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Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology, 117571

Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, Moscow, 113545

Biosynthetical Preparation of D-Labeled L-Phenylanine Produced by Methylotrophic Mu­tant Brevibacterium methylictim

Using L-phenylalanine producing mutants B. methylicum the study on application of methylotrophic bacteria to the biosynthetic production of amino acids labeled with stable isotopes was developed. The data are presented on the adaptation of phenylalanine producing methylotroph B. methylicum to maximal deuterium concentration in medium: 98 per cent D2O and 2 per cent CD3OD (v/v). The method developed enables to obtain deuterium labeled L-phenylalanine with various content of isotope up to complete substitution of hydrogene by deuterium which is approved by means of mass spcctrometry. The biosynthetical introduction of deuterium into produced amino acids was valued with the use of electron impact mass spectrometry of the methyl ethers of N-dansyl amino acids derivatives.

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