Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure
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and standardization of equipment components and structural elements, the use of computer aided design systems based on classification and coding equipment, reduction of developed and fabrication equipment. 3. In the field of management - the use of scientific approaches and methods of marketing research, detection of structural advantages of the enterprise, improve accounting, control, analysis, and work motivation. 4. In the field of operation, repair and renovation equipment - to ensure normal working conditions of the central instrumental composition and instrumental pantries distributing organization to ensure effective employment of high quality equipment and tools of modern samples, centralized tool sharpening, enhancing technologic supervision, regulatory streamlining economy, improve operations industrials and the current account and limit costs, and efficiency of repair and upgrade equipment and tools. [14, p.. 143] Therefore, one of the main factors of production, which is part of enterprise infrastructure is to ensure production of technological equipment and tool companies.
2.2 Logistics system infrastructure
An infrastructure management business, today, is the least studied problem in logistics. In terms of EV Krykavskoho logistics infrastructure of the enterprise - a set of elements that perform important logistical tasks and ensure the implementation of logistics processes. Logistic processes occurring in the business - sales, purchasing, production, provision of certain services, sales, transportation and logistics operations - unloading, loading, storage and others. Very closely related to elements of infrastructure. Logistic infrastructure should be classified into: internal logistics infrastructure company and external logistics infrastructure of the enterprise. (Appendix 1). Before you define the problem correctly will reveal the essence of the concept of "management of logistics infrastructure." Thus, under the management of logistics infrastructure company will understand the process of bringing the infrastructure of the enterprise to a state of equilibrium or the objectives of providing efficient service and logistics processes and operations at the facility. It is clear that achieving equilibrium infrastructure is difficult enough task in deciding which problems arise, which often face the company, through which decreases the efficiency of logistics infrastructure, hampered perform basic tasks, which puts the company, resulting in substantial unnecessary costs and time. In the system of logistics infrastructure highlights the following issues, subject to [3, p.. 273]: - The general question of logistics infrastructure (own fleet of rolling - Composition, repair and maintenance equipment, storage facilities, handling equipment - Management of own transport economy (dispatch service units in planning combinations of movement, etc.).. Internal logistics infrastructure of the industrial enterprise, which will have a presence in virtually all elements of logistics infrastructure necessary for the maintenance of all logistics processes and transactions related to certain material flow should be viewed both internally and externally, on the logistics system. Therefore, the system of logistics infrastructure will look different (Appendix 2). Thus, the overall system of logistics infrastructure companies look at how a set of two subsystems that have certain connections and relations between them: 1. external subsystem of logistic infrastructure companies (fleet of rolling stock, repair and maintenance equipment, storage facilities, handling equipment and other facilities and providing facilities that are not included in the internal environment of the logistics system that is studied, throughout the supply chain); 2. Subsystem internal management logistics infrastructure enterprises studied (own transport, mining, storage, packing services, equipment, units for servicing and other logistic processes that are internal logistics system environment). [3, p.. 274-276] The control system of logistics infrastructure business has set itself the following tasks: - Choice of alternatives to the strategy development of logistics infrastructure; - Calculation of performance indicators logistic infrastructure elements; - Distribution of functions, duties, responsibilities of employees engaged in maintenance logistics processes and operations; - Motivation to work, staff training, retraining; - Ozrobka norms and standards of labor and material - technical development; - Creation of information infrastructure; - Reducing the cost of maintenance of material flow; - Through planning and control of all participants in the logistics chain. Today, the complexity in implementing the above tasks associated with the emergence of problems in the management of logistics infrastructure, which most businesses do not consider attention. The emergence of these problems affect the competitiveness and efficiency of the whole enterprise. [13, p.. 79] Yes, one of the common problems is the problem of location of infrastructure. There are two manifestations of this problem, in - First, most companies have in their internal infrastructure of some elements, such as lack of personal and technical means, the vehicle fleet, and others. Because companies are beginning to interact with other organizations and companies that can provide all necessary services to maintain logistic processes and operations, the location of which is often not economically profitable for the enterprise; on - Second, companies may have their own structure in all the above listed items of infrastructure, but these elements (warehouses, transport companies, etc..) well located geographically unprofitable, hence increasing the cost of time and financial resources of the enterprise as a whole. And in the first and second case, we are faced with the problem of location decision which has long-term. Convenient location - not a guarantor of a successful business, but it is a necessary condition. Starting form the logistical infrastructure necessary to determine the number and location of each type of unit (facilities) required to perform logistics functions. In addition, you must determine how many and which stocks should be kept in each object and where customers place orders for supplies. [1, sec. 345]. When choosing the location of the elements necessary logistics infrastructure, consider the following factors: - Location of customers (location near to the users reduce costs and transportation); - Location of suppliers and materials (for manufacturers advantageously located near suppliers of materials and raw materials for prey); - Culture (when placing your business must take into account cultural values, laws and way of life of the territory on which planned location); - The ratio of government and their plans (acquaintance with the peculiarities of the legal framework and take into account the possibility of local investuvan); - Direct and indirect costs (taking into account the peculiarities of local taxes, pension and payroll taxes, the percentage of salary in the region, constantly monitor their own financial position); - The ratio of the society (ie the different relations of the society to the achievements of the team, to methods for the provision of high productivity); - Operation (range trends decisions on operations, taking into account local conditions or implementation of its rules of performance to facilitate control and increased productivity); - Transport accessibility area (analysis area equipped with means of transport, which depends on the availability as well as for its own staff and for clients); - Competition (research and analysis of competitors, number, location, characteristics of business); - The situation in the local labor market (labor market analysis: number of employees, their qualifications, performance) and others. [1, sec. 350] Taking into account the above factors are not talking about a complete solution to this problem, solving the problems of placement and optimal variant layout logistics infrastructure is impossible without the use of mathematical and heuristic methods. The second problem of logistics infrastructure - is inefficient use of company assets (buildings, structures, equipment), which is a consequence of increasing costs. The main reasons for this problem are: the disproportionate relationship between labor and fixed capital, simple equipment, without intensive use of equipment, not the rational use of production area, reducing capital investment and other capital assets. The third problem that should be mentioned in this - the high cost of equipment and technological infrastructure. As they say, professionals, costs of equipment too large, so we recommend that the main financial flows directed to the objects and tools [4, p.. 393]. Today, to fill a competitive position in the market of certain products and services to quickly respond to any changes and user requirements. Often, to improve the enterprise, falls constantly improve, and in some cases, completely change the traditional technologies and methods of logistics functions. These changes are accompanied by significant costs to upgrade equipment and purchase of new technological tools necessary infrastructure. Today, when the logistics begins to develop at a faster speed, expand foreign - economic relations, and thus begins to blossom and business enterprises increasingly require different types of services, such as transport, warehousing, information. Clearly, for the enterprise, from business point of view - interest, beneficial in its infrastructure have all these subsystems serving, but it's too expensive, and requirements and they are too high. The fourth problem concerns the training of personnel involved in management of logistics infrastructure, methods of operation, equipped with mod