Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2009 – 2010 гг
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- Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2010 году, 4439.76kb.
- Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2011 году, 3668.94kb.
- Информационно-библиографический отдел Золотое кольцо России, 148.24kb.
- Банк данных законодательства Республики Беларусь в сфере внешнеэкономической деятельности, 21.77kb.
- Псковская областная, 233.63kb.
- Гук псковская областная, 423.73kb.
- Формы организации доступа к правовой информации в Центре правовой информации Российской, 103.03kb.
- Сводный бюллетень, 1123.5kb.
- Мухаметзянов Фарит Фаикович Адрес: г. Наб. Челны, ул. Низаметдинова, д. 18 Тел./факс:, 95.58kb.
- Информационно-библиографические издания, 485.77kb.
Revue Internationale de Droit Economique –No 1/2009
J. CAZALA, La protection des attentes legitimes de l’investisseur dans l’arbitrage international…………………………………………………………………………………...…..5
C. BLANQUART et A. HYARD, Durabilite et subsidiarite: un conflit de principes au sein de la politique commune des transports?................................................................................................33
G. GROLLEAU, L’imitation et la contrefacon peuvent-elles etre benefiques aus firmes originales? Une analyse critique des arguments…………………………………………………51
E. FEGATILLI et N. PETIT, Econometrie du droit de la concurrence. Un essai de conceptualization………………………………………………………………………………...67
Revue Internationale de Droit Economique –No 2/2009
B. Fasterling et J.-C. Duhamel, Le comply or explain: la transparence conformiste en droit des societes____________________________________________________________________129
P. Bougette, Analyse et limites de l’evaluation retrospective d’une concentration__________159
T. M. Sanou, L’Agenda de l’OMPI pour le developpement: vers une reforme de la propriete intellectuelle?_______________________________________________________________ 219
C. Jamin (sous la direction de), Droit et economie des contrats (J.-B. RACINE)__________ 243
The Modern Law Review №1/2009
Self-subversive Justice: Contingency or Transcendence Formula of Law?
Gunter Teubner ……………………………………………………………………………….…..1
Cohabitants, Property and the Law: A Study of Injustice
Gillian Douglas, Julia Pearce and Hilary Woodward ………………………………..…..…….24
Cohabitation and Comparative Method
Robert Leckey …………...............................................................................................................48
The Reclassification of Extreme Pornographic Images
Andrew D. Murray ……………………………………………………………………………....73
Agency Workers, Employment Rights and the Ebb and Flow of Freedom of Contract
Michael Wynn and Patricia Leighton ……………………………………………….…………..91
Governmental Rejections of Ombudsman Findings: What Role for the Courts?
Jason N. E. Varuhas ……...…………………………………………………………..………..102
Review Articles
Judging Emmanuel Levinas? Some Reflections on Reading Levinas, Laws, Politics
Upendra Baxi ………………………………………………………………………….……….116
Book Reviews
Ben-Shahar (ed): Boilerplate: The Foundation of Market Contracts …………..………130
James: Gaining Ground? ‘Right’ and ‘Property’ in South African Land Reform ……..132
Sottiaux: Terrorism and the Limitation of Rights: The ECHR and the US Constitution………………………....................................................................………………. 137
McCann: Regulating Flexible Work ……………………………………………..…….141
Ho: A Philosophy of Evidence Law: Justice in the Search for Truth ………………….143
Bridgeman, Keating and Lind (eds): Responsibility, Law and the Family ……….……147
Baderin and McCorquodale (eds): Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Action …153
The Modern Law Review №2/2009
Trust, Distrust and Betrayal: A Social Housing Case Study
David Cowan and Karen Morgan ………………………………………………..…………....157
Caste Discrimination: A Twenty-First Century Challenge for UK Discrimination Law?
Annapurna Waughray …………………………………….…………………………..………..182
Otto Kahn-Freund and Collective Laissez-Faire: An Edifice without a Keystone
Ruth Dukes …………………………………………………………………………………….220
New Labour’s PPI Reforms: Patient and Public Involvement in Healthcare Governance?
