Социологические подходы и методы к изучению музыки
Информация - Социология
Другие материалы по предмету Социология
. Music in everyday life / T. DeNora. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. - 181 P.
.Dowd, T.J. What is sociological about music / T.J. Dowd, W. Roy // Annual Review of Sociology. - 2010. - Vol. 36. - P. 183-205.
11.Farias, I. The politics of urban assemblages / I. Farias // City. - 2011. - vol. 15. - P. 365-374.
.Hackett, E. The handbook of science and technology studies / Ed. by E. Hackett, O. Amsterdamska, M. Lynch. - London: MIT, 2008. - 1065 P.
13.Hennion, A. An intermediary between production and consumption the producer of popular music / A. Hennion // Science, Technology, & Human Values. - 1989. - Vol. 14 (4). - P. 400-424.
14.Hennion, A. Music and mediation: toward a new sociology of music / A. Hennion // The cultural study of music: a critical introduction // Ed. by M. Clayton, T. Herbert, R. Middleton. - London and New York: Routledge, 2003. - P. 80-92.