Example. - Main series: Department of State publication. - ISSN of main series: ISSN 0342-When the resource is published within a subseries the title of which is dependent on the title of the main series and in area 6 an adequate subseries statement is given, a note on the ISSN of the main series may be given (see 6.5.3).
7.6.3 If the key title of a series or subseries differs from the title proper of the series or subseries, a note may be given (see 6.1.3).
7.6-ISBD 2010 Notes relating to the contents 6570 7.7.1 Notes relating to the contents may include the list of contents and notes on other inclusions, such as indexes, inserts, bibliographies, discographies, etc.
For audiovisual materials, if the durations of individual works are given in the contents note, they are placed immediately after the bibliographic description.
For general notes on the nature and scope of the contents of a resource, see 7.1.2.
7.7.2 List of contents The titles of the works contained in a resource with a collective title (see may be given in a note.
Examples. - Contents: The homecoming / by Harold Pinter. Chips with everything / by Arnold Wesker. Marching song / by John Whiting 6580. - Contents: The L-d's address to K.G.II. The K-'s answer. A new ballad. - Contents: Voluntary I and Te Deum ; Voluntary and Jubilate. - Contents: Trap and guess ; Bumblebug ; Hidden treasures. - Contents: CD-ROM data (1:29) ; The young person's guide to the orchestra (16:27) ; Extra audio examples (55:43). - Contents: Les secteurs sanitaires ; Ensemble des mdecins spcialistes libraux par secteur sanitaire au 1.1.1979 ; Evolution de la densit des mdecins libraux par secteur sanitaire du 1.1.1976 au 1.1.. - Contents: The fourth millenium / Henry Brant (9 min). Music for brass quintet / Peter Phillips (14 min) 6590. - Contents: Getting ahead of the game (81 fr.) ; Decisions, decisions (55 fr.) ; Your money (72 fr.) ; How to be a loser (65 fr.) ; The law and your pocketbook (70 fr.) ;
The all-American consumer (63 fr.). - Contents: Klarinettenquintett A-Dur, KV 581 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (29 min).
Klarinettenquintett B-Dur, op. 31 / Carl Maria von Weber (24 min, 14 s) For multipart monographic resources:
The list of contents may include the designations, titles, statements of responsibility, statements of extent, etc., of the separate physical units constituting a multipart monographic resource.
Examples 6600. - Contents: Vol. 1, A midsummer night's dream ; Vol. 2, Henry IV. - Contents: Pt. 1, The fellowship of the ring ; Pt. 2, The two towers ; Pt.
3, The return of the king 7.7-7 ISBD. - Contents: Cohort file 1, Mature men (45-59 yrs.) ; Cohort file 2, Mature women (45-59 yrs.) ; Cohort file 3, Young boys (14-24 yrs.) ; Cohort file 4, Young girls (14-24 yrs.). - Contents: 1, Mixmatch / J. Broady and L.M. Tiems. Ollie the otter / Dana Brynner. 2, Capture the play / Paul Edelstein. Winner take all / Jennifer Drake.
. - Contents: 1, 1985-1989 ; 2, 1990-6610. - Contents: Pt. 1, The cause of liberty (24 min) ; Pt. 2, The impossible war (25 min) For multilevel description, see Appendix A.
7.7.3 Notes on other inclusions Notes may be made on bibliographies, indexes, and other parts of a resource if considered important to the users of the catalogue.
Examples. - Includes the text of the Gaming Act. - Includes references to summaries on U.S. demographic data. - Also includes newsfilms on Trooping the Colour 6620. - Bibliography: p.. - Discography: p.. - List of films: p. 323-. - Includes: Bibliography of Northwest materials. - Includes a list of works for further study. - Includes index. - Includes index of songs. - Indexes: Vols. 1-25 (1927-1951) in vol. 26, no.. - Summary in English: p. 143-For cartographic resources:
