Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2009 – 2010 гг
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- Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2010 году, 4439.76kb.
- Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2011 году, 3668.94kb.
- Информационно-библиографический отдел Золотое кольцо России, 148.24kb.
- Банк данных законодательства Республики Беларусь в сфере внешнеэкономической деятельности, 21.77kb.
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- Гук псковская областная, 423.73kb.
- Формы организации доступа к правовой информации в Центре правовой информации Российской, 103.03kb.
- Сводный бюллетень, 1123.5kb.
- Мухаметзянов Фарит Фаикович Адрес: г. Наб. Челны, ул. Низаметдинова, д. 18 Тел./факс:, 95.58kb.
- Информационно-библиографические издания, 485.77kb.
International Journal of Law and Information Technology №1/2009
Legal Evidence, Police Intelligence, Crime Analysis or Detection, Forensic Testing, and Argumentation: An Overview of Computer Tools or Techniques…………………………..……1
Ephraim Nissan
Smoothing Some Wrinkles in Online Dispute Resolution………………………….……83
Bruce L. Mann
Private Power, Public Interest: An Examination of Search Engine Accountability…....113
Emily B. Laidlaw
International Labour Law Review- №1-2 2990 (Volume 148)
The global Crisis, social protection and jobs Joseph Stiglitz 1
Work more to earn more& the mixed feelings of Europeans Lucie Davione, Dominique Meda 15
The “externalization” of labour law Antonio Ojeda Aviles 47
Towards socially sensitive corporate restructuring? Comparative remarks on collective bargaining developments in Germany, France and Italy Guido Boni 69
Student labour and academic proficiency in international perspective David Post, Suet-Ling Pong 93
Technological change and income distribution in Europe Cristiano Perugini, Fabrizio Pompei 123
Notes and debates
Transnational collective bargaining in Eurpoe: the case for legislative action at EU level Edoardo Ales 149
A Supreme Court challenge to Argentina’s trade union model Adrian Goldin 163
Core labour standards under the Administration of George W. Bush Christopher Candland 169
Labour statistics: The boundaries and diversity of work Patrik Bolle 183
Documents and communications
General Assembly resolution on the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization 195
Call for papers with a view to publication of a special issue of the International Labour Review tentatively entitled “After the Washington Consensus: What next?” 198
Book Reviews
Growing unequal? Income distribution and poverty in OECD countries, by OECD (Reviewed by Hevda Sarfaty) 199
La geston des resources humaines en France. Histoire critique by Henry Pinaud (Reviewed by Jaques Monat) 204
Libertes et droits fondamentaux des travaiieurs en Chine, by Aiqing Zheng (with prefaces by Mirelle Delmas-Marty and Jean-Maurice Verdier) Reviewed by Francois Gaudu 207
The accelerating decline in America’s high-skilled workforce: implications for immigration policy, by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard 208
A future of good jobs? America’s challenge in the global economy, edited by Timothy J. Bartik and Susan N. Houseman (reviewed by Hevda Sarfati) 208
Journal of Quantitative Criminology –
vol.25, No 1, March 2009
Editorial Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………..1
James P. Lynch and Alex R. Piquero
Marriage and Desistance from Crime in the Netherlands: Do Gender and Socio-Historical Context Matter?...............................................................................................................................3
Bianca E. Bersani, John H. Laub, and Paul Nieuwbeerta
New Evidence on the Monetary Value of Saving a High Risk Youth………………………….25
Mark A. Cohen and Alex R. Piquero
Multiple Imputation of the Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-2005……………………..51
James Alan Fox and Marc L. Swatt
Can Cohort Replacement Changes in the Relationship Between Age and Homicide
Robert M. O’Brien and Jean Stockard
Journal of Quantitative Criminology –
vol.25, No 2, June 2009
Rational Choice, Agency and Thoughtfully Reflective Decision Making: The Short and Long – Term Consequences of Making Good Choice………………………………………………….103
Ray Paternoster and Greg Pogarsky
A Developmental Approach for Measuring the Severity of Crimes…………………………...129
Rajeev Ramchand, John M. MacDonald, Amelia Haviland, and Andrew R. Morral
Excessive Uniformity in Federal Drug Sentencing ……………………………………………155
Eric L. Sevigny
Offender as Forager? A Direct Test of the Boost Account of Victimization…………………..181
Shane D. Johnson, Lucia Summers, and Ken Pease
The Sanctions-Perceptions Link in a Model of School-based Deterrence……………………..201
Robert Apel, Greg Pogarsky, and Leigh Bates
Journal of Quantitative Criminology –
vol.25, No 3, September 2009
Assessing the Impact of First-Time Imprisonment on Offenders’ Subsequent Criminal Career Development: A Matched Samples Comparison…………………………………………….....227
Paul Nieuwbeerta, Daniel S. Nagin, and Arjan A. J. Blokland
Measuring Long Term Individual Trajectories of Offending Using Multiple Methods……..…259
Shawn D. Bushway, Gary Sweeten, and Paul Nieuwbeerta
Crime is the Problem: Homicide, Acquisitive Crime, and Economic Conditions………….….287
Richard Rosenfeld
Do US City Crime Rates Follow a National Trend? The Influence of Nationwide Conditions on Local Crime Patterns……………………………………………………………………...……307
David McDowall and Colin Loftin
Measuring and Modeling Repeat and Near-Repeat Burglary Effects………………………....325
M. B. Short, M. R. D’Osonga, P. J. Brantingham, and G. E. Tita