Англо-французское соперничество в Вест-Индии в первой половине XVIII в.

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France dans !e monde. Vol. 1, Paris, 1929.

  • Hoffman P. The Spainish crown and the defence of the Caribbean 1535-1585. Baton Rouge, 1980.
  • Haring С The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII century. London, 1966
  • Hardy G. Histoire de la colonisation frangaise. Paris, 1928.
  • Hardy G. Histoire sociale de la colonisation frangaise. Paris, 1953.
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  • Lacour A Histoire de la Guadeloupe. 4 Vol. Basse-Terre, 1855-1857.
  • Martin-Gaston Histoire de I'esclavage dans les colonies frangaises. Paris, 1948
  • Middleton R. The bells of victory: the Pitt-Newcastle Ministry and the conduct of the Seven Years'War, 1757-1762. Cambridge, 1985.
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  • Puckrein G. Little England: plantation society and Anglo-Barbadian politics 1627-1700 New-York- London, 1984.
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  • Severin T. The golden Antilles. New-York, 1970
  • Sheridan R.B. Sugar and slavery. An economic history of the British West Indies 1623-1775. Epping, 1974.
  • Stein R. The French sugar buisness in the eighteenth century. Baton Rouge, 1988.
  • Tarrade J. Le commerce colonial de la France a la fin de I'Ancien regime. L'Evolution du regime de l'Exclusif de 1763 a 1789. Pans, 1972.
  • Tramond J. Saint-Dominique en 1756 et 1757 d'apres la correspondance de I'ordonnateur Lambert. Paris, 1927.
  • Villiers P. Marine royale, corsaires et trafic dans I'Atlantique de Louis XIV a Louis XVI 2 Vol. Lille, 1991.
  • Williams E From Columbus to Castro: the history of the Caribbean 1492-1969 London, 1970.
  • Williamson J. A short history of British expantion. Vol. 1, London, 1960
  • Wilson A. French foreign policy during the administration of cardinal Fleury Cambridge, 1936.