6630 Descriptions of insets, illustrations, sections and similar representations may be given in a note.
Examples. - Insets: three maps: Structural regions ; Topographical regions ;
Erosional and depositional regions. Scale 1:170 000 000 approx. 10 x 24 cm each. - North polar and South polar regions on polar proj. 8 cm diam. each, in left and right bottom corners 7.7-ISBD. - Illustrations: Decorative text cartouche in top left corner; peoples of the world and allegorical representations for Europe, Asia, Africa and 6640 America form the borders of the map. - Includes descriptive index, text, colour illustrations describing types of buoys, ships, lighthouses, fishes, birds, seaweed, sea anemones, and coral, and 9 local maps. - Insets at 1:50 000: Paris, Madrid, Bern, Amsterdam, London. - Insets with indexes: Plant City, Brandon Area, Apollo Beach, Del Webb's Sun City Center. - Includes insets of the Liverpool and Nottingham regions, 3 suggested tourist itineraries, distance chart, text, and advertisements. - Cross sections A-B; C-D; and E-F along bottom margin 6650. - Includes block diagram of area covered by map. - Includes an index map to adjacent sheets. - On verso: New map of South Hadley, Mass. Scale 1:15. - Maps of 18 ФInterchange layouts in Mahoning CountyФ and maps of Craig Beach, Sebring, Beloit, Canfield, Poland, New Middletown, Washingtonville, Lowellville, Stouthers, Campbell, and Youngstown, with street index, on verso. - Text, indexes, colour illustrations, list of tourist facilities and radio stations, route mileage log, controlled access highway map, pictorial map, historic places map, and local route maps, on verso of some 6660 sheets 7.7-ISBD 2010 Notes on the resource identifier and terms of availability area 7.8.1 Notes relating to the resource identifier and terms of availability Notes relating to the resource identifier and terms of availability may include notes of limited print run, issues or limited distribution.
Examples. - 250 copies printed. - Limited edition of 20 signed and numbered copies. - An edition of 75 copies, not for sale 6670. - Limited demonstration package. - Public domain software 7.8.2 Notes relating to binding Notes on the binding as issued by the publisher may be given. For notes on individual bindings, see 7.11.
Example. - First 25 copies bound in leather 7.8-ISBD 2010 7.7.9 Notes on the issue, part, iteration, etc., that forms the basis of the description Notes on the issue, part, iteration, etc., that forms that basis of the description may be given.
6680 If the description of a serial or multipart monographic resource is not based on the first issue or part published, the issue or part that forms the basis of the description is given in a note.
For serials:
The numbering is recorded in the form it would have if recorded in area 3.
Example. - Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 3 (May/June 1975) If the numbering of the last issue or part is not given in area 3 (see 3.3.7), a note on the latest issue or part consulted may be given.
Example. - Latest issue consulted: Nr. 43 (Mai 2001) 6690 For unnumbered monographic series:
If a description is made for an unnumbered monographic series itself, a note is given of the earliest analytic consulted and its date of publication, production, distribution, etc. If other analytics also have been consulted and the latest analytic can be identified, that analytic and its date of publication are also given.
Examples. - Description based on: The wood demon / by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov ; translated by Nicholas Saunders and Frank Dwyer,. - Latest volume consulted: Ibsen : four major plays / translated by Rick Davis and Brian Johnson, 6700 For integrating resources:
If the description is not based on the first iteration, a note is given on the latest iteration consulted in preparing the description.
Example. - Description based on: 1994 ed., through update For remote-access electronic resources:
The issue or iteration that forms the basis of the description of a remote-access electronic resource is given in a note, along with the date on which it was viewed.
Examples. - Description based on the iteration viewed on Oct. 12, 7.9-7 ISBD 6710. - Description based on: No. 3 (2004) viewed on Feb. 2,. - Description based on version dated: Oct. 4, 1997 13:22:. - Description based on home page (viewed on Feb. 28, 2003, last updated Jan. 8, 2002) 7.9-ISBD 2010 Other notes 7.10.1 Any other notes particular to the specialized material or considered important in the context of the cataloguing agency may be given.
Examples. - Duration: 123 min 6720. - Duration: 1 h, 18 min. - Keyboard tablature. - Graphic notation. - Tonic sol-fa notation For electronic resources:
These notes include a locally assigned file name, and notes on the date when the content of the resource has been copied from or to another source.
Examples. - Local data set name: RBBIT.. - Local file name: MENSAT 6730. - Resource copied Oct. 1996 from local area network 7.10.2 Notes providing a summary The summary provides a factual, non-evaluative account of the subject coverage. In content and expression the note may draw upon statements found on the resource, its container or accompanying textual matter. Information on the use of special techniques or processes may also be included.
