Особенности международного контракта подряда между Китаем и Россией

Дипломная работа - Экономика

Другие дипломы по предмету Экономика

?ые работы по объекту производятся Заказчиком не позднее 30 дней после полного завершения его строительства, включая устранение выявленных дефектов, на основании акта приемки объекта в эксплуатацию, оформленного в установленном порядке.

Расчет производится по договорной цене, установленной по объекту в статье 2 настоящего контракта и уточненной в дополнительных соглашениях, с зачетом всех ранее произведенных по нему платежей.


.1. За нарушение Заказчиком договорных обязательств он уплачивает Подрядчику:

за задержку передачи Подрядчику строительной площадки, документации, указанной в пунктах 4.1, 4.2, 4.5 настоящего контракта, оборудования, материалов и изделий штраф в размере 300 рублей за каждый день просрочки;

за передачу для монтажа некомплектного оборудования - штраф в размере 300рублей за каждый день задержки по этой причине его монтаж.

.2. Кроме санкций за неисполнение обязательств по контракту виновная сторона возмещает другой стороне непокрытые неустойками убытки включая упущенную выгоду.

.3. Уплата штрафов, пеней и неустоек, а также возмещение убытков не освобождает стороны от исполнения своих обязательств в натуре.

Настоящий контракт составлен в пяти экземплярах - по одному на двух языках для каждой стороны и финансирующего банка.

Печать Заказчик _____________________________ (подпись)

Печать Подрядчик ____________________________ (подпись)


CONTRACT ON CONTRACTconstruction public-business centre "OHTA" in Moscow area




№ 8723971927

of the companies "Morton", referred to as hereinafter Customer, on behalf of Ivanova Ivana Ivanovicha, acting on the basis of Charter, on the one hand, and chinese investment-building company "Shandong Tiantai, referred to as hereinafter Contractor, on behalf of C Lyani, have concluded present contract for following:ITEM 1. SUBJECT of the CONTRACTCustomer will deliver, but Contractor takes over general contract on construction public-business centre "OHTA" in Moscow area.Contractor undertakes to run for its risk own and attracted power, facility of all work on construction of the object in accordance with term of contract, task of the Customer and design documentation, including possible work, definitely in her not mentionned, but required for full building of the object and normal his(its) usages.undertakes completely to terminate construction and deliver ready object a Customer "turn-key" within a period of 01.01.2013г.ITEM 2. COST of the CONTRACT

.1. The Cost persisting contract is defined by negotiated price on public-business centre "OHTA" in Moscow area and forms 3000000 roubles. in accordance with acting rather cost separate type работпо co-ordination of the parties is elaborated in process construction, negotiated price on persisting contract is defined with provision for specified revision.

.2. All change the initial negotiated price and period of construction or one of these parameter are arranged by additional agreement of the parties in writing.

.3. The Excess by Contractor of the design volumes and cost of the work, not confirmed by additional agreement of the parties to persisting contract, are paid by Contractor to its account provided that they are not caused by non-execution by Customer of their own obligations.

.4. Increase the cost and period of construction or one of these parameter, caused circumstance of the compelling force, can serve as a reference for conclusion by parties of the additional agreement on revision of these terms of contract.ITEM 3. OBLIGATIONS of the CONTRACTORwork execution on persisting contract Contractor in count provided in item 2 costs undertakes:

.1. Execute all work on construction in volume and periods, provided by the present contract and exhibits to him, and deliver the object a Customer in specified period able, providing normal his(its) usage.

.2. Produce work in full correspondence to with project, cost estimate, workers drawing and building rate and rule.

.3. Put(deliver) to construction site necessary material, equipment, products, building technology , with the exclusion of equipment, material and product, delivered by Customer, as well as realize their acceptance, unload and storage.

.4. Raise own power and facility on territory of the construction site all temporary buildings required for keeping material and work execution on persisting contract.

.5. Inform the Customer on conclusion of agreement contract with subcontractor on measure of their conclusion with instruction of the subject of the agreement, names and the address of the subcontractor, as well as on coordinated program about move construction object.

.6. Have responsibility before the Customer for behooving performance of the work on persisting contract attracted subcontractor for co-ordination of their activity.

.7. Provide in the course of construction execution on construction site necessary action on safety, guard surrounding ambiences, green plantings and the land, as well as install the illumination.

.8. Agree with organ of the state control order conduct of the functioning on object and enforce him(it) on construction site.

.9. Realize the insurance building risk.

.10. Provide the contents and cleaning the construction site and adjoining to her street band.

.11. Provide the guard building object material, equipment, building technology and the other property and buildings on construction site before termination construction and acceptance by Customer of the ready object.

.12. Remove at week period since day of the signing the act about acceptance terminated by construction of the object for limits of the construction site belonging to Contractor building machines, equipment, instruments, the building materials, temporary buildings and the other property, as well as building rubbish in place, specified by Customer.

.13. Execute on all amounts all their own obligation, provided in the following item persisting contract.ITEM 4. OBLIGATIONS of the CUSTOMERperforming persisting contract Customer undertakes:

.1. Transfer the Contractor at seven-day period since day of the signing persisting contract on act, signed by Contractor and the Customer, for a period of construction of the object and before his(its) terminations, construction site suitable to construction Simultaneously with this Customer will transfer the Contractor documents about tap of the places for storekeeping the spare soil and building rubbish and quarry for mining lacking soil.

.2. Transfer the Contractor at seven-day period since date of the signing persisting contract design-estimated documentation. Transferred Customer documentation must be formed in accordance with requirements of the building rates and rules and is approved in accordance with the established order.Presentation by Customer improper executed or некомплектной to documentation equales to her(its) непредставлению. The Contractor does not carry responsibility for quality worker drawings, schedule and the other documentation, transferred by Customer. When revealing in them defect Contractor reports on this Customer. The Expenseses, appearing for this reason beside Contractor in connection with correction of the executed functioning, are paid by Customer over cost, specified in item 2 persisting contract.in transferred Contractor worker documentation Customer contributes change, he is obliged at least 45 days before begin construction on changed documentation to transfer her(its) Contractor, indemnify him all expenseses and losses, incurred in connection with contributing the changes to worker documentation, and elaborate in consultation with Contractor negotiated price, but if required and periods of construction, provided by contract.

.3. Represent the material and equipment with documentation enterprise manufacturers, required for his(its) montage, which do not fall into volume of the deliveries of the Contractor.

.4. Will Submit payment executed by Contractor of the functioning in order, provided in item 2 and 10 persisting contract.the Customer will not execute upon the terms their own obligation, provided by the present contract, and this will bring about delay of the work execution on construction of the object, that Contractor has a right on extension of the period of construction on corresponding to period and on liberation for this period from payment of the fine for delinquency commissioning the project in usage.this case parties wil