Structural and semantic peculiarities of the texts of the council of Europe official documents and their translation into ukrainian

Курсовой проект - Иностранные языки

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?егулярні перегляди та переоцінювання їх перебування в закладах опіки, що дозволить їм отримувати належні послуги у громадах [15].

(11) The Assembly is concerned that allegations of possible electoral fraud…[16]. - Асамблея стурбована тим, що заяви про можливі фальсифікації виборів…[14].

3. Descriptive translation is rendering of the meaning of one word in SL by a group of words in TL [11, 14]. E.g.:

(12) Deinstitutionalisation requires a number of general actions to support the strategic approach at national level involving all stakeholders [17]. - Деінституціоналізація вимагає реалізації низки загальних заходів на підтримку стратегічного підходу на національному рівні із залученням усіх зацікавлених сторін [15].

(13) In future, mainstream services, including day care centres, pre-school set-ups, places of worship, schools and leisure services should be required…[17]. - У майбутньому загальні служби і послуги, такі, як центри денного догляду, дошкільні заклади, будинки молитви, школи та послуги з організації дозвілля (гуртки, клуби) повинні…[15].

(14) When specialist interventions are needed…[17]. - Якщо виникає потреба у втручаннях вузьких спеціалістів…[15].

So, stylistic, pragmatic, structural and lexical peculiarities of texts of CoE official documents present some difficulties in the process of their translation into Ukrainian and require applying of certain lexical and grammatical transformations.




Todays fast-changing world is gradually turning into a single social and economic environment where everything that happens in one country influences the life of people in other countries. In Europe integrative processes are based around the activities of the European Union and the Council of Europe. CoE is an international organization promoting co-operation between all countries of Europe in the areas of legal standards, human rights, democratic development, the rule of law and cultural co-operation. The main official documents of CoE are conventions. Apart from them, a solid foundation for its activities has been formed by resolutions, charters, decisions, declarations, recommendations and other administrative documents.of CoE official documents belong to the official style of language. The main functions of these documents are advisory and regulatory. They are aimed at imposing obligations and giving recommendations on what measures should be taken by a member state to meet CoE standards and principles. Thats why such documents have logical, official, precise, stereotypical and imperative character. According to their dominant communicative intention, structural and semantic characteristics, texts of CoE documents can be divided into 1) texts of binding documents (conventions, statutes, treaties, agreements); 2) texts of binding documents with the titles resolution and recommendation; 3) texts of informative documents (declarations, statements, press releases). For the purposes of our study, we focused on the texts of the Council of Europe administrative documents: resolutions of the Parliamentary Assembly and recommendations of the Committee of Ministers., on the structural level texts of CoE resolutions and recommendations have an invariable form. They consist of certain structural parts: the title, the preamble, the main part and the concluding part. The preamble is characterized by a precise text organization: it is a complex sentence (with an average length of 214 words), introduced by a subject phrase followed by a number of parallel infinitive or participial constructions, each of which begins with an introductory word and forms a paragraph. It comprises the opening clauses, the central clauses and the closing sentences. The central clauses of the cm recommendation are divided into parts and paragraphs, the text of the PACE resolution consists of paragraphs. Long compound and complex sentences dominate in this part of CoE official documents. The impersonal sentences, infinitive and participial constructions are also widely used there. Apart from that, texts of CoE administrative documents are characterized by the neutralization of meaning of the Present Indefinite and the Present Perfect forms in the predicate of the preamble and the preference to use the Present Indefinite Tense and modal verbs should, would in the central clauses. All this determines the reference of these texts to the denotative their nature and communicative purposes CoE official documents are to be precise and all-inclusive. Their language is impersonal. The word-stock of CoE resolutions and recommendations consist of learned and neutral words which correlate with the terminological and special vocabulary as well as with shortenings, abbreviations, non-assimilated words and word-combinations of Latin and French origin. Precision, clarity and unambiguity are the most essential features of the style of international agreements. That is why the words are used in their logical dictionary meaning, neologisms are not typical, the use of synonyms is limited. As a result a special system of clichs and set expressions is prolific in these special legal and political status of this international organization and development of integrative processes in Europe, texts of CoE documents have the following peculiarities: 1) their language is milder than the language of international agreements, with models bearing the character of statement and recommendation; 2) verbs of deontic modality shall, will and must are seldom used in their texts, they are replaced by should, would and may; 3) their language is influenced by the EuroEnglish.detailed analysis of the texts of CoE official documents makes it possible to draw the conclusion that communicative purposes of these documents as well as requirements and restrictions on their drafting are of crucial importance to the selection of language means and the ways of their usage.




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