Peter Vincent-Jones, David Hughes and Caroline Mullen …………………………………….247
Resisting the Long Arm of Criminal Antitrust Laws: Norris v The United States
Peter Whelan ………………………………………………………………………..………….272
Failing to Protect: Victims’ Rights and Police Liability
Mandy Burton …………………………………………………………………...……………..283
Review Articles
Law’s Labour’s Lost
Peter Goodrich ……………………………………………………...…………………………296
Book Reviews
Fabre: Whose Body is it Anyway? Justice and the Integrity of the Person ……………313
Lowe: International Law ……………………………………………………….………316
Boister and Cryer: The Tokyo International Military Tribunal: A Reappraisal ……….318
Briggs: Agreements on Jurisdiction and Choice of Law …….......................………….321
Zucca: Constitutional Dilemmas: Conflicts of Fundamental Legal Rights in Europe and in the USA ……………………………………………………………………………….………..325
Pavlakos: Our Knowledge of the Law: Objectivity and Practice in Legal Theory …….327
The Modern Law Review № 3 (Vol.72, May 2009)
Choice, Culture and the Politics of Belonging: The Emerging Law of Forced and Arranged Marriage Mairead Enright 331
Constitutional Referendums: A Theoretical Enquity Stephen Tierney 360
Judicial Responses to Bright Line Rules in Social Security: In Search of Principle Emma Laurie 384
Legislating against Climate Change: A UK Perspective on a Sisyphean Challenge Mark Stallworthy 412
Article 53(b) EPC: A Challenge to the Novartis Theory of the European Patent History Justine Pila 436
Interpreting the Threshold Criteria under section 31(2) of the Children Act 1989 – the House of Lords Decision in Re B Cathy CObley and Nigel Lowe 463
Debating ‘Democracy’ and the Ban on Political Adertising Sarah Sackman 475
How Hobbes met the ‘Hobbes Challenge’ David Dyzenhous 488
McCahery and Vermeulen: Corporate Governance of Non-listed Companies 507
Lacey: The Prisoners’ Dolemma: Political Economy and Punishment in Contemporary Democracies 510
Moeckli: Human Rights and Non-Discrimination in the ‘War on Terror’ 513
Kaczorowska: European Union Law 517
The Modern Law Review №4/2009
Rethinking the economic torts Simon Deakin and John Randall 519
In defence of due defence Alison L.Young 554
A Purposive interpretation of the National Minimum Wage Act Guy Davidov 581
Contractual limitations on the auditor’s liability: an uneasy combination of law and accounting P.E.Morris 607
Age discrimination, redundancy payments and length of service Malcolm Sargeant 628
Caring for the disabled& new boundaries in disability discrimination Pauline Roberts 635
Review article
Wrongs and reasons A. P. Simester 648
Book reviews
Dyzenhaus, Hunt and Huscroft (eds): A simple common lawyer: Essays in honour of Michael Taggart 669
Hodges: The reform of class and representative actions in European legal systems: a new framework for collective redress in Europe 674
Coyle: From positivism to idealism: a study of the moral dimentions of legality 677
Collins: The European Civil Code: The way forward 683
von Bogdandy, Villalon and Huber (eds): Handbuch Ius Publicum Europaeum, Volume I and Volume II 686
The Modern Law Review №6/2009
Merris Amos. Problems with the Human Rights Act 1998 and How to Remedy Them: Is a Bill of Rights the Answer?___________________________________________________________883
Emmanuel Voyiakis. The Great Illusion: Tort Law and Exposure to Danger of Physical Harm______________________________________________________________________909
Nicola Lacey. Historicising Criminalisation: Conceptual and Empirical Issues____________ 936
Legislation and Reports
Richard Mullender. Negligence, Public Bodies and Ruthlessness_______________________961
Jacqueline Hodgson and Victor Tadros. How to Make a Terrorist Out of Nothing__________984
Nick Piska. Hopes, Expectations and Revocable Promises in Proprietary Estoppel_________ 998
Review Article
Florian F. Hoffmann. Gentle Civilizer Decayed? Moving (Beyond) International Law_____1016
Book Reviews
Ben-Dor: Thinking about law in Silence with Heidegger____________________________ 1035
Fredman: Human Rights Transformed: Positive Rights and Positive Duties______________1044
Keren-Paz: Torts, Egalitarianism and Distributive Justice____________________________1048
Kouloridas: The Law and Economics of Takeovers: An Acquirer’s Perspective__________ 1053
Christodoulidis and Tierney (eds): Public Law and Politics__________________________ 1055
