it? - Где найти образцы запрещающих знаков? Какие основные экологические проблемы существуют во всем мире? Как эти проблемы влияют на развитие человечества? Как научить подростков заботиться об окружающей среде?

ockphoto.com/images-photos/prohibit.phpl – a collection of prohibition signs photos and images

ech.com/environmental-problems.php — a list of environmental problems and related issues

tment.com/all/whataresomeen_rqvf.php — what are some environmental problems and how we can help

h-ezine.com/articles/envir...l-Problems.phpl — an article about the 7 main environmental problems


- information about environmental problems and how they affect humanity

ian.co.uk/environment/2007...6/climatechange — this article tells how environmental failures 'put humanity at risk'

areofyourshare.com/ - a website dedicated to environmental protection

rs.tripod.com/nature210/id2.php — provides simple suggestions for kids and teens to help prevent environmental problems

ic.gov.au/thesustainables/ten.php — 10 things we can do to save the planet

Section 2. Conditional II and III – Где найти интерактивные упражнения на отработку Conditional II and III ?

sch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/if.php — conditional clauses exercises

intables.com/buscador/busc...ditional#thetop - conditional clauses exercises

be/smic5022/conditionalmixed1.php - conditional clauses exercises

shforjapanese.com/exercise...onditional.phpl - conditional clauses exercises

Section 3. What's wrong with us? - Каковы основные глобальные проблемы человечества и как они связаны между собой? Где взять интерактивные упражнения, тесты на отработку грамматической конструкции to be/get used to/smth/to doing smth?

lcollab.org/gps/intro/whatareGPS - an article about what global problems of the world

lworldproblems.com/ - a website dedicated to global problems of the world with links to descriptions of the main ones

du/faculty/richardpalmer/P...pplication.phpl – some information about the 12 main world problems

.about.com/od/globalproble...obal_Issues.php – learn about global environmental, climate and political problems

lissues.org/ - a global issues website, presents numerous global issues, aiming to show how they are inter-related

co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4796909.stm – an article about water shortage as a global problem

cessproject.com/index.php/..._global_problem – brief information about some dangerous diseases which are most crucial in our days

adoo.es/autoenglish/gr.used.p.php – used to / to be used to - exercises

english.com/quizzes/115.phpl - used to / to be/get used to – online language quiz

4good.com/languages/evrd_g...r/usedtodo.php3 - used to do - exercises

-english-today.com/lessons...used-to_ex..php – free printable English exercises on used to / to be/get used to

Section 4. Why throw away? Why not recycle? - Почему сегодня многие люди, а особенно подростки, мусорят на улицах? Как заставить подростков соблюдать чистоту и не сорить? Какие штрафы и наказания существуют в Великобритании и её провинциях за бросание мусора на улице? Как противоборствуют этому в разных странах и какие службы для этого существуют? Как в разных странах сортируют и перерабатывают мусор? Какие мусорные баки установлены на улицах различных городов, где посмотреть их изображения? Где найти

упражнения на смешанный тип условных предложений?

rk.gov.uk/services/corpora...rop_litter.aspx — research into teenagers' attitudes to litter dropping

o.uk/article.aspx?storycode=2076780 — an article about litter, its hazard to health, why people and especially teenagers drop litter

mail.co.uk/news/article-12...litter-bin.phpl — an article about an interesting way to make teens not litter

co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/animals/...000/2743625.stm — how the problem of dropping litter is solved in Britain

hireeveningpost.co.uk/news...k-up.4811618.jp — an article from Yorkshire Evening Post about how to make teens not drop rubbish on the city's streets

ssandstar.com/2009/04/10/b...es-in-sandwell/ - what punishment for litter offences in one of the British cities

sman.com/litter/Litter-war...over.3326346.jp — information about fines dished out for offences such as littering and dog fouling in Scotland

co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/n...ast/7274751.stm — a brief article on how pupils are fined for dropping litter in Wales

co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/chat/you...000/3707597.stm — how should litter louts be punished — what young people from different countries think about it

rheroes.co.uk/ - this website of people who want to do something about litter

.adn.com/node/141511 — an article on how one copes with city's litter in one of American state

ifetrust.org.uk/facts/litter.php — how litter is recycled

earch.com/photos-images/litter-bins.phpl — litter bins photos and images

shpage.com/conditional/mixedconditional.phpl - mixed conditionals theory and exercises

areinglese.co.uk/esercizi_...onditional.phpl – exercises on 2d, 3d and mixed conditional forms

