Английский язык для юристов-бакалавров

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки

es, organize our data base, draft inferences and reach conclusions.

. You can brush up your writing skills by reading resources on the craft of writing.

. It is easy to learn legal English.

. It is possible for me to learn and memorize for ever a large amount of information for a few days.

. We must pace ourselves and learn the substantive law and legal procedure.

9. Выступите в качестве переводчика


Guest Henry Dahut, Esq. , author of Marketing The Legal Mind and founder of GotTrouble.com, provides insight into learning to think like a lawyer in the following interview.

Correspondent: Генри, почему Вы выбрали профессию юриста?

Mr. Dahut: When asked why I became a lawyer I usually say because it seemed like a smart thing to do. Unlike some of my law school classmates, I had no illusions of becoming either a great advocate or a legal scholar. All I wanted was a nice income and a respectable station in life. For me, law was a safe career choice, not a passion. My only concern was that as a creative, emotive, right-brain type, I would not be able to make my mind do whatever it is that lawyer minds do to think like lawyers. But an old lawyer, I met, told me that the real danger was that once you start thinking like a lawyer it becomes difficult to think any other way..: Когда Вы сами поняли, что необходимо научиться мыслить как юрист?

Mr. Dahut: That process began on the first day of law school when the dean told our petrified first-year class that before we could become lawyers we had to learn how to think like lawyers. One student had the nerve to ask the dean how we would know when he had learned to think like lawyers. The dean shot back, when you get paid to think! I soon saw how thinking like lawyers actually meant altering our reasoning structures. For example, memory, while important to success in law school, stood a distant second to learning how to reason like a lawyer..: Что значит - мыслить как юрист?

Mr. Dahut: Thinking like a lawyer demands thinking within the confines of inductive and deductive forms of reasoning. As law students, we entered a world of rigorous dialogue in which abstractions are formulated and then described-usually leading to the discovery of a general principle or rule, which is then distinguished from another general rule. We learned how to narrow and intensify our focus. The process taught us how to think defensively: We learned how to protect our clients (and ourselves) and why we needed to proceed slowly, find the traps, measure and calculate the risk. And above all, never, ever let them see you sweat!.: Какие качества Вы стремились развить в себе во время учебы?

Mr. Dahut: The goal, of course, was for me to become a rational, logical, categorical, linear thinker - trained to separate what is reasonable from what is not and what is true from what is false. Having learned to think in a new way, I had less tolerance for ambiguity. A new mental structure was forming-a new set of lenses through which to view the structure of human affairs..: Как изменилась Ваша личность во время обучения в юридическом колледже?

Mr. Dahut: It turns out I had just enough left-brain skills to get me through law school and the bar. The mental gymnastics is necessary for forming the plasticity of the human mind. Unconsciously, I began to relate to and observe others within the context of my new way of thinking. The old lawyer I once met was right: Learning to think like lawyers made us less capable of the kind of emotive thinking necessary to make creative choices, manage and inspire people, and respond quickly to change.

10. Работа в парах. Прочитайте резюме, обсудите с партнером возможности соискателя получить работу юриста. Аргументируя свою точку зрения, опирайтесь на информацию из резюме, касающуюся его образования, опыта работы и наличия необходимых профессиональных компетенций юриста, перечисленных в Тексте 5.

Model:: In my opinion John Applicant has a good chance to take the position of the lawyer because he can convey information in a clear, concise, and logical manner.: Why do think so?: I think so because in his resume he writes that he got Oral Advocacy Award in Spring 2008 and four times was the State Policy Debate Champion in 1998-2002.

John Applicant

Main St. New York, New York 12345John.Applicant@email.comof State, College of Law, Springfield, CAfor Juris Doctor, May 2010Advocacy Award, Spring 2008University, College of Arts and Sciences, Los Angeles, CAof Arts, American Government (Honors), May 2006Debate Team (2002-2004)EXPERIENCEJudge Johnson, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fall 2008. Externship was comprised of researching and writing memos, draft opinions and draft orders.& Smith, P.A., Summer Associate, Phoenix, AZ, Summer 2008Researched and wrote memoranda and motions for commercial (trade secrets), criminal defense (racketeering) and pro bono (Constitutional standards for conditions of confinement) matters.INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES(proficient); traveled extensively throughout Latin America

-time 4A State Policy Debate State Champion (1998-2002); 2-time National Tournament Qualifier (2000, 2001)




. Работа в парах. Прочитайте и обсудите с партнером последовательность действий, которые необходимо совершить в поисках работы. Внимательно познакомившись с рекомендациями,

а) поговорите по телефону с работодателем;

б) проведите беседу с работодателем в офисе

Write a resume . Even if the particular job you're looking for has an application process where a resume isn't necessary, the process of writing a resume can help sort your thoughts and prepare you for an interview. Having a written record of your work history makes filling out an application much easier, too. Tailor the resume to the type of job for which you are applying, emphasizing related skills and coursework.the employer. Ask about the application process: "Good morning. My name is John Doe. I was wondering if you had any positions open and, if so, how I could apply." You will usually have your call routed to the hiring or human resources manager. If they have any openings, they'll either ask you to come in and fill out an application, or they'll ask you to send a resume and cover letter by mail or e-mail, in which case you should inquire "To whom should the letter be addressed?" They will give you their full name - write it down and ask them to spell it out if necessary.

Write a cover letter if it's a part of the application process. Make sure it is specific to the job, with the company name and address and, if possible, the name of the person who will be receiving it.two or three friends or family members to read over your resume and cover letter for typos. It's often difficult to see our own mistakes.

  • Visit the employer to fill out your application form. It's usually best to go in the mid-morning, when they're not too busy, but before the day has worn them out. Ask to speak to the hiring manager and try to hand the form to him personally: "Hi, we spoke on the phone yesterday about the (job title) position. Here's my application. Let me know if you need anything else!" This will give the employer a chance to see you (so present yourself well) and put a face to a name.
  • Send your cover letter and resume as instructed.

Follow up

  • If you filled out an application but the hiring manager wasn't there at the time, call three days later, ask to speak to the manager, and confirm that the application was received: "Hello, this is (your name). I filled out an application on (day you came in) and I just wanted to confirm that it was received."
  • If you sent a cover letter and resume by mail, call a week later to confirm their receipt. If you sent them by e-mail, call the day after.


Always thank the employer for their time and consideration.

Thank the manager.

Follow up with a phone call.

Always be honest when filling out a job application online.

2. Заполните типовую анкету для тех, кто ищет работу в США. Обратите особое внимание на то, что в анкетах на английском языке информация о соискателе дается в иной последовательности, нежели в анкетах, которые заполняются в России.


Many employers require all applicants, regardless of the job they apply for, to complete a job application form. This way the employer will have consistent data on file for all prospective applicants.: Print clearly in black or blue ink. Answer all questions. Sign and