Некоторые вопросы реализации принципа невмешательства во внутренние дела государств в деятельности международных судов
Информация - Экономика
Другие материалы по предмету Экономика
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17. Amerasinghe, C.F. Principles of Institutional Law of International Organizations / C.F. Amerasinghe. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. - 535 р.
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. Applicability of Article VI, Section 22 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
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. Boyle A. The Making of International Law / A. Boyle, C. Chinkin // New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. - 338 р.
. Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, Paragraph 2, of the Charter), Advisory Opinion // I.C.J. Reports. - The Hague: I.C.J., 1962. - P. 151-309.
. Certain Norwegian Loans, Judgment of 06.07.1957 // I.C.J. Reports. - The Hague: I.C.J., 1957. - P. 9-28.
. Competence of the General Assembly for the Admission of a State to the United Nations / Advisory Opinion of March 3rd, 1950 // I.C.J. Reports 1950. - P. 4-10.
. Condition of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of the Charter) Advisory Opinion of May 28th, 1948 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Dissenting opinion of Judge E. Armand-Ugon / Interhandel case Judgement of March 21st, 1959 // I.C.J. Report 1959. - P. 90-94.
. Dissenting opinion of Judge H. Kleasted / Interhandel case Judgement of March 21st, 1959 // I.C.J. Report 1959. - P. 75-78.
. Dissenting opinion of Judge J. Basdevandt / On Certain Norwegian Loans (France v. Norway) Preliminary Objections. Judgement of July 6th, 1957 // I.C.J. Reports 1957. - P. 74-78.
. Fitzmaurice G. The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice. Vol. II. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. - P. 428-860.
. Interhandel case Judgment of March 21st, 1959 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. International Status of South-West Africa. Advisory Opinion // I.C.J. Reports. - The Hague: I.C.J., 1950. - P. 128-145.
. Interpretation of Peace Treaties, Advisory Opinion // I.C.J. Reports. - The Hague, I.C.J., 1950. - P. 65-78.
. Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict. Advisory Opinion. Of July 8th, 1996 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Legality of Use of Force (Yugoslavia v. Belgium): Provisional Measures, Order of 2 Jun. 1999 // I.C.J. Reports. - The Hague: I.C.J., 1999. - P. 124-259.
. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) Merits, Judgment // I.C.J. Reports. - The Hague: I.C.J., 1986. - P. 14-150.
. Nationality Decrees in Tunis and Morocco 08.11.1921 // P.C.I.J., Series B. No. 4. - The Hague, 1923. - P. 6-32.
. Nottebohm Case (Lichtenstein v. Guatemala) Preliminary Objections. Judgement of Nov. 18th, 1953 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Nottebohm Case (Lichtenstein v. Guatemala) Second Phase. Judgment of Apr. 6th, 1955 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Oil Platforms Case (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America) 1992. Judgment, Merits of 06 Nov. 2003 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Reservations to the Convention of Genocide. Advisory Opinion [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Right of Passage over Indian territory (India v. Portugal) Preliminary objections. Judgement of Nov. 26th, 1959 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Separate opinion of Judge Sir. H. Lauterpaht // Certain Norvegian Loans (France v. Norway) Preliminary Objections. Judgement of July 6th, 1957 // I.C.J. Reports, 1957. - P. 34-55.
. Status of West Sahara. Advisory Opinion 1975 // I.C.J. Reports. - The Hague: I.C.J., 1975. - P. 12-69.
. Szafarz, R. The Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice / R. Szafarz. - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. - 190 p.
. The Corfu Channel Case (Albania v. United Kingdom), Merits // I.C.J. Reports 1949. - The Hague: I.C.J., 1949. - P. 4-170.
. The World Court and the Interpretation of Constitutive Treaties // American Journal of International Law. - 1965. - Vol. 65. - P. 794-833.
. Verzijl, J.H.W. International Law in Historical Perspective / J.H.W. Versijl. - Leiden: A.W. Sijhoff, 1976. - Vol. 8. - 860 p.
. Vincent, R.J. Non-Intervention and International Order / R.J. Vincent. - Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1974. - 457 p.
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. Yearbook of International Court of Justice. 1998-1999. № 53. - The Hague: I.C.J., 1999. - 363 p.