4good.com/languages/evrd_g...nditionals.php3 – mixed conditionals exercises

Section 5. What can we do to save the Earth? - Как борются с мусором в разных странах? Как долго сохраняется мусор в природе? Где найти информацию о Гринпис? Где найти интерактивные игры про экологию для детей и подростков? Где найти примеры школьных проектов, посвященных защите окружающей среды?

.org/node/3916 - information on how long it takes trash to biodegrade. Did you know that it takes 400 years for a plastic sandwich bag to biodegrade?

y.org/education.php - information about the annual California coastal cleanup day

.tripod.com/trash/trash.php - an American tells about the differences between trash disposal in the USA and Germany

com/about_4568299_nonbiode...able-trash.phpl - brief information about non-biodegradable trash

dia.org/wiki/Greenpeace - an encyclopaedia entry about Greenpeace

peace.org/international/ - the website of Greenpeace

peace.org/international/fungames/games - online games to help children learn about ecology

nt/osg/spuold/wsis-themes/...nvironment.phpl – examples of ICT- projects dedicated to environmental protection

Unit 3. Mass Media: Good or Bad?

Section 1. What is the media? - Что такое Mass Media? Какие средства массовой информации бывают? Где найти информацию об основных из них? Какое положительное и негативное воздействие оказывают СМИ на подростков? Как можно использовать СМИ в образовательных целях? Каковы достоинства и недостатки СМИ? Какие СМИ самые популярные в России, США? Где взять информацию об истории радио? Где найти подкасты, созданные для подростков?

dia.org/wiki/Mass_media - encyclopaedia entry about mass media

eek.com/what-is-mass-media.php – brief information about what mass media is

cles.com/?Types-of-Mass-Media&id=1311276 – an article on types of mass media

e.com/articles/different-t...mass-media.phpl – a short article on different types of mass media

wordpress.com/2007/10/23/m...and-influences/ - information about types of mass media and its positive and negative influences

com/hub/Mass-Media-Influence-on-Society – links to information about mass media and its ifluence on society and particularly on young people

dia.kids.net.au/page/ma/Mass_media – kids encyclopaedia entry about mass media

developmentinfo.com/health...ens_media.shtml – information for parents to help children and teenagers use various forms of mass media reasonably

oks.org/wiki/The_American_...ia_in_Education – an article about the role of Mass Media in American education

e.com/articles/advantages-...rint-media.phpl – brief information about advantages and disadvantages of print media

ate5.blogspot.com/2008/05/...es-of-mass.phpl – an article on advantages and disadvantages of mass media

ers.com/Q/What_are_the_adv...rs_in_education – an article about what the advantages and disadvantages of using computer in education are

anembassy.org/RUSSIA/mass_media.php – brief information about the most popular mass media in Russia

dia.org/wiki/Media_of_the_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about mass media of the US

history.scit.wlv.ac.uk/Mus...adiohistory.php - a brief history of radio development

.about.com/od/rstartinventions/a/radio.php – information about the invention and inventors of radio

dia.org/wiki/History_of_radio - encyclopaedia entry about the history of radio

ed.net/tags/Teens – podcasts focusing on topics for teenagers

ccess.org/index.php?title=Podcasts_%26_Teens - a list of podcasts created by teens

stdirectory.com/genre/inde...ormatword=Teens – most popular teens podcasts

Section 2. What do you think of television? - Где найти информацию о создании телевидения и его истории? Какие телевизионные жанры существуют? Какие телевизионные каналы самые популярные в Британии , России? Как создавались первые журналы и когда они появились? Где найти сайты журналов, популярных среди тинейджеров?