The Yale Law Journal Volume 118, №4/2009
Article Contents:
Introduction …………………………………………………………………..……………….602
I. Debating What It Mean to Suspend the Privilege ………………………………….…….607
II. The Conception of Suspension at the Founding …………………………………………613
A. The English Origins of the Great Writ and the Suspension Power ………………...……….614
B. Pre-Convention American Suspensions ……………………………...……………………..622
C. The Suspension Clause in the Constitutional Convention and Ratification Debates …….…627
D. The Suspension Proposed in Response to the Burr Conspiracy ……………………………630
III. The Civil War and Reconstruction: Invoking the ‘‘Most Extraordinary Power’’ …..637
A. The First Suspension Under the U.S. Constitution: Suspending the Writ During the Civil War………………………………………………………………………………………..…….637
1. The 1863 Act ……………………………………………………………….………..639
2. Post-Script: Executive Action Pursuant to the 1863 Act and the Act’s Amending Legislation ………………………………………………………………………..……………651
B. Suspension During Reconstruction: Putting Down the Klan in South Carolina ………...….655
IV. Understanding Suspension as an Emergency Power …………………………….…….664
A. Reading the Suspension Clause in Context …………………………..…………………….664
B. Giving Meaning to the Suspension Power ………………………………….………………670
C. Mapping the Suspension Clause Within the Constitution …………………….…………….682
V. Suspension and the Separation of Power ……………………………………...…………687
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………….……693
The Yale Law Journal Volume 118, №5/2009
Article Contents
I. The Economics of Symmetry and Asymmetry in Asset Partitioning……….…………...810
A. A Simple Model of Asset Partitioning……………………………………………………810
B. Asset Partitioning and Appraisal Costs…………………………………………………...814
C. Asset Partitioning and creditor Monitoring ………………………………………………818
1. Monitoring as a Response to Debtor Misconduct……………………………………819
2. Monitoring Under the Pro Rata Rule………………………………………………...822
3. Monitoring Under Symmetry………………………………………………………...824
4. Monitoring Under Asymmetry: Asset 1……………………………………………...826
5. Monitoring Under Asymmetry: Asset 2……………………………………………...831
6. A Separate Note on Debt Dilution…………………………………………………...833
D. Asset Partitioning and Seedier Bankruptcy Proceedings……..…………………………..835
E. Asymmetry as a Means for Debtor Opportunism………………………………………..838
F. Asset Shifting and “Imbalanced” Debtors………………………………………………..841
II. Symmetry Applied: Reforming The Secured Loan……………………………………...844
A. The Secured Loan Under Current Law…………………………………………………..846
B. The Secured Loan and Appraisal Costs………………………………………………….848
C. The Secured Loan and Creditor Monitoring……………………………………………..850
D. The Secured Loan and Bankruptcy Speed……………………………………………….853
E. The Secured Loan’s Asymmetry as a Source of Opportunism…………………………..853
F. Oversecurity and Blanket Liens………………………………………………………….855
1. Oversecurity Under Symmetry………………………………………………………856
2. A (Brief) Economic Analysis of the Blanket Lien…………………………………...858
G. A Proposal for Symmetrical Secured Loans……………………………………………..861
H. Symmetry Versus Previous Reform Proposals…………………………………………..863
The Yale Law Journal Volume 118, №6/2009
In defence of property Kristen A.Carpenter, Sonia K. Katyal, and Angela R. Riley 1022
Debunking Blackstonian copyright Shyamkrishna Balganesh 1126
Childbearing, childrearing and Title VII: Parental leave policies at large American law firms Christen Linke Young 1182
Applying the absolute priority rule to nonprofit enterprises in bankruptcy 1231
Making up for lost time: a bright-line rule for equitable tolling in immigration cases 1245
The Yale Law Journal Volume 119, №1/2009
Article contents
I. A Focus on expert, not politicized, agency decisionmaking__________________________ 14
A. The Judiciary’s Search for Expert-Based Decisionmaking_____________________15
B. Agencies’ Focus on Technocratic Factors__________________________________23
C. Scholars’ Acceptance of the Push for Expertise_____________________________ 29
II. The Benefits of giving politics a place___________________________________________32
A. Bringing Greater Coherence to Administrative Law’s Vacillation Between Expertise and Politics__________________________________________________________________ 33
B. Creating Better Separation Between Science and Politics______________________40
C. Softening the “Ossification” Charge______________________________________ 41
