Examples. - Originally published: London : J. Tonson,. - Originally issued in 7.2-7 ISBD. - Previously published as: The players of Null-A. London : Dodson, 1970; originally published as: The pawns of Null-A. New York : Street and Smith,. - Formerly available as: CAS. - Reprint of the second edition: London : [s.n.], 6050. - Offprint from: Physical review ; 2nd series, vol. 70, no. 5-6, September 1 & 15,. - Reproduced from the map published by Nicolas Berey in Paris. - Reproduction of: Johannis Hevelii Uranographia totum coelum stellatum. Gedani,. - Facsimile reproduction of the first edition: St. Omer : [s.n.],. - Facsimile reproduction from a ms. original in the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada. - Based on the book of the same title by Ludwig Bemelmans. - Based on: The treasure of Franchard / by Robert Louis Stevenson. - Adaptation of: Draculus. 6060. - Revised version of the filmstrip issued in 1969 under title: Maps and atlas survey. - Edited version of 1972 motion picture entitled: The miracle of Bali : a recital of music and dancing. - "Information from official map reproduced under Government Printer's Copyright No. 4219 on 9/10/69". - Copy of original in Archivo General de Indias, Sevilla. - Program first issued by Educational Software in. - Electronic version of the print publication issued in. - Digital reproduction of the publication issued in. - Earlier parts of text published in 1984 and 1987 are digitised and made available 6070 online. - Replicates survey conducted in 1993 by author. - On container: Multimedia master version of the original 1985 two videodisc version. - Resource copied Oct. 1996 from local area network. - Revised edition of: Mental capacity : medical and legal aspects of the aging.. - "Map based on uncontrolled aerial photography flown 1972. Map field checked 1973" 7.2-ISBD 2010 Relationships to other resources Translations When the work contained in the resource is known to be a translation, the original title of the work, or, 6080 where appropriate, the key title and ISSN, is given in area 7 (see also 1.2.4). When the translation is known to be a translation of a particular edition of a work with its own title, this title is given first and may be followed by the title of the original work translated. When the resource contains several individual works, the translation notes may be included in the contents note.
For notes on the language of the title, see
For editions of a resource appearing simultaneously in different languages, see
Examples. - Translation of: La muerte de Artemio Cruz. - Originally published as: Five on Kirrin Island again. - Translation of: Gulliver's travels 6090. - Original title: Dissertatio physica de natura et remediis fulminum. - Original title: North Land footprints, or, Lives on Little Bent Tree Lake; translated from the French Editorial comment: Original English text translated first into French, then into Croatian.
. - Original title: Kira kira hikaru; translated into Finnish from the English translation:
Twinkle twinkle. - Translation of: Radiohimi = ISSN 0033-Title proper: Soviet radiochemistry Reproductions When the resource is an exact reproduction of another resource (for example, a facsimile reproduction or 6100 other photographic (or micro-) reproduction of a printed title, a sound cassette copy of a sound disc, a videotape reproduction of a motion picture, a digitisation) a note is given that the resource is a reproduction (see 2.1.1, 3.3.10, 4, Introductory note). The title of the original resource (when different from the title of the reproduction) and its publication details are given; the frequency of the original resource may also be given.
Examples. - Reproduction of the monthly publication, Paris : Librairie Rouquette Areas 1-5: Le banquet. - Reprod. [en fac-sim.]. - No 1 (mars 1892)-no 8 (mars 1893). - Genve : Slatkine, 1971. - 23 cm. - Reproduction of the monthly, later bimonthly, publication, Paris : H. Lemoine 6110 Areas 1-5: Le pianiste : [journal spcial, analytique et instructif]. - [Reprod. en fac-sim.].
- 1 (1833/34)-2(1834/35). - Genve : Minkoff, 1972. - Portr. ; 31 cm. - Facsimile reproduction. Originally published: London : R. Walton, [1654] Area 4: London : London Topographical Society, 7.2-7 ISBD. - Micrographic reproduction. Originally published: Porto : Trcio de Miranda, 1910Area 4: Lisboa : Biblioteca Nacional, 1986-. - Digital reproduction. Originally published: Impressa Romae : per B[ernardinum de] V[italibus], Area 4: Nacionalna i sveuilina knjinica, 6120. - Microform reproduction. Original edition: xiv, 624 p. Resources with different editions When the resource is one of two or more simultaneously published editions differing in partial content and/or language, the name of the other edition or editions is given. If the name of the other edition or editions is not readily available, a general note is made. If a resource is published in more editions than can be named conveniently, a general note is made.