dia.org/wiki/History_of_television - encyclopaedia entry about history of television

ds.com/web?q=History+of+Te...p;o=0&l=dir – links to websites for children telling about the history of television

ase.com/view/tv/tv_genre – information about TV genres with their descriptions and examples

dia.org/wiki/Category:Television_genres – list of television genres with links to them

dia.org/wiki/Reality_television - encyclopaedia entry about the genre of TV shows called "Reality TV"

dia.org/wiki/Television_in...sion_Programmes - encyclopaedia entry about television in the UK, includes information about 100 Greatest British TV Programmes

uk.com/tv – a full directory of British television channels addresses and details

a-ic.com/business_law/Russian_companies/643/ - brief information about the most popular and highly rated TV channels in Russia

dia.org/wiki/Television_in_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about television in Russia

a.com/tv/ - a guide to Russian television, TV stations and channels

dia.org/wiki/Magazine - encyclopaedia entry about magazines

dia.org/wiki/History_of_ne...s_and_magazines - encyclopaedia entry about history of newspappres and magazines

-newspapers.com/youth.phpl — a list of popular teen magazines with links to their websites

ag.com/ - the online home of TEEN magazine, teen letters, lots of advice for youth, etc

eeen.com/en.com/ - online version of Faze, Canada's largest teen magazine, with lots of articles, reviews, photos and contests

ucanread.com/teen-magazines/ - top 10 teen magazines with links to their websites

nowtalk.com/tnt/home/ - Teens Now Talk Magazine online

Section 3. Do you read newspapers on Sundays? - Как создавались и печатались первые газеты? Когда они появились? Когда стали выпускаться первые газеты в Британии и Америке? Где найти онлайн-версии газет для детей и юношества на английском? Где найти пример веб-квеста на тему “Today's news”? Где найти информацию о broadsheets, tabloids с примерами?Где посмотреть сайты британских газет?

ress.org/article.php3?id_article=2821 – a brief history of newspapers

aper-industry.org/history.phpl – the history of the first news sheet, the first newspapper, the first daily newspapper

apersoc.org.uk/default.aspx?page=304 – links to the chronological history of British newspappers

dia.org/wiki/History_of_American_newspapers - encyclopaedia entry about history of American newspappers

enewspapers.com/ - the 50 most popular online USA newspappers, world newspappres and magazines

e.com/Top/Kids_and_Teens/News/Newspapers/ - links to the websites of newspappers in English for kids and teenagers

s/~inped/module4_4/m4_2.php – a sample of the webquest “Today's news”

dia.org/wiki/Broadsheet - encyclopaedia entry about broadsheets

t/Top-10-Broadsheet-Newspa...In-The-USA.aspx – top 10 broadsheets newspappres in the USA

-newspapers.com/uk.phpl – links to the websites of newspapers, magazines and news of different countries

dia.org/wiki/Tabloid - encyclopaedia entry about tabloids

idmedia.co.za/faq.php – brief information about tabloid newspappers, some tabloid newspappers online

shcouncil.org/sr/serbia-li...ers-tabloid.php – links to UK tabloid newspapers, online news and reference resources

Websites of the main British newspapers:

nsunday.scotsman.com/ - Scotland on Sunday

www.guardian.co.uk – The Guardian

www.express.co.uk – The Daily Express

rald.co.uk/ - The Herald

www.independent.co.uk – The Independent

www.mailonsunday.co.uk – The Mail on Sunday

www.observer.co.uk – The Observer

www.thescotsman.co.uk – The Scotsman

www.spectator.co.uk – The Spectator

www.dailymail.co.uk – The Daily Mail

www.thesun.co.uk – The Sun

www.sunday-times.co.uk – The Sunday Times

www.thetimes.co.uk – The Times

Section 4. Is being a reporter a dangerous job? - Где найти информацию и краткие описания основных профессий в сфере mass media? Где найти советы и рекомендации о том, как написать газетную статью? Где прочитать статьи, написанные подростками для газет и журналов? Где найти интервью со знаменитостью для молодежного журнала?

