Structural and semantic peculiarities of the texts of the council of Europe official documents and their translation into ukrainian

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do not impose any direct bans on going back on its provisions. They have an advisory character and help member states bring their legal systems into compliance with CoE standards and principles. Still, its clear that if a member state does not satisfy the demands of a resolution or a recommendation, it may be expelled for non-compliance with the commitments to CoE [4, p. 293-295].to the aforementioned reasons, the language of CoE documents is milder than the language of international binding documents. For example, in CoE they avoid saying and writing "fulfilment of obligations before the Council of Europe" or "protection of human rights" giving preference to more flexible and positive variants "honouring of obligations and commitments of a member-state" and "respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms" [10, p. 56]. Unlike international agreements, the texts of CoE administrative documents seldom contain such verbs of deontic modality as shall, will and must. Due to the pragmatic peculiarities of CoE documents, they are replaced by modal verbs should, would and may bearing the character of recommendation., CoE resolutions and recommendations as well as other international binding documents contain binding words (performative verbs and nouns) giving their texts authority and binding force. In CoE resolutions and recommendations which constitute the data of our study the following binding words are used: recommend, adhere, resolution, offer, urge, warn, call upon, respect, ask, reiterate, reaffirm etc [16, 17].from that, the language of CoE administrative documents is influenced by the so-called European English (EuroEnglish), one of the variants of World Englishes which is widely used in the European Union as an International Auxiliary Language (IAL), first of all, in various kinds of administrative discourse [8, p. 127]. For example, the use of non-assimilated words and word-combinations of Latin and French origin and the use internationalisms in the texts of CoE documents are distinctive features of the EuroEnglish., one may conclude that the word-stock of CoE administrative documents consists of learned and neutral words which correlate with the terminological and special vocabulary as well as with shortenings, abbreviations, non-assimilated words and word-combinations of Latin and French origin. Due to special legal and political status of this international organization and development of integrative processes in Europe, texts of CoE documents differ from the texts of international agreements in some aspects: 1) their language is milder, with models bearing the character of statement and recommendation; 2) verbs of deontic modality shall, will and must are seldom used in their texts, they are replaced by should, would and may; 3) their language is influenced by the EuroEnglish.


2.3 Lexical and grammatical aspects of translation of the Council of Europe official documents


As it was stated in the previous parts of our study, texts of CoE official documents belong to the official style of language and their main functions are advisory and regulatory. Therefore, CoE documents have logical, official, precise, stereotypical and imperative character. All these characteristics should be preserved while translating texts of CoE resolutions and recommendations into Ukrainian. For this purpose, it is very important to pay attention to pragmatic aspect in the process of translation. Lets now illustrate by several examples how pragmatic approach may be applied to the translation of CoE administrative documents.are:

(1) English text:

16. The creation of new institutions and new placements of children with disabilities in institutions should be prevented [17].

Ukrainian text:

16. Необхідно попереджувати створення нових закладів та нових місць для розміщення дітей-інвалідів… [15].

(2) English text:

3. Building of new institutions should be discouraged by refusing to approve and fund proposals for this type of project… [17].text:

3. Слід усіляко знеохочувати будівництво нових закладів шляхом відмови від затвердження та фінансування пропозицій проектів такого типу… [15].these two examples the text has an advisory character so the translator chose pragmatically correct variants of translation the modal verb should as слід, необхідно and not as повинен.

(3) English text:

15. Funds should be allocated to research, monitoring and evaluation… [17].text:

15. Держави повинні виділяти кошти на дослідження, моніторинг та оцінку… [15].example deals with CoE standards that must be implemented by the member states so it has more binding character than the previous two., it may be considered correct to translate should as повинен.the structural level texts of CoE documents are characterized by complicated syntax: the use of long compound and complex sentences, participial and infinitive constructions, passive predicates.naturally results in the necessity to introduce some grammatical changes in the translated version of CoE documents.are the most frequently applied grammatical transformations while translating CoE documents:

. Transposition is a change in the order of words in phrases and sentences, which is often caused by the structural differences in expressing the themwe and the rheme in different languages [9, p. 112]. E.g.:

(4) For this reason, preventive measures of support for children and families in accordance with their special needs should be provided as early as possible [17]. - Для цього потрібно якнайраніше застосовувати превентивні заходи для підтримки дітей та їхніх родин відповідно до їхніх особливих потреб [15].

2. Grammatical replacement:) morphological replacement - substitution of one part of speech by another. E.g.:

(6) The Assembly is concerned that allegations of possible electoral fraud… [16]. - Асамблея стурбована тим, що заяви про можливі фальсифікації виборів…[14].

b) syntactical replacement - substitution of one syntactical construction by another one [12, p. 113]. E.g.:

(7) Organisations of parents and NGOs representing them should be included in the development of community-based services… [17]. - Організації батьків та НУО, що їх представляють, повинні активно долучатися до створення послуг на основі громад…[15].

3. Addition

(8) In exceptional cases (for example, where there has been abuse or neglect)… [17]. - У виняткових випадках (наприклад, у випадках неналежного чи жорстокого поводження і нехтування)… [15].

4. Omission

(9) …with a view to addressing the deficiencies noted in the current legal framework for non-governmental organizations [16]. - …для усунення недоліків існуючого законодавства про недержавні організації [14].

The main causes of lexical difficulties in the process of translation of CoE documents are the absence of direct equivalents of new terms in the TL, polysemy of English and Ukrainian words, certain peculiarities of word-formation etc. To avoid clumsy translation of an English text one has to resort to some special devices known as lexical transformations. The most frequently used lexical transformations in the process of translation of CoE documents are:

. Differentiation of meaningsare some examples from the PACE resolution [16].

System of checks and balances - система стримувань і противаг

In this example check is translated as стримування but not as перевірка, контроль, зупинка.

The rule of law - верховенство праваthis example rule is translated as верховенство but not as правило, порядок, правління.

Honouring Ukraines commitments and obligations - виконання Україною зобовязань

Here honour is translated as виконувати but not as поважати.

2. Concretization of meanings is substitution of the SL words (phrases) with a generic meaning by the TL words (phrases) with a more specific (narrow) meaning [9, p. 114].

(10) Children have a right to regular reviews and reassessment of their placement in institutions so that they can be offered appropriate community services [17]. - Діти мають право на ?/p>