D. Enabling Greater Political Accountability__________________________________42
III. The Mechanics of giving politics a place________________________________________45
A. Determining Congress’s Intent Regarding Political Factors____________________45
B. Types of Political Factors That Might Appropriately Be Relied Upon____________53
C. Possible Sources of Political Influences____________________________________57
1. Presidential Directives, Executive Orders, and Other More Informal Communications______________________________________________________________57
2. Communications from Other Executive Officials_______________________60
3. Congressional Oversight__________________________________________63
D. Types of Rulemaking Proceedings in Which Political Factors Might Appropriately Play a Role__________________________________________________________________ 65
1. Denials of Rulemaking Petitions____________________________________66
2. Withdrawals of Proposed Rules____________________________________ 70
3. Rule Recissions_________________________________________________71
4. Promulgation of Final Rules_______________________________________72
IV. Objections to Giving Politics a Place___________________________________________73
A. The First-Mover Dilemma______________________________________________74
B. Balancing The Carrot With A Stick_______________________________________76
C. Judicial Dislike of Agency Politicization___________________________________77
D. Separation of Powers Concerns__________________________________________79
E. Difficulty of Judicial Review____________________________________________80
Conclusion_________________________________________________________________ 84
Zeitschrift fur auslandisches offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht – 69/1 2009
Meyer: Habeas Corpus und Suspension Clause – Zur Rechtsprechung des U. S. Supreme Court zum Recht auf gerichtliche Uberprufung einer Internierung als “enemy combatant” in Guantanamo__________________________________________________________________ 1
Summary: On the Case-Law of the US Supreme Court Concerning the Rights of the Guantanamo Detainees to Judicial Review of Their Detainment as “Enemy Combatants”____ 49
Von Bogdandy/Goldmann: Die Ausubung internationaler offentlicher Gewalt durch Politikbewertung – Die PISA – Studie der OECD als Muster einer neuen volkerrechtlichen Handlungsform______________________________________________________________ 51
Summary: The Exercise of International Public Authority Through National Policy Assessment. The PISA Study of the OECD as a Template for a New International Standard Legal Instrument__________________________________________________________________101
Gocke: The 2008 Referendum on Greenland’s Autonomy and What It Means for Greenland’s Future_____________________________________________________________________ 103
Stellungnahmen und Berichte
Ntoubandi: Towards Ending Impunity in Darfur: The ICC Arrest Warrant of 27 April 2007 _123
Arzoz: Das Autonomiestatut fur Katalonien von 2006 als erneuter Vorstoss fur die Entwicklung des spanischen Autonomiestaates_______________________________________________ 155
Summary: The Autonomy Law for Catalonia of 2006 as a Reneweb Advance for the Evolution of Autonomy in Spain_________________________________________________________192
Wieser: Der russische Staatsprasident als Garant der Verfassung_______________________195
Summary: The Russian President as Guarantor of the Constitution_____________________ 215
Buchbesprechungen__________________________________________________________ 217
Appelbaum, Christian: Einschrankungen der Staatenimmunitat in Fallen schwerer Menschenrechtsverletzungen. (Garditz): 217 – Craven, Matthew/ Fitzmaurice, Malgosia/ Vogiatzi, Maria (eds.): Time, History and International Law. (Gogolin): 220 – Dilling, Olaf/ Herberg, Martin/ Winter, Gerd (Hrsg.): Responsible Business. (Gramlich): 223 – Nihman, Janne/ Nollkaemper, Andre: New Perspectives on the Divide between National and International Law. (Steinbruck – Platise): 229 – Parameswaran, Katharina: Besatzungsrecht im Wandel. Aktuelle Herausforderungen des Rechts der militarischen Besetzung. (Venzke): 223 – Tornay, Benedicte: La democratie directe saisie par le juge – L’empreinte de la jurisprudence sur les droits populaires en Suisse. (Glaser): 236