dia.org/wiki/Reporter - encyclopaedia entry about a reporter

dia.org/wiki/Photographer - encyclopaedia entry about a photographer

dia.org/wiki/Journalist - encyclopaedia entry about a journalist

dia.org/wiki/Cartoonist - encyclopaedia entry about a cartoonist

dia.org/wiki/Editing - encyclopaedia entry about editing and an editor

dia.org/wiki/Copy_editing - encyclopaedia entry about copy editing/ a copy editor (sub- editor)

dia.org/wiki/Correspondent - encyclopaedia entry about a correspondent

dia.org/wiki/News_presenter - encyclopaedia entry about a news presenter

(a newsreader)

-journalism.suite101.com/a...wspaper_article – a guide to writing a newspaper article

com/how_2002073_write-newspaper-article.phpl – a short instruction on how to write newspaper article

y.bedfordshire.gov.uk/webi...w_newspaper.php – step by step guide to a good newspaper article

-awareness.ca/english/reso...per_article.cfm – lesson plan on writing a newspaper article

l.edu/education/elementary...forstudents.php – project for students “Let's write a newspaper story”

nk.com/About/FAQ.php – the website of a magazine where all articles are written be teen authors who are students at school

s.org/ - children's news network featuring articles written by teens

ewspaper.com/ - teen newspaper offers the best teen news online written entirely by teens

ast.net/~majerus-collins/homepage.php – an online newspaper written by teens and for teens focusing on teen problems

ag.com/celeb-stuff/watch-t...reddie-highmore - an interview with Freddie Highmore, a 14-year old actor


nk.com/Interviews/article/...risten-Stewart/ - an interview with the 16-year old actress Kristen Stewart

ag.com/celeb-stuff/watch-this-face/ - short interviews with young stars

Section 5. Are books media , too? - Почему чтение книг так необходимо человеку? Какие книги для подростков сейчас популярны? Какие книги советуют подросткам читать учителя в Англии, США и Канаде? Где найти в Интернете бесплатные книги для детей? Какие типы книг и книжные жанры существуют?

e.com/articles/why-is-reading-important.phpl – a short article on why reading is important, you'll know all about benefits of reading

yresource.com/parenting/ch...nt-for-children – an article about why reading is important for children

-to-read-prince-george.com...-important.phpl – 11 reasons of the significance of reading

adingisimportant.com/ - brief information about the importance of reading, especially for children

n.co.uk/gp/bestsellers/books/69 - list of the currently most popular children’s books (updated hourly)

ary.ca/~dkbrown/authors.phpl - links to information about popular modern and classic authors on the web

dia.org/wiki/Category:Amer...n's_writers a list of American children’s writers

ersfirst.com/100books.cfm - a list of 100 books recommended by an Education association for children

rustchildrensbooks.org.uk/Recommended-Books - books recommendations and reviews from “booktrust”, UK

ary.ca/~dKBrown/lists.phpl - several lists of recommended books, compiled in Canada

books.about.com/od/toppicks/Top_Picks.php - lists of recommended books by age and topic

ian.co.uk/books/buildingachildrenslibrary - books recommended for the children’s library by The Guardian newspaper, by age categories

e.about.com/cs/toppicks/tp/aatp080502a.php – the top 10 favourite books written by teens about teen life

b.com/books/tg2rw/books.php – a list of 25 great book to read for teenagers

n.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=s...p;x=15&y=16 – a collection of books about teens life

nbaratzlogsted.com/html/books_for_teens.phpl – reviews of some popular books for teenagers

raise.com/childlit.php – classic literature – online books for kids and teens

berg.org/wiki/Main_Page - free e-books

oons.com/HANDHTML/teens.phpl – book reviews, contests and online reading for teens

dia.org/wiki/Category:Books_by_type - encyclopaedia entry about different types of books

dia.org/wiki/Category:Books_by_genre - encyclopaedia entry about different book genres

Section 6. Reported speech - Где найти интерактивные упражнения на согласование времен, прямую и косвенную речь?

e-english.ru/practice/exercises/sequence/ - sequence of tenses exercises

cz/~jhamarov/Gr_sequence_index.php – grammar exercises on sequence of tenses

sch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/reported.php - grammar exercises on reported speech, indirect speech

