Английский, практика речи. Вопросы и билеты

Информация - Разное

Другие материалы по предмету Разное

dd one out and which is not connected with education: essay, article, composition, thesis

  • Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: волков бояться в лес не ходить





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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 5


    1. Translate from English into Russian:
      In the declaration form travellers are to indicate the kind of valuables and the amount of currency they are bringing into the country.
    2. Translate from Russian into English:
      Порошок; иметь головную боль; соблюдать постельный режим; это можно стирать в машине? это слишком дорого; салон; иллюминатор.
    3. Answer the following question:
      What do you know about Wimbledon, Derby and Wembley? Write 5-7 sentences on the topic.
    4. Put the words in the correct order:
    5. Complete the sentence: Oh dear, the iron was too hot. Look, Ive ... (scorched, sorbed) your blouse. Do you think anyone will notice?
    6. Make up а dialogue:
      A: What is there for dinner? I'm hungry.
      B: …
      A: Yes, please. Then I'll go to get the vegetables.
      B: …
    7. Ask the question so that the sentence was the answer to it:
      - These fancy cakes make my mouth water.
    8. Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
      The British may be conservative about the times at which they take their holiday, but they have shown themselves very ready to take to new places.
    9. Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
      The person in charge of a school is called the … . (staff, syllabus, headmaster).
    10. Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: все дороги ведут в Рим






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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 6


    1. Translate from English into Russian:
      He didn't mention it to me. If that's the case can use the car, but you're not to cram it with too many of your friends again. There must have been eight or nine of you in it last week.
    2. Translate from Russian into English:
      Иметь высокую температуру; выписать лекарство; заболеть; открытки; ремонт; верхнее место; нижнее место; пассажир.
    3. Answer the following question: What do you know about May Spring Festival?
    4. Put the words in the correct order:
      Families / types / sociologists / into / general / two / divide.
    5. Complete the sentence: The chief theatres, music halls and cinemas in London are situated … (in the West End; in the East End)
    6. Make up а dialogue:
      A: Are you fond of athletics?
      B: …
      A: What athletic event do you do?
      B: …
    7. Choose the 3 best answers to fill the gap in each sentence:
      Everyone hoped that he would … after the operation. (get better, get well, pull out, pull through)
    8. Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
      Although the railways remained nationalised during the 1980s, the organisation of bus and coach thansport changed.
    9. Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
      Most children in England and Wales go to … schools. (Public, State, boarding)
    10. Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: поспешишь людей насмешишь




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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 7


    1. Translate from English into Russian:
      Dont take the key along which is often the case with absent-minded guests, leave it at the desk.
    2. Translate from Russian into English:
      Я купил эти вещи в аэропорту в магазине беспошлинной торговли.
    3. Answer the following question:
      What are the most famous English dishes?
    4. Put the words in the correct order:
    5. Complete the sentence: The "ideal family" is …
    6. Make up а dialogue:
      A: …
      B: This sport is not for me.
      A: …
      B: I don't think so.
    7. Choose the best answer:
      … the people who saw the exhibition thought it was marvellous. (most, all, everyone, each)
    8. Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
      In the north, the area known as The Potteries is the home of Britains china industry with world famous manufacturers as Royal Doulton based around Stoke-on-Trent.
    9. Find One word in the list which seems to be the odd one out and which is not connected with education: electoral college, further educational college, polytechnic, technical college
    10. Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: Москва не сразу строилась






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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 8


    1. Translate from English into Russian:
      He sat down and wrote out a prescription, and folded it up and gave it me, and I put it in my pocket and went out. I did not open it. I took it to the nearest chemists, and handed it in.
    2. Translate from Russian into English:
      Конечно, больше всего вас беспокоит вот этот коренной зуб. Его придется удалить.
    3. Answer the following question:
      Do all pubs have words origins?
    4. Put the words in the correct order:
      BBC / the / has / TV / two / channels.
    5. Complete the sentence: If you get air-sick, youd better… (go by train, go by plane).
    6. Make up а dialogue:
      A: …
      B: I don't think it is possible.
      A: …
      B: O. K. Then it will be Monday.
    7. Ask the question so that the sentence was the answer to it:
      - This blouse costs F 20.
    8. Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
      As the rest of Western Europe, in recent years there has been a large increase in the use of private cart in Britain.
    9. Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
      You ... (1) someone money which is yours and which they will give you back; that person ...(2) the money from you. (borrow or lend)
    10. Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: долг платежом красен






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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 9


    1. Translate from English into Russian:
      I had walked into that reading-room a happy, healthy man. I crawled out a decrepit wreck. I went to my medical man. He is an old chum of mine, and feels my pulse and looks at my tongue, and talks about the weater, all for nothing, when I fancy Im ill.
    2. Translate from Russian into English:
      Потрескавшиеся губы; втирать; против солнечных ожогов; слишком тесно в талии; рукава слишком длинны; на борту корабля; каюта.
    3. Answer the following question:
      If you want to have a real English meal what do you have to do?
    4. Put the words in the correct order:
      Cave / the / the / of / length / 320 / meters / is.
    5. Complete the sentence: Fathers face particular problems as …
    6. Make up а dialogue:
      A: Id like to have a pair of woolen trousers.
      B: …
      A: I should like these in grey. Where could I try them on?
      B: …
    7. Choose the best answer:
      How do we call a person who serves a table at the