«Мой родной город»
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- Программа курса „ Одесса -мой город родной «Одесса мой город родной» Программа курса, 322.08kb.
- Сочинение на тему «Что значит быть настоящим шарьинцем», 8.16kb.
- «Бабушкин сундучок», 120.38kb.
- «Я и мой город», 55.53kb.
- Положение о XII городском конкурсе детского рисунка «Я люблю мой город» Общие положения, 33.23kb.
- Положение о проведении конкурса литературно-творческого самовыражения «Башкортостан, 24.93kb.
- Проект «Мой родной Алтайский край», 91.14kb.
- Сочинение. Люблю тебя, мой край родной, 13.84kb.
- Положение о республиканском заочном конкурсе педагогов дополнительного образования, 40.28kb.
- -, 883.39kb.
Текст по английскому языку по теме «Мой родной город»
Kamchatka is my native city and I have lived there for the first 10 years of my life. I spent there the most beautiful time of my childhood. I remember the winters full of fun and happiness, when my sister and I liked sledding down the hill and playing snowballs. Winters in Kamchatka are rather cold and that was the reason why we had to miss school lessons sometimes. The city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski takes its name from saint apostles Peter and Paul.
The City is situated on the bank of the one of the picturesque bay in would called Avachenskaja. The interesting thing is that the bay was discovered by the Russian Cossacks in 1703 year. After that it was annexed to Russia in 1703. Since then lots of expeditions were undertaken to that place. Today Petropavlovsk city is one of the main administrative, cultural and industrial center in Kamchatka with the population is more than 194 thousand people. I must admit, that there are many volcanoes in Kamchatka. For example, in the North of Kamchatka is situated the chain consisting of five volcanoes. Two of them are active. Their names are Avachenski and Koriaski. In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski you can see many monuments and places of interest having historical value. Lots of tourists every year come to see the Valley of Geysers and to swim in the basin of Paratunka.