.com/library/quiz/blgrquiz_reported1.php – reported speech quiz

Section 7. Try yourself as a writer — Где найти биографию французского философа и писателя Вольтера? Где прочитать рассказ подростка о его/её любимой книге? Какие авторы - самые популярные в Великобритании и России? Как работают школьные библиотеки в Британии и России? Где найти информацию о школьных книжных ярмарках? Где найти обзоры книг, написанные детьми?

dia.org/wiki/Voltaire - encyclopaedia entry about Voltaire

ties.com/Athens/7308/index.phpl – biographical information on Voltaire, pictures, links to outside sources of information

ers.com/subjects/my-favour...book-page1.phpl – free essays on “My favourite story book” for students

com/~lonewolf/essays/books.phpl – a reader's impressions of some of his favourite books

ellerworld.com/popular-libraryauthors.php top 10 most popular UK library authors

byblog.com/2009/02/09/2008...n-uk-libraries/ - 2008's most popular books in UK libraries

andatingcenter.com/russian_literature.phpl – a short article about popular authors of Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries

felibrary.org/authors2006.phpl – the 100 most popular authors in 2006

l-libraries.net/ - a website created by school librarians, contains information about school libraries of the UK, Russia, the USA and other countries

ill.org.uk/news/archive/20...g.phpl#bookfair - a brief report about a book fair

lastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=11718 – brief descriptions about book fairs held by Scholastic

hu/index.php?page=165&l=1 – a Book Week at the British school in Budapest

choolbookfair.org/ - information about a Home School Book Fair in Arlington, TX, the USA

ov/loc/cfbook/bookfair.phpl - links to the websites of book fairs and book festivals from the Library of Congress

ettibookclub.org/title.php - book reviews written by children

eviewsbykids.com/archive/r...archivelist.php - book reviews written by children

ands-junior.kent.sch.uk/books/ - book reviews written by children from a British school

reads.co.uk/ - reviews written by 14-15-year olds

Unit 4. Trying to become a successful person.

Section 1. Who is a successful person? - Где найти биографии А.Пугачевой, Ю. Гагарина, У.Диснея, Ч.Чаплина, Матери Терезы, Дж.Лондона, И.Родниной, Г.Улановой, Г.Каспарова, группы «Битлз», В.Полунина?

dia.org/wiki/Alla_Pugacheva - encyclopaedia entry about A.Pugacheva

dia.org/wiki/Yuri_Gagarin - encyclopaedia entry about Y.Gagarin

dia.org/wiki/Walt_Disney - encyclopaedia entry about W.Disney

dia.org/wiki/Charlie_Chaplin - encyclopaedia entry about Ch.Chaplin

dia.org/wiki/Mother_Teresa - encyclopaedia entry about Mother Teresa

dia.org/wiki/Jack_London - encyclopaedia entry about J.London

dia.org/wiki/Irina_Rodnina - encyclopaedia entry about I.Rodnina

dia.org/wiki/Galina_Ulanova - encyclopaedia entry about G.Ulanova

dia.org/wiki/Garry_Kasparov - encyclopaedia entry about G.Kasparov

dia.org/wiki/Slava_Polunin - encyclopaedia entry about S.Polunin

dia.org/wiki/The_Beatles - encyclopaedia entry about the Beatles

Section 2. Family is a good start — Почему семья так важна в жизни человека? Какие основные проблемы в семье возникают у подростков? Как избежать таких проблем и как с ними справиться? Где найти советы для родителей и подростков как сделать жизнь в семье счастливой и радостной?

mportant/ - this article explains why family is so important for human

.iloveindia.com/lounge/wha...family-578.phpl - an article about what is important for family

iatedcontent.com/article/1...tant.phpl?cat=7 — the real story about why family is so important in our life

ingthebubble.com/ - this site explains how teens can identify violence and abuse within the family and what can be done to help

h.org/teen/your_mind/Parents/fight.phpl - short article explains why teens have arguments with their parents so often and what reasons for these arguments are

h.org/teen/your_mind/famil...to_parents.phpl - this article explains to teenagers the benefits of communicating with parents and other adults an everyday difficult problems and situations

cles.com/?Chores-For-Teena...s&id=486508 – some tips for parents on how to train their children to do chores with pleasure

amiliesrealfun.com/kw/ - the modern information source for kids and parents how to help make family time quality happy time