Examples. - Also published in Early edition, 2-star edition, and 3-star edition Area 2: Final edition. - Also published in National edition 6130 Area 2: City edition. - Edition statement applies to program listings Editorial comment: Published in multiple editions with identical editorial material; program listings apply to specific geographic areas.
. - Numerous editions. - Also appears in French and German. - English edition of: Bulletin critique du livre franais = ISSN 0007-Title proper: New French books Resources with supplements, inserts, etc.
When the resource being described has one or more supplements and/or inserts, a note of the title (or, 6140 when applicable, the key title and ISSN) of the supplement and/or insert may be given.
Examples. - Supplement: Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society = ISSN 0307-Title proper: Numismatic chronicle. - Supplement: Das kleine Blatt Title proper: Der Kreis. - Includes text describing the geology of the area covered, in English and French. - Includes an index of populated places and distance table When these supplements are numerous, a general note about their existence may be given.
Examples 6150. - Eighth-10th eds. updated by quarterly and annual cumulative supplements 7.2-ISBD 2010 - Numerous supplements Supplement to or insert in When the resource is a supplement to or insert in another resource, a note of the title (or, when applicable, the key title and ISSN) of the main resource is given.
Examples. - Supplement to: Philosophical magazine = ISSN 0031-Title proper: Advances in physics. - Supplement to: La lettre du maire = ISSN 0395-Title proper: La lettre du maire (Paris). Textes et documents 6160. - Supplement to: Der Kreis Title proper: Das kleine Blatt. - Insert in: Transport public = ISSN 0249-Title proper: Action transport Other relationships Notes on other relationships between the resource being described and other resources may be given, provided that the nature of the relationship, the titles (or, when applicable, the key titles and ISSNs) of the other resource or resources are specified.
When two or more resources are published together, each resource is described separately; a note may be given with each description stating that two or more are published together.
6170 Examples. - Published with: Sugar industry abstracts Title proper: La sucrerie belge...
. - Published with: La sucrerie belge Title proper: Sugar industry abstracts...
. - Vol. 4, no. 1- published in: Driftwood Public Library gazette Title proper: Newsletter / Friends of Driftwood Public Library Editorial comment: Earlier issues published separately.
. - Issued with: G.T. Stockholm : Rumstedt, 1812; N.T. 4th ed., Stockholm : Rumstedt, 1811. Both also issued separately 6180 Relationships between continuing resources Continuation If a continuing resource is the continuation of another continuing resource, the title (or, when applicable, the key title and ISSN) of the previous resource is given in a note introduced by the word УContinues:Ф Example. - Continues: Monthly Scottish news bulletin = ISSN 0307-Title proper: Pointer 7.2-7 ISBD If a continuing resource is continued by another continuing resource, the title (or, when applicable, the key title and ISSN) of the subsequent resource is given in a note introduced by the words УContinued by:Ф Example 6190. - Continued by: Annual report of the General Manager - Transport Department, Glasgow Corporation = ISSN 0308-Title proper: Report of the General Manager for the year... / presented to the Glasgow Corporation Transport Committee Merger If a continuing resource is the result of a merger of two or more other continuing resources, the titles (or, when applicable, the key titles and ISSNs) of the previous continuing resources are given in a note introduced by the words УMerger of:Ф (or the equivalent in another languge).
Examples. - Merger of: British abstracts. B 1, Chemical engineering, fuels metallurgy, applied 6200 electrochemistry and industrial inorganic chemistry = ISSN 0365-8740; and of:
British abstracts. B 2, Industrial organic chemistry = ISSN 0365-Title proper: Journal of applied chemistry. Abstracts. - Merger of: Nordia tiedonantoja. Sarja A = ISSN 0359-2510; and of: Nordia tiedonantoja. Sarja B = ISSN 0359-Title proper: Nordia tiedonantoja / Oulun yliopiston maantieleen laitos. - Merger of: Emmenthaler Blatt; and of: Neue Berner Zeitung Title proper: Berner Zeitung If a continuing resource has merged with one or more continuing resources to form a new continuing resource, the title (or, when applicable, the key title and ISSN) of each of the other continuing resources is 6210 given in a note introduced by the words УMerged with:Ф, followed by the words Уto become:Ф (or the equivalent in another language) and the title of the new resource.
