Курсовая работа посвящена изучению специфических особенностей британских образовательных сайтов. Образование представляет собой общественный институт, существование и функционирование которого являются одним из важнейших условий прогресса человечества.

СодержаниеПредмет исследования – лингвистические особенности англоязычного образовательного дискурса на примере британских образовательных
Теоретической базой
Источниками фактического материала
1. Теоретические основы изучения англоязычного образовательного и Интернет-дискурса
1.2 Концепт «образование» в английском языке
Специфика образовательного дискурса в Интернете
The principles upon which a university rests should lead us to resist and remedy explicit or implicit discrimination
Applications from students with disabilities are considered on exactly the same academic grounds as those from other students
1.4 Воздействующая функция Интернет-сайта и реализация категории оценочности.
2. Лингвистический анализ стратегий убеждения на материале британских образовательных сайтов
Welcome to West End College London.
Welcome to the College of North West London
English Language Courses
There are four academic divisions within Oxford University. All have a full-time divisional head and an elected divisional board
Undergraduate Courses
Courses for 14 - 19 year olds
2.2. Структура образовательной терминологии.
2.3 Лексические средства реализации стратегий убеждения
Welcome to West End College London, Welcome to the College of North West London.
WECL makes your stay and study in UK a very pleasant and rewarding experience.
The College offers an exceptionally wide choice of courses
Study courses are lead by experienced professionals and specialists who work to nurture the development of general and specific
It is one of the top London Colleges for accounting, business and computer studies
The College is one of the newest in London.
WECL makes your stay and study in UK a very pleasant and rewarding experience
Why Choose West End London College
Oxford’s remarkable global appeal continues to grow.
As the oldest university in the English-speaking world, Oxford is a unique and historic institution.
Oxford was the first University in the English-speaking world.
To remain amongst the top tier of scientific, engineering and medical research and teaching institutions in the world.
To continue to attract and develop the most able students and staff worldwide.
To communicate widely the significance of science in general and the purpose and ultimate benefits of our activities in particul
You can study with us either during the day or in the evening and enjoy learning in an exciting, stimulating, and diverse enviro
The College is situated in one of the most multi-cultural and diverse communities in the country
Promoting talent, creativity and intellectual excellence.
Arts London is Europe's largest university for art, design, fashion, communication and the performing arts.
That is why we believe that the greater we can make Oxford, the greater its contribution to the well-being of the world you and
Our aim is to remain at the forefront of centres of learning, teaching and research
West End College London (WECL) located in the heart of London city has been delivering high quality academic and vocational cour
Students come to Oxford from 139 different countries and territories.
With almost 20,000 students, 8,500 University staff, 3,000 College employees, and 180,000 alumni, people are what make Oxford an
WECL has been granted 'A' grade License of Tier 4 Sponsors
Throughout its history, Oxford has produced gifted men and women in every sphere of human endeavour who have studied or taught a
Группа оценочной лексики
2.4 Экспрессивный синтаксис как средство убеждения
Traveling across London can at times be difficult, particularly by car - the average traffic speed in the West End is just 8 mil
Повелительное наклонение также используется как одно из эффективных средств реализации воздействующей функции, например: Don't p
Список использованной литературы
Список источников фактического материала