Английский, практика речи. Вопросы и билеты
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restaurant? (a waiter, a maid)
One of the most unforgettable memories of Northern Ireland is the natural warmth and hospitality of its people.
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 10
- Translate from English into Russian:
And they didnt give me pills; they gave me clumps on the side of the head. And, strange as it may appear, those clumps on the head often cured me for the time being. - Translate from Russian into English:
Лечение; поправиться; подхватить инфекцию; газетный киоск;, магазин электротоваров; большой туалет; полка для вещей. - Answer the following question:
What do you do if you have a terrible headache? - Put the words in the correct order:
We / the / car / 'll / unload / the / before / park. - Complete the sentence: The London underground is …
- Make up a dialogue:
A: …
B: Weve got a rich choice of woolen suits of all shades. Will you try this one?
A: …
B: Certainly, there is. Try it on. This way, please. Heres the fitting-room. - Ask the question so that the sentence was the answer to it:
- I want to buy a brown handbag to match my high boots. - Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
Most towns and cities in England are not more than 4 hours apart by train and many are much less. - Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
When you have a lot of money in the bank your account is ... (1); when you have spent more than you have in the bank you have ... (2). (in credit or overdraft) - Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: игра не стоит свеч
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 11
- Translate from English into Russian:
We played morceaux from the old German masters. We discussed philosophy and ethics. We flirted with graceful dignity. We were even humorous. - Translate from Russian into English:
Сделать рентген; сыпь; бессонница; Мне надо сегодня кое-что купить; покажите мне …; билет в одну сторону; путешествие по морю. - Answer the following question:
How many stations are on British radio? - Put the words in the correct order:
The / the / the / role / woman / family / changed / of. - Complete the sentence: British houses have a reputation for being …
- Make up а dialogue:
A: Do have the rest of the mashed potatoes.
B: …
A: Just take it to please me.
B: … - Choose the best answer:
Nick was homesick, and … all his friends and family. (missed, lost, locked, desired) - Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
The centre of theatrical activity is London, where it is concentrated mainly in London's West End. - Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
Education from 5 16 is divided into 2 levels … and Secondary. (Primary, 'Prep', Public) - Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: и на солнце есть пятна
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 12
- Translate from English into Russian:
I don't understand German myself. I learned it at school, but forgot every word of it two years after I had oft, and felt much better since. - Translate from Russian into English:
Сделать необходимые анализы; измерить давление; грипп; часы работы; с 9 до 20 (часов). На каком поезде мне доехать? Когда поезд прибывает в …? - Answer the following question:
What does word cuisine mean? - Put the words in the correct order:
year/familiar/Englishmen/the/part/Europe/each/become/with/some/of/continen-tal - Complete the sentence: That house doesnt seem to be ...(occupied, settled). There are no curtains in the windows, and Ive never seen anyone go in or out.
- Make up а dialogue:
A: Would you like some more?
B: …
A: Yes, if you really want.
B: … - Choose the 3 best answers to fill the gap in each sentence:
Once a year its a good idea to go to the doctor for … (a check-up, an examination, a medical, an operation.) - Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
Most people have only 3 weeks paid holiday per year and the bank holidays put Britain at the bottom of the list of Common Market countries as far as public holidays are concerned. - Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
A school where the pupils are made up of both boys and girls is called a … school. (co-educational, boarding, Comprehensive) - Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: время не ждет
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 13
- Translate from English into Russian:
The immigration officer might want to know on whose invitation you are coning and whether you have a return ticket. - Translate from Russian into English:
Вызвать доктора; послать за доктором; лечить; спортивные товары; спортивная одежда; вагон 1ого класса; буфет; билетная касса. - Answer the following question:
What do most people drink in pubs? - Put the words in the correct order:
is/England/nowadays/other/chosen/the/still/Queen/of/may/in/and/countries/ - Complete the sentence: Although the car is 5 years old, it is ... (well-maintained, badly-maintained). The owners have serviced and cleared it regularly.
- Make up а dialogue:
A: …
B: I think so.
A: You may pay here. …
B: Cash, please. - Choose the 3 best answers to fill the gap in each sentence:
Keep away from other people if you have a disease that is … (antiseptic, catching, catchy, infectious, contagious.) - Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
TV and Radio also have two teaching channels used by the Open University. - Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
If you want to send your children to a private school, they can go to a … school when they are 5 or 7. (State, Public, 'Prep') - Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 14
- Translate from English into Russian:
Its jet-lag, the difference between the time you are accustomed to and the new time. - Translate from Russian into English:
Таблетки; глотать; мазь; сделать примочки; Этот размер мне подходит; химчистка; Она плохо переносит путешествие по морю; палуба. - Answer the following question:
What do you know about the name of the holiday “Boxing Day?” Why is it so strange? Write 5-7 sentence