Examples. - Merged with: Journal of the British Ceramic Society = ISSN 0524-5133; to become:
Transactions and journal of the British Ceramic Society = ISSN 0307-Title proper: Transactions / British Ceramic Society. - Merged with: Gran va; to become: Revista Gran va de actualidades, artes y letras Title proper: Revista de actualidades, artes y letras. - Merged with: Nordia tiedonantoja. Sarja B = ISSN 0359-2529; to become: Nordia tiedonantoja (1995) = ISSN 1238-6220 Title proper: Nordia tiedonantoja. Sarja A. - Merged with: LТexportation en pratique; to become: Commerce extrieur Suisse Title proper: Euro centre Suisse Split or separation If a continuing resource is a new resource resulting from the split of a continuing resource into two or more continuing resources, the title (or, when applicable, the key title and ISSN) of the previous continuing resource from which it split is given in a note introduced by the words УContinues in part:Ф 7.2-ISBD 2010 - Continues in part: Proceedings - Institution of Mechanical Engineers = ISSN 00206230 Title proper: Proceedings / Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part Details of other continuing resources resulting from the split may also be given.
If a continuing resource splits into two or more continuing resources, the titles (or, when applicable, the key titles and ISSNs) of the subsequent continuing resources are given in a note introduced by the words УSplit into:Ф Examples. - Split into: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology = ISSN 0300-9629; and into: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. B, Comparative biochemistry = ISSN 0305-Title proper: Comparative biochemistry and physiology 6240. - Split into: Nordia tiedonantoja. Sarja A = ISSN 0359-2510; and into: Nordia tiedonantoja. Sarja B = ISSN 0359-Title proper: Nordia tiedonantoja / Pohjois-Suomen maantieteellinen seura If a continuing resource has separated from another continuing resource, the title (or, when applicable, the key title and ISSN) of the continuing resource from which it separated is given in a note introduced by the words УSeparated from:Ф Example. - Separated from: Boekengids Title proper: Jeugdboekengids Absorption 6250 If a continuing resource has absorbed one or more continuing resources while retaining its own title, the title (or, when applicable, the key title and ISSN) of each absorbed continuing resource is given in a note introduced by the word УAbsorbed:Ф Examples. - Absorbed: Annals of philosophy = ISSN 0365-Title proper: Philosophical magazine. - Absorbed: Panorama congiunturale Title proper: Notizie economiche UBS If a continuing resource has been absorbed by another continuing resource, the title (or, when applicable, the key title and ISSN) of the absorbing continuing resource is given in a note introduced by the words 6260 УAbsorbed by:Ф Examples. - Absorbed by: Quarterly review of marketing = ISSN 0307-Title proper: Marketing forum. - Absorbed by: Journal dТagriculture Suisse Title proper: Le cultivateur de la Suisse romande 7.2-7 ISBD The date the absorption occurred is included in the note when considered important to users of the catalogue.
Examples. - Absorbed in 1827: Annals of philosophy = ISSN 0365-6270 Title proper: Philosophical magazine. - Absorbed in 1975 by: Quarterly review of marketing = ISSN 0307-Title proper: Marketing forum Series with subseries If a serial has subseries with independent titles, the title (or, when applicable, the key title and ISSN) of each of the subseries may be given in a note.
Example. - Subseries: Cuadernos de geohistoria regional; Cuadernos de investigacin social Title proper: Documentos de la Facultad de Filosofa, Letras y Ciencias When these subseries are numerous, a general note about their existence may be given.
6280 Example. - Numerous subseries Subseries When the serial being described is a subseries, details of the main series are given in area 6 (see Series statement) and not in area 7.
7.2-ISBD 2010 Notes on the material or type of resource specific area 7.3.1 Mathematical data Notes on other mathematical or cartographic data additional to, or elaborating on, that given in Area 3 may be given.
6290 Examples. - "This map is constructed by using a special projection system that gives a perspective effect while the immediate lake area remains in scale". - Scale of original ca 1:1 Editorial comment: For an enlargement of an aerial photograph.
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