Examples. - Pictures the highlights of the play Julius Caesar using photographs of an actual production. - Uses animation techniques to describe cycloidal curves and their applications, and to show how their properties can be used to explain the design of the Wankel rotary 6740 engine. - Uses time-lapse photography to illustrate the growth of crystals. - Uses shopping situations in a supermarket and a department store for the purpose of illustrating basic math concepts, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Provides user exercises and drills to reinforce the concepts. - Gives information on higher civil servants in U.S. federal agencies, including personal characteristics, educational background, and occupational mobility. - An interactive multimedia tool for studying the human anatomy. Users can select anterior, posterior, medial, or lateral views, each with dozens of layers, as well as specify gender and ethnic appearance 7.10-7 ISBD 6750 7.10.3 Notes relating to use/audience These notes, normally taken from statements on or in the resource, provide non-evaluative information as to the potential or recommended use of the resource and/or the intended audience. These notes may also specify restrictions on use of the resource.
Examples. - For ages 3-. - Restricted to municipal law enforcement personnel. - Designed for those with a professional interest in analyzing spatial data (geographers, planners, meteorologists, etc.). - Intended for senior high school students with knowledge of algebra 6760. - Resource closed until Jan.. - For use by library staff only 7.10.4 Notes on numbers Numbers or identifiers associated with the resource but not given in area 8 may be given in a note.
Examples. - Additional no. on label: A-. - On container: M1. - ICPSR study no.. - ISRC FR-Z03-91-7.10-ISBD 7.11 Notes relating to the copy in hand 6770 Notes on the copy being catalogued may be given. These may include notes relating to the physical characteristics of the copy, notes relating to Уbound withФ copies, provenance notes, and action notes.
Examples. - Ms. notes by author. - Signed by the composer. - Imperfect copy: missing cover and title page. - This copy hand tinted. - Number 11 of 50 signed and numbered copies. - Imperfect: Eastern portion and southwest corner wanting. - Illustrations coloured by hand 6780. - Bound in boards with a spine label reading: Poems of Gay. - In a tooled vellum binding. - Leaves I5-6 bound between h3 and h. - Imperfect: wanting leaves 12-13 (b6 and cl); without the blank last leaf (S8). - Bound with: The Boston Ebenezer. Boston : printed by B. Green & J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips, 1698; The cure of sorrow. Boston : printed by B. Green,. - Bound with: The whole booke of Psalms Е 1635 (STC 2661.5); The booke of common prayer Е 1633 (STC 16395). - Bound as no. 2 in a pamphlet volume with 16 other titles. - Inscription on inside of front cover: Theodorinis ab Engelsberg 6790. - Title page with repaired tear 7.11-ISBD 2010 8 RESOURCE IDENTIFIER AND TERMS OF AVAILABILITY AREA Introductory note The resource identifier and terms of availability area includes the resource identifier, the key title, and the terms of availability. The elements are defined in the glossary.
A resource identifier is any number or alphanumeric designation associated with and identifying a resource according to an international standard, such as an International Standard Book Number or an International Standard Serial Number, or a designation assigned by a publisher.
When a resource has more than one identifier and it is considered important to users of the catalogue to 6800 record more than one identifier, the area may be repeated. The resource may have more than one identifier for various reasons, for example:
because it is issued in more than one format or medium or by more than one publisher, producer, distributor, etc., or because it has an identifier for the individual part and also an identifier for the whole group of which it is a part.
In both cases, the identifier that specifically identifies the resource being described is given first. Other identifiers (e.g. for other formats, for the whole group, for other publishers) are given next, as repetitions of the area.
6810 Identifiers appearing on the resource that relate to its bibliographic history (e.g. ISBNs for earlier editions, the label name and issue number of a previous issue of a sound recording) are not given in area 8. When considered important to users of the catalogue, they may be given in area 7.
Contents 8.1 Resource identifier 8.2 Key title (continuing resources) 8.3 Terms of availability Prescribed punctuation A. The identifier and terms of availability area is preceded by a point, space, dash, space (. - ).
B. The key title is preceded by a space, equals sign, space ( = ).
6820 C. Terms of availability are preceded by a space, colon, space ( : ).
D. A qualification added either to an identifier or to the terms of availability is enclosed in parentheses ( ( ) ).
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