Экзистенциальный анализ. История, теория и методология практики

Реферат - Психология

Другие рефераты по предмету Психология

E. (1988a) Daseinanalysis: A quest for essentials. Humanistic Psychologist, 16, 1-21.

  • Craig, E. (1988b) An encounter with Medard Boss. Humanistic Psychologist, 16, 24-55.
  • Craig, E. (1988c) Freuds Irma dream: A Daseinsanalytic reading. Humanistic Psychologist, 16, 203-216.
  • Craig, E. (1988d) Daseinanalysis today: A brief critical reflection. Humanistic Psychologist, 16, 224-232.
  • Craig, E. (1993) Remembering Medard Boss. Humanistic Psychologist, 21, 258-276.
  • Greening T. Introduction // T.Greening (ed.) Existential Humanistic Psychology. Belmont: Brooks/Cole, 1971, pp.1-12.
  • Greening T. Existential challenges and responces // The Humanistic Psychologist, 1992, vol. 20, N 1, pp.111-115.
  • Dallmayr, F.R. (1988) Heidegger and psychotherapy. Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry, 21, 9-34.
  • Dallmayr, F.R. (1993) Heidegger and Freud. Political Psychology, 14, 235-253.
  • Duerckheim K. "Uberweltliches Leben in der Welt" Norbert Friedrich Weitz Verlag, Aachen 1989.
  • Ellenberg, H.G.: “Current Trends In European Psychotherapy.” Amer.J.of Psychother,1953.., 7,33-53,
  • Fliess Robert, “On the nature of Human Thought”? in Readings in Psychoanalytic Psychology, edited by Morton Levitt (New York, 1959), p.219
  • Frankl, V.E. The unconscious God. Psychotherapy and Theology. New York: Simon & Shuster. 1975
  • Frankl, V.E. The Will to meaning: Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy. New York: Meridian. 1988
  • Jones Ernest, quoted by Ronald Dalbies in Psychoanalytical Method and the Doctrine of Freud, trans. By T.E. Lindsney (London, 1941), Vol. 1, p.111.)
  • Hicklin, A. (1988) The significance of life-history in Dasiensanalytic psychotherapy. Humansitic Psychologist, 16, 130-139.
  • Holzhey-Kunz, A. (1988) Emancipation and narcissism: On the meaning of desire. Humanistic Psychologist, 16, 186-202.
  • Holzhey-Kunz, A (1996) What defines the Daseinsanalytic process? Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis, 8, 93-104.
  • Hora Thomas. Psychotherapy, existence and religion. Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy. New York: E.P.Dutton Co. 1962, pp.70-80
  • Hora Thomas. Existential psychiatry and group psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy. New York: E.P.Dutton Co. 1962, pp. 130-152
  • Jaenicke, U. (1996) Dream interpretation, the "royal road" to the dreamers actual and existential sufferring and striving. Journal of Society for Existential Analysis, 8, 105-114.
  • Kahn Eugen. An appraisal of existential analysis. Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy. New York: E.P.Dutton Co. 1962, pp.188-249
  • Kastrinidis, P. (1988a) Daseinsanalytic psychotherapy with the elderly. Humanistic Psychologist, 16, 153-165.
  • Kastrinidis, P. (1988b) The phenomenology of narcissistic neurosis. Humanistic Psychologist, 16, 168-185.
  • Kohler, W. Gestalt psychology: an introduction to new concepts in psychology. New York: Liveright, 1947.
  • Maslow A. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. N.Y.:Viking Press 1975, p 280-299
  • Maslow A. Toward a psychology of Being. N.Y.: Van Nostland Reinhold Company 1968, pp. 240
  • Maurice Merlian Ponty. Phenomenology of perception. London:. Routledge 1962
  • Maurice Merlian Ponty The primary of perception. Evastan, IL: Nortwesterm University Press.
  • May, R. The Meaning of Anxiety. New York. Roland Press, 1977
  • May, R., Angel, E. & Ellenberger, H.V. Existence: A New Demotion in Psychiatry and Psychology. New York, Basic Books. 1958
  • May, R. The existential approach. In S. Arieti (Ed) American handbook of psychiatry, vol 2. (pp.1348-1361). New York: Basic Books. 1959
  • May, R. Dangers in the relation of existentialism to psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy, New York: E.P.Dutton Co. 1962, pp. 178-187
  • Miles, M. (1994) Fundamental ontology and existential analysis in Heideggers "Being and Time". International Philosophical Quarterly, 34, 349-359.
  • Narcoss J. A rational and empirical analysis of existential psychotherapy. Journal Humanistic Psychology, 27 (1). 41-68
  • Perls F., Gestalt Therpy Verbatum. Lafayeete, Cal.:Real People Press, 1961. Cal., 1961
  • Reck, H. (1996) Martin Heidegger and psychotherapy. Journal of Society for Existential Analysis, 8, 76-81.
  • Ruitenbeek Hendrik M. Some aspects of encounter of psychoanalysis and existential philosophy. Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy. New York: E.P.Dutton Co. 1962,
  • Rychlak Jozef F. Personality and Psychotherapy. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1981, pp.619-662
  • Sandor Ferenczi, Selected Papers (New York, 1950), Vol. 1, pp. 277-278.
  • Sartre J.-P., Being and Nothingness, trans. By Hazel E. Barnes (New York, 1956), pp. 560-564.
  • Schneider K.J., May R. The Psychology of Existence. An Integrative, Clinical Perspective. New York,: McCraw Hill 1995.
  • Scott, C.E. (1975) Daseinsanalysis: An interpretation. Philosophy Today, 19, 182-197.
  • Straus, E.W. Phenomenology: the selected papres of Ervin W.Straus. New York: Basic Books, 1966.
  • Tillich P. Existentialism and psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy. New York: E.P.Dutton Co. 1962, pp. 3-16
  • Van Kaam, A. Existential foundations of psychology. Pittsburg, Pa.: Duguesne Univ. Press, 1966., pp. 24-41
  • Van den Berg. The human body and the significance of the human movement. // Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy, A Group of articles. New York: E.P.Dutton Co. 1962, pp.89-129
  • Van Dusen W. The theory and practice of existential analysis. Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy, New York: E.P.Dutton Co. 1962, pp. 24-41
  • Vogt, N. (1996) Technical and original thinking in psychotherapy. Journal of Society for Existential Analysis, 8, 82-92.
  • Weisman Aver D, M.D. The Existential core of Psychoanalysis Reality Sense and responsibility. Boston Little, Brown and Co. 1965, pp.257