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Asa B.Zykova
the problem of communication in the philosophy of
migel de unamuno

The article of A.B.Zykova “The problem of Communication in the Philosophy of Migel de Unamuno” presents communication as closely bound to the main line of thinking of Spanish philosopher: the theme of man’s finitude against the infinitude of the universe. The autor analyses Unamuno’s metaphysical concept of “pain”, sprung from the dramatic consciousness of a person’s mortality and his craving for immortality. Ability to feel compassion and share the pain of another – concrete – person is, for Unamuno, a basis of communication. The article dwells on Unamuno’s understanding of the role of imagination and language in communication, of on the essence of philosophical communication.
Alexey M.Rutkevich
“Understanding psychology” of k.jaspers

Central theme of this article are: causal explanation and understanding in psychology and psychiatry; main ideas of “General psychopathology” of K.Jaspers; his critics of psychoanalysis and Daseinsanalyse; relations between existential philosophy of Jaspers and his conception of psychotherapy.
Gayane M.Tavrizyan
gabriel marsel: being and intersubjectivity

In the article the close connection is viewed which Gabriel Marsel in his doctrine ascertains as existing between being and intersubjectivity. Intersubjectivity is admited to have an ontological status; existence is intersubjective as to its structure. Interaction, cooperation with the others runs of all through the inner world of a subject: his attitude to himself – it is “the intra-subjective multiplicity”.

The “refraction”of these ideas of Gabriel Marsel is of great investigational interest. It is in the drama, where the philosopher sees the widest possibilities of free, not fettered by philosophical premises discovery of interaction; here the varied range of human interrelations finds its spontaneous, polyphonic expression.
Tatyana P.Lifintseva
dialogue as the structure of being in martin buber’s religious existentialism

The article “Dialogue as the structure of being in Martin Buber’s religious existentialism” by Tatyana P.Lifintseva is devoted to the thoughtprovoking coctption of the dialogue delivered by one of the most interesting philosophers of our century. The argument is centered on the point that the twofold man’s attitude towards the world (“I – Thou” and “I – It”) serves as the basis and at the time as the means of destruction of the dialogue between man and God, man and man, man and the world. The problem of interpersonal communication is carefully researched by Buber in the aspect of mutual responsibility and love.
Irena S.Vdovina
Maurice Merleau-Ponty:
intersubjectivity and the ideas of phenomenon

This article on M.Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy is an analysis of intersubjectivity concept in connexion with the idea of “phenomenon”, which is the central concept of phenomenology. M.Merleau-Ponty determines the relation between the idea of phenomenon and the human evolution in the way of historical developement. As a result he gives an essentially new interpretation of the “phenomenon” concept. According him the man formates his history and culture, coming to be a creative subject of the world on the wey from the experience of “primary discovering of the world” (“primary perception”) to the communication in the speech practice and the art.
cjrrespondence between dilthey and husserl:
existential sources of phenomenology

The article pointe out the main sircumstances of the dialogue between Dilthey and Husserl. The investigation reconstructs the arguments, that could have been used by Dilthey against Husserl’s position, if a real discussion would take place. The question of Dilthey’s phenomenology is raised once more in a broader context of the essence of phenomenological method as such. The article makes an introduction to the discussion of existential origine of Husserl’s “rigorous science” principle and a comparative study of intersubjectivity-problem in the works of Dilthey and Husserl.
dialogue as fate. “Mit-sein” with the other in heidegger’s existential analytics

As Dasein has to be (hat zu sein), it never actually exists, moreover, it’s existence is the task of the future. The relation to the tradition should be understood as a relation of Dasein to the Other, that have ceased to exist (Dagewesenes Andere) in a way of recipating it’s question. The autor shows, that birth and death as constitutive moments of Dasein’s involvement into the tradition seem to build an a-symmetrical structure by Heidegger: birth is completely and fully a kind of directedness to the “have been” of the Other, whereas death imposes it’s rights on Dasein as on a separate and solitary antity and in that way isolates it from the Other. The author shows, that the relation between birth and death is nevertheless a symmetrical one: Dasein is essentially interested in some future being that would carry on it’s “ontological projects”. The article ends by pointing out the significance of this result for the phenomenon of a hermeneutical dialogue.
Alexey Z.Chernyak
the problem of verfication and
the experience of intersubjectivity

This paper investigates the question: is there any specific way of intersubjective verification? What happens when I get some truth as a basis for verification from the Other man, from the community, or from some domain of “objctive knowledge” intersubjectively constituted? The analysis of different manners of verification which thinking conscious individuals have their own sphere of inner experience shows that there is nothing are no any transcendendent to this sphere, and distinguishable from the subjective modes of verification specific way to verify something is just intersubjective.