Regularities of proper name from English into Russian
Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки
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ose proper names which have more than one word in them?thisтАжAfrica, West Bengal, South Korea, North Korea, Western Australia and East Timor, butтАжKerala, eastern Australia, southern Europe, and even eastern South Africa.'South' in South Africa and South Korea is part of the official names of these places. The 'north' in Kerala and the 'eastern' in Australia just tell us which part of Kerala or Australia we are talking about.if you remember all the 'rules' or conventions about capitalization, you will still find educated people and reputed newspapers using their own set of rules [9:135].it describes two not aroused but still important questions:
Do Proper Nouns Have Singular and Plural Forms?. They are supposed to be unique names.don't ordinarily say that two Peters or two Anns have come to see you. We do say that two men or two women have come to see you [9:134]. However in colloquial words we still can say Have you seen all the Godfathers and not only all the parts of the film the Godfather.last remark is quite clear and not doubtful at all, but still it should be mentioned:
Do These Nouns Have a Possessive Case Form?, they do.can say: Peter's money or Ann's house [9:136].the value of these two articles the presented classifications are not full and consider revising. Well to dot all this and cross all this we must present the own complete own classification of proper names with the plausible definition. name is a capitalized, according the peculiar language, word or word combination, which names and denotes some unique person or object, and fulfills its main distinguishing function within definite context even in terms of multiply repetition. can distinguish the follows types of proper names:
Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday;
Months: January, February, March;
Names of companies and brand names: Amazon, Coca Cola, Google, Penguin Books, Tata Indica, Lux or Dell;
Sights: The Empire State Building, The Underground;
Books, films, prizes: the Bible, the Oscar, the Nobel Prize;
Names of people: Tim Smith, Jennie Baker, Theodore Roosevelt, Napoleon;
Geographical names: Asia, England, Canada, San Francisco River Nile, Mount Everest, the British Isles;
Names of institutions: St. Michaels School, Bank of England, European Union.
.2 Transformations
In our written work we deal not only with original proper name, the films titles but with their Russian equivalents, variants of translation as well. Earlier weve discussed our translation units and their peculiarities, the films titles. We should say that the definition is proper for the Russian equivalents. It means that there is no need this point of the translation process.the process in the translation linked with translation transformations. There are different grouping and different names of these phenomena, according to different scholars. We enumerated and described only the transformations weve met in our research. There are eight of them:
The first two transformations are usually linked together and can be named as transcription with the elements of transliteration or vice versa. These transformations or procedures are the simplest and can be defined as follows:
Transliteration is the practice of converting a text from one script into another, often in a systematic way. It can form an essential part of transcription which converts text from one writing system into another. Transliteration is not concerned with representing the phonemics of the original: it only strives to accurately represent the characters [5:79].
Transcription means representing the meaning of a source language text in a target language [5:78].still it is necessary to emphasize some peculiarities, which weve found in related literature. For instance one opinion is that: proper names, geographical denominations are rendered as a rule by means of transliteration, but we should take into account concerning historical proper names, geographical denominations, etc [ 6: 39]. It should be also mentioned while translating proper names within proper names. Id est Pirates of the Caribbean is a proper name, film type which includes proper name of another type, the geographical name. We can transliterate pirates but the Caribbean we must translate according the historical norms of the Russian language in this case. Another remark of this author is as follows formulas of politeness are rendered by means of transliterations. But in official documents and informations Господин and Госпожа are usually used [6:40]. And personal names in the film titles can be translated in both ways: Mr. Nobody - Господин никто, Mr. and Mrs. Smith - Мистер и Миссис Смит.name for the transliteration is phonological replacement. And it is defined by Fernandes as attempt to reproduce phonological features of a source language [2: 49]. or calque or loan translation is a word or phrase borrowed from another language by literal, word-for-word or root-for-root translation [13:56]. a compound English such as Superman can be translated not only with the transliteration and transcription: Супермэн but with the help of the procedure if the loan translation as well: Сверхчеловек
Explication is a translation process when implied, initially missing or intentionally hidden (by an author) source language units are brought to the surface of the target-language message. Basically, it looks like an iceberg where the explicit parts are on its top and the implicit parts (the iceberg's bottom) depend on the translator's skills to be de-camouflaged and rendered [16:124]. should say that it is really wide-spread procedure in the translation of the films titles. It is critically important, in this field, to catch the sense the idea. Thats why Shark Stories were translated into Russian as Подводная братва. So the picture is a comedy parody for the film The Godfather, but as the picture is for children the translator gad no right to use any hint of the Mafia, furthermore its a comedy in the end. Thats why double-edged decision was used: from the one hand there is no mafia and the sense of the picture is preserved, but from the other Russian братва is associated with the early 1990s. For modern children it may be not acquired but the adults can disapprove it.
Omission or dropping. In the process of lexical transformation of omission generally words with a surplus meaning are omitted / e.g. Components of typically English pair - synonyms, possessive pronouns and exact measures/ in order to give a more concrete expressions. [6:49].
Also we should say that functional words are usually missed, such as articles and auxiliary verbs. The Mask - Маска. There are also cases where not only functional but notional elements are missing as well. The phenomenon of omission is close to addition another translation procedure.
Addition a type of grammatical transformation can be met with in cases of formal inexpressiveness of grammatical or semantic components in the language of the original text. [6:73].
Sometimes addition is connected with historical reasons and stamps which are stable in the language: Pirates of the Caribbean - Пираты Карибского моря. Here we observed omission of the preposition and definite article and addition of the word sea according to Russian linguistic norm.
Transposition a type of transformation used in translations in which the position/order of linguistic elements in the Target language in comparison with a Source language is changed [6:71].transposition usually takes place in cases where principles of building of the word-order are different.
Word-by-word translation is a translation procedure in which the elements are translated in same order and without changing of direction of relations between them.
In our research word-by-word translation is very often case: The Green Mile Зелёная миля. One should be attentive in order not to confuse word-by-word and literal translation. Literal translation includes all the elements without exception which bothers adequate reproducing of the sense Та самая зеленая миля and so on.weve prepared the theoretical base for our research. We determined and solved the problems with the definition proper name by search in related literature and creating own definition, which can meet our demands. Furthermore we developed two classifications and created the complete one on their base. Weve also touched upon the transformations and mentioned that transcription and transliteration go hand into hand and shown the strict border between word-by-word and literal translation.
proper name film translation
II. Practical part of the course project
We have carried out the research. For this research we took 60 examples: 20 one-summit, 20 two-summit and 20 multi-summit titles of the films. And now we have some conclusions.
2.1 One-summit titles of the films
In our research in this group all the titles were translated by the word-by-word translation. In 25% cases of translation of the film's titles also was used transliteration, the numbers of the examples are: 1, 3, 4, 9, 20. In 10% cases of translation of the films titles was used tracing, the numbers of the examples are: 5, 6. And only in 5% cases of translation of the films titles was used transcription, th