Section 3. What is bullying? - Какие основные проблемы существуют у подростков в школе и дома? Какие советы и рекомендации дают психологи, чтобы избежать этих проблем и как с ними справиться, если они есть? Где найти рассказ подростка о своих школьных или домашних проблемах? Существует ли проблема запугивания детей в Великобритании? Как посоветовать ребенку вести себя, чтобы избежать таких ситуаций? Какие службы существуют для помощи детям в таких ситуациях? Где найти информацию и сайт Childline?

teens.about.com/b/2008/03/...t-home-help.php — a mother seeks advise on her child's problem, including some recommendation from a guide to teen’s parents

ledteensguide.com/ - a website dedicated to most frequent teenage problems in USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia

.com/balance/stress-manage...ngers-in-school - a brief article on how teen stress at home lingers in school

el4.com/health/microsites/...has_people.phpl — some information about how teen problems at home and at school make them feel stressed

ow.com/Overcome-Problems-at-School-or-Home — tips for teenagers on how to overcome problems at school and at home

les.com/p/articles/mi_m0IB...3/ai_n26948705/ - the story of a 16-year old girl who had problems at school and was diagnosed and treated for ADHD (Attention -Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), how to solve such problems

and.gov.uk/Publications/20...eforyoungpeople - advice to young people who can encounter bullying

and.gov.uk/Publications/2002/11/15793/13831 - advice for parents and families, whose children may encounter bullying

ing.co.uk/- a British anti-bullying charity

b.blogspot.com/2009/02/hel...pink-today.phpl - an article about anti-bullying day

memorial.lib.me.us/bullyweb/metimes.php - a story about what a school can do to stop bullying

ing.co.uk/links/antibullying_websites.aspx - a list of anti-bullying websites

ingnow.hrsa.gov/kids/ - what children can do to stop bullying

line.org.uk/Pages/Home.aspx – the Childline website where children can find help and advice for any problem they have: bullying, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, domestic violence, self harm, etc

Section 4.Why are family holidays important? - Где найти информацию о перечисленных в учебнике праздниках? Какие основные праздники существуют в Британии,Америке, Канаде, Австралии, Новой Зеландии и России? Что семейные традиции значат для каждой семьи и как создать новые семейные традиции? Где найти описание подростком своей семьи? Как писать поздравление к празднику и как это делать с удовольствием?

dia.org/wiki/Christmas - encyclopaedia entry about Christmas

s.net/aroundtheworld.php – Christmas traditions around the world

dia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day - encyclopaedia entry about St. Valentine's Day

entinesday.org/traditions-and-customs.phpl – information about Valentine's Day traditions and customs

dia.org/wiki/Australia_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Australia Day

aliaday.gov.au/experience/ - information about Australia Day awards, celebrations, aims and events

dia.org/wiki/Canada_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Canada Day

ine.about.com/od/canadaday...dachecklist.php - things you need to know to celebrate Canada Day

dia.org/wiki/Independence_...(United_States) - encyclopaedia entry about Independence Day

canfamilytraditions.com/independence_day.php – family traditions of Independence Day

dia.org/wiki/Waitangi_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Waitangi Day

ow.com/Celebrate-Waitangi-Day – an article about how to celebrate Waitangi Day

dia.org/wiki/Thanksgiving_(United_States) - encyclopaedia entry about Thanksgiving Day

sgiving.org.uk/thanksgivin...-practices.phpl – traditions and customs of

Thanksgiving Day

dia.org/wiki/Victory_Day_(May_9) - encyclopaedia entry about Victory Day

(May 9th)

dependenceday.com/russian/ - brief information about Independence Day of


lcentre.com.au/travel/russ...n_christmas.php – a short article about Russian

Christmas, its customs and traditions

ands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...s/holidays.phpl – holidays and notable special

days in Great Britain

nation360.com/europe/uk/events-holidays - learn about many holidays and

festivals in the United Kingdom

ov/citizens/holidays.shtml - learn about the holidays Americans celebrate throughout the year, including federal holidays

a-city.ca/holidays.php – information about holidays in Canada

dia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about public holidays in Australia

