Английский, практика речи. Вопросы и билеты

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Экзаменационный билет по предмету



Билет № 11


  1. Translate from English into Russian:
    We played morceaux from the old German masters. We discussed philosophy and ethics. We flirted with graceful dignity. We were even humorous.
  2. Translate from Russian into English:
    Сделать рентген; сыпь; бессонница; Мне надо сегодня кое-что купить; покажите мне …; билет в одну сторону; путешествие по морю.
  3. Answer the following question:
    How many stations are on British radio?
  4. Put the words in the correct order:
    The / the / the / role / woman / family / changed / of.
  5. Complete the sentence: British houses have a reputation for being …
  6. Make up а dialogue:
    A: Do have the rest of the mashed potatoes.
    B: …
    A: Just take it to please me.
    B: …
  7. Choose the best answer:
    Nick was homesick, and … all his friends and family. (missed, lost, locked, desired)
  8. Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
    The centre of theatrical activity is London, where it is concentrated mainly in London's West End.
  9. Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
    Education from 5 16 is divided into 2 levels … and Secondary. (Primary, 'Prep', Public)
  10. Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: и на солнце есть пятна






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Экзаменационный билет по предмету



Билет № 12


  1. Translate from English into Russian:
    I don't understand German myself. I learned it at school, but forgot every word of it two years after I had oft, and felt much better since.
  2. Translate from Russian into English:
    Сделать необходимые анализы; измерить давление; грипп; часы работы; с 9 до 20 (часов). На каком поезде мне доехать? Когда поезд прибывает в …?
  3. Answer the following question:
    What does word cuisine mean?
  4. Put the words in the correct order:
  5. Complete the sentence: That house doesnt seem to be ...(occupied, settled). There are no curtains in the windows, and Ive never seen anyone go in or out.
  6. Make up а dialogue:
    A: Would you like some more?
    B: …
    A: Yes, if you really want.
    B: …
  7. Choose the 3 best answers to fill the gap in each sentence:
    Once a year its a good idea to go to the doctor for … (a check-up, an examination, a medical, an operation.)
  8. Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
    Most people have only 3 weeks paid holiday per year and the bank holidays put Britain at the bottom of the list of Common Market countries as far as public holidays are concerned.
  9. Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
    A school where the pupils are made up of both boys and girls is called a … school. (co-educational, boarding, Comprehensive)
  10. Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: время не ждет






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Экзаменационный билет по предмету



Билет № 13


  1. Translate from English into Russian:
    The immigration officer might want to know on whose invitation you are coning and whether you have a return ticket.
  2. Translate from Russian into English:
    Вызвать доктора; послать за доктором; лечить; спортивные товары; спортивная одежда; вагон 1ого класса; буфет; билетная касса.
  3. Answer the following question:
    What do most people drink in pubs?
  4. Put the words in the correct order:
  5. Complete the sentence: Although the car is 5 years old, it is ... (well-maintained, badly-maintained). The owners have serviced and cleared it regularly.
  6. Make up а dialogue:
    A: …
    B: I think so.
    A: You may pay here. …
    B: Cash, please.
  7. Choose the 3 best answers to fill the gap in each sentence:
    Keep away from other people if you have a disease that is … (antiseptic, catching, catchy, infectious, contagious.)
  8. Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
    TV and Radio also have two teaching channels used by the Open University.
  9. Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
    If you want to send your children to a private school, they can go to a … school when they are 5 or 7. (State, Public, 'Prep')
  10. Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше





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Экзаменационный билет по предмету



Билет № 14


  1. Translate from English into Russian:
    Its jet-lag, the difference between the time you are accustomed to and the new time.
  2. Translate from Russian into English:
    Таблетки; глотать; мазь; сделать примочки; Этот размер мне подходит; химчистка; Она плохо переносит путешествие по морю; палуба.
  3. Answer the following question:
    What do you know about the name of the holiday “Boxing Day?” Why is it so strange? Write 5-7 sentences on the topic.
  4. Put the words in the correct order:
    He / works / regular / hours.
  5. Complete the sentence: Thanks for washing the dishes .We havent got time to ... them ... (sweep up, dry up). Lets just leave them there to ... (scour, drain).
  6. Make up а dialogue:
    A: They say you're a good athlete. What sport do you play?
    B: …
    A: Do you call that a sport?
    B: …
  7. Choose the best answer:
    We didnt have a very nice holiday.The weather was … awful. (completely, totally, absolutely, terribly)
  8. Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
    The realisation that the weekend is nearly over casts a slight melancholy on Sunday evening.
  9. Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
    In English and Wales, the school year is divided into 3 … (subjects, staff, terms).
  10. Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: видна птица по полету





Зав. кафедрой





Экзаменационный билет по предмету



Билет № 15


  1. Translate from English into Russian:
    Cholera I had, with severe complications; and diphtheria I seemed to have been born with. I plodded conscientiously through the twenty-six letters, and the only malady I could conclude I had not got was housemaids knee.
  2. Translate from Russian into English:
    Иметь ангину; плохо выглядеть; соблюдать постельный режим; булочная; книжный магазин; поезд дальнего следования; поезд прямого назначения; цена.
  3. Answer the following question:
    What do you know about Football Pools? Write 5-7 sentences on the topic.
  4. Put the words in the correct order:
    London / rich / tradition / is / and / in / history / culture.
  5. Complete the sentence: When you are through the formalities, you … ( get the key to your room; ring for the maid).
  6. Make up а dialogue:
    A: How are you?
    B: …
    A: I see. You wont be sea-sick today, the sea is perfectly calm. Did you take