dia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_New_Zealand - encyclopaedia entry about public holidays in New Zealand

dia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about public holidays in Russia

doption.com/articles/creat...traditions.phpl –some suggestions for creating some family traditions

canfamilytraditions.com/ - this website is dedicated American family traditions

erfamilies.net/xml/article...traditions.aspx – an article about what family traditions mean, some ideas of new family traditions

ags.com/essay-2004/9/25/55639/6635 – a student essay about his family

nk.com/nonfiction/all/arti...mily-Tradition/ - a teen's story about his family traditions

leessays.com/viewpaper/91210.phpl – example of an essay on My Family

w1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/acHowto...rojid=c00694904 – some tips on how to write greeting card messages

com/how_2073127_write-greeting-cards.phpl – step by step instructions on how to write greeting cards

day-greetingcards-tipbaske...etingcards.phpl – some advice on how to do writing greeting cards a pleasant activity

Section 5. Is it easy to be independent? - Что значит быть независимым? Как подростки

понимают независимость? Какие проблемы взаимоотношений существуют между родителями и подростками? Какие самые распространенные претензии родителей по отношению к детям и наоборот? Где найти советы психолога, как разрешать конфликты родителей и детей? Должны ли родители вмешиваться в отношения подростка и его друзей? Как подростки в разных странах тратят свои карманные деньги?Каково мнение родителей сколько денег на карманные расходы достаточно для ребенка и должны ли подростки сами их зарабатывать? Где найти полезные советы для подростка, как и на чем экономить? Какие обязанности по дому существуют у подростков?

alnewstoday.com/articles/63681.php – information on how teens understand their independence and how to help them develop it without the conflict and distancing from their families

ouse.org/FromOurHouse/Independence.php – an article about teenagers and independence, some recommendations for parents on how to teach independence

com/how_2085946_encourage-...dependence.phpl – some tips on how to encourage teens independence

eenager.co.uk/fostering-te...dependance.phpl – a short article about fostering teen independence

erkeley.edu/advice/teens/a...gquestions.phpl – advices, discussions and reviews on Teens' Independence

family.com/aboutteensnow/r...each_other.phpl — an article on how the relationship between teens and their parents is changed when they struggle to define their own roles in life

kidshealth.ca/News/Teenage...oryID=news-poh3 — information about on how teenagers appreciate relationships with their parents

nplace.com/guild/teen01.phpl — an article about relationship between parents and children in US

.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/05...-their-parents/ - here you can find out some interesting information about relationships of teenagers and their parents in Canada

kids.info/598/improving-pa...-relationships/ - this site has some timely advice for improving the relationship between parents and teens

.ncsu.edu/content/RelationshipParentsTeens — some strategies for parents on how to strengthen relationships between them and their own child

ents-forparents.com/rebuil...rust-part1.phpl — pieces of advice on how to rebuild trust between parents and teens

iatedcontent.com/article/1...your.phpl?cat=7 — some recommendations for teens on how to improve their life by improving relationship with parents

lpacks.com/2007/12/13/9-ti...th-the-parents/ - 9 tips to improve a child's relation with the parents

d.about.com/od/dadsandteen...n_friends_2.php — information for parents on what friendship means to their teen

lone.com/article/9765.phpl — an article on how parents should treat their teen's friends


ews.com/catFull.jsp?articleID=15752512 –“Pocket money and teenagers”, how much money is enough for children

tlineplus.org.uk/index.php?id=844 – some information about how parents set pocket money and how they monitor what their child buys

ndforthought.net/2007/10/1...dic-colleagues/ - how Finish teenagers use their pocket money

m.com/items/1393219-should...their-own-money – 29 essays on whether older children should earn their pocket money

lopment.suite101.com/artic...ement_for_teens – useful information on money management for teens

m.com/items/681419-kids-rights-and-duties - a short article about the rights children of different ages should have, written by a mother of three children

0.nsc.ru/~eva/japan/theme1.phpl - teenagers from different countries tell about their home chores and duties

m.com/items/678234-kids-rights-and-duties - a short article on children’s rights and duties that should, in the author’s view, accompany those rights

ourdog.com/ages.phpl - what duties children of